Readers Respond: Roxy Redux


Thank you so much for the comprehensive biographical profile of my dad, Roxy Rothafel, in the January-February issue (“The Roxy Ski Reports”). The article accurately outlines his journey from childhood into adult years where he honed his skills as journalist, broadcaster and expert skier—all of which culminated in “Ski Reports by Roxy.” Every so often I run into a fellow skier who remembers him. But, despite having millions of listeners for two decades, today he’s largely forgotten. Thankfully, organizations and publications like Skiing History will help keep his memory alive and acknowledge his contributions to the sport he truly loved.

Art Rothafel, Jr.
Villa Park, California


Thank you for calling the Belknap Snow Report

That was a great article on Roxy Rothafel. The photograph on page 21 showing the Belknap Ski School shows my grandfather, Fritzie Baer, on the far right wearing his red hat, which was his trademark. My grandfather set up one of the first answering machines at Belknap, which gave an accurate snow report. He was very proud of how he transformed Belknap in the nine years he was general manager. 

Bobby Arnold
Bow, New Hampshire

New isha Member Wins Rossignol Skis

During the final quarter of 2024, Rossignol offered a pair of skis and bindings as a lottery prize for a lucky ISHA member who joined or renewed during the calendar year. The winner is Bob Kelsey of Glen Carbon, Illinois, who first joined ISHA in March 2022. He’s a 67-year-old retired structural engineer who grew up skiing in the Adirondacks and now spends about a month every winter skiing in the West. Kelsey plans to spend February in South Lake Tahoe and is thrilled to have new skis to take with him. He says he’s hooked on Skiing History and will be a lifelong reader.