ISHA Honor Roll: Skiing History audience grew 23 percent in 2024
Donors contributed 43 percent of budget.
The nonprofit International Skiing History Association enjoyed a successful year in 2024, despite iffy snowfall the preceding winter that led to a 1.5 percent drop in operating revenue.
Total paid audience (including active members and bulk magazine distribution to sponsors and clubs) rose 23 percent during the year ending in December, to 2,765 (active members totaled 1,617). This meant a 4 percent increase in membership/magazine revenue.
The 2024 fundraising campaign raised $138,661 from 392 individuals and families. Donations covered 43 percent of the costs of publishing Skiing History magazine and running all ISHA programs. Many thanks to Deb Armstrong and John McMurtry for leading the annual campaign, and to our generous donors.
Sixty-six companies and organizations contributed $47,200 in corporate sponsorship funding.
Despite increased prices for printing and postage, the cost to produce the magazine rose less than one percent in 2024, while staffing and administrative costs rose 5 percent. The investment fund grew 3.4 percent (after withdrawal of $50,000 to cover the usual summertime cash flow shortfall). The balance sheet rose 2.3 percent for the year.
The budget breakdown includes 68 percent to support programs (publishing the magazine and website, the museum grant and awards program, Skiing History Week and member communications) and 32 percent to fundraising and administration costs.
ISHA is a 501(c)(3) public charity, eligible to receive grants from family and community foundations, donor-advised funds and corporate-matching programs, in addition to direct contributions from individuals. If you’re interested in supporting a specific ISHA program, or if your firm would like to be a corporate sponsor, please contact Executive Director Janet White ( or 802-375-1105).
Income 2024
- Donations $138,661
- Sponsorships $47,200
- Memberships/Magazine Sales $61,734
- Interest/Dividends $19,628
- Events $11,975
- Realized Capital Gain $44,352
- Total $323,550
Expenditures 2024
- Magazine Production $132,837
- Events, ISHA Awards Program $55,043
- Website $32,066
- Administration & Bookkeeping $86,164
- Fundraising $8,471
- Membership Recruiting $8,969
- Total $323,550
Listed here are the donors who supported ISHA’s mission in 2024 with tax-free donations and gift memberships above and beyond their membership dues.
Pinnacle Club $10,000 and up
- Jake Hoeschler
- Nicholas Skinner
- Barry & Kristine Stott
Chairman’s Circle $5,000 to $9,999
- W. Mason Beekley Family Foundation
- Jean-Claude Killy
- Liza & George Kremer
Super Givers $2,000 to $4,999
- Elliot Cooperston
- Gordon Hine
- Mike & Carol Hundert
- Peter Kirkpatrick Family Trust In Memory of John Fry
- Stephanie McLennan
- Virginia Pfeiffer In Memory of Doug Pfeiffer
- Louise & Stephen Storey, MD
History Leader $1,000 to $1,999
- Adirondack Foundation
- Adaline Ancinas
- Aspen Community Foundation
- Brian Balusek
- Skip Beitzel In Honor of Klaus Obermeyer
- Brian Fairbank, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
- John & Jackie Bucksbaum
- Nancy Cushing
- Carter Emerson
- Nicholas Giustina In Gratitude to Bob Woodward
- Lisa Hjorten
- Peter Kellogg
- Michael Lafferty
- Peter Looram, National Philanthropic Trust
- Seth Masia In Memory of Tom Lippert
- Juliette McLennan
- Renee & Marvin Melville
- Richard Pearce
- Charles Perkins
- Penny Pitou/New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
- Thomas Richardson
- David Scott
- Barry & Carol Stone In Memory of Jeff Stone
- Stephen Storey In Memory of Stefan Siegmann
- Otto Tschudi
- Peter Weaver
- Thomas Wilkins
Gold Medalist $500 to $999
- Nigel A S Jones
- Graham & Christie Anderson
- Baird Foundation
- Peter & Jane Barrett
- Tim Boden
- Jennifer & Michael Calderone
- John (Jaycee) & Patty Clark
- Michael Delich
- Yves Desgouttes
- John Douglas
- Jamie Duke
- Sarah Faulkner
- Chuck & Nancy Ferries
- Jim Gaddis
- Mark Graham
- Hugh Harley
- Nigel Jones
- Henry A. Kauffman
- Sepp & Measi Kober
- Chris Lizza
- Win Lockwood
- John Logan
- Susan Hagemeister & Mark Martin In Honor of Hans Hagemeister
- Robert & Trudy Matarese
- Debby McClenahan
- Steve & Julie Meineke Family
- Foundation
- David Moffett
- Bradley Olch
- Philip Palmedo
- Thomas & Luann Pierce
- Glen Poulsen
- Christian Raaum
- Alan & Nancy Greene Raine
- Ken Read
- Bruce & Julie Rosenoff
- Barbara Simon
- William & Carolyn Stutt
- Einar Sunde
- Lon Thomas
- Charles (Chuck) Thorndike
- Annie Ward
- Richie & Viki Woodworth
Silver Medalist $100 to $499
- Bo & Cindy (Cynthia) Adams
- Guy Alexander
- Alf Engen Ski Museum Foundation
- Susan and Dean Allen In Memory of Dick Cutler
- Vicki Anderson
- Bob and Tina Ashton
- Carol Atha
- Karin Baker In Memory of Nick Hock
- Lisa Ballard
- F. Michael Bannon
- H. Carter Barger
- Nat Barker
- Bill Barrier
- Phil Bayly
- Kevin Beardsley
- Stephen & Louise Berry
- Nicholas C & Ellen K Besobrasow
- J. Truman & Ludmila Bidwell
- Michael Bing
- Heather Black
- Mickey Blake
- John Blatchford
- Spencer Bocks
- Marilyn & Robert Bolduc
- Junior Bounous
- C. Keith Bowen
- Peter Brainard
- Michael Briggs
- G. Stanley Brown
- Jan & Judith Brunvand
- Daniel Burack (Enterprises)
- Samuel Camarata
- Douglas Campbell
- Harvey & Reserl Chalker
- Eric Cherashore
- Bonnie Clark
- Robert Cochran
- Jamie & Hilleary Coleman
- Steven Corneillier
- Robert Corroon In Memory of John Burton Carpenter
- Jay Cowan
- Robert Craven
- Richard Crumb
- Joseph & Mary Cushing
- Michael Davenport
- Christopher Davenport
- Dennis and Dianne De Cuir
- Margaret (Peggy) Dean
- Jason Densmore
- Ralph & Heidi Derbyshire
- Mark DeSantis (Ski MD LLC)
- Peter R. & Diane L. Dirkes
- Mary Dominick
- David Donaldson
- Greg Dupratt
- John Durocher
- Dorothy Dyer
- Dianne & John Eichenour
- Alan K & Barbara L Engen
- Yiannis Exarchos
- Thomas Farda
- Mitchell Fleischer
- Gemeinnuetziger Foerderve
- Ingegerd Franberg
- Robert & Deborah Fries
- Karin Anne & Victor Frohlich (Frohlich Living Trust)
- Kenneth Gallard In Memory of John Fry
- Caleb & Sidney Gates
- David Gates
- Kirby & Wendy Gilbert
- John Gilbert
- Rick Glesner
- Christina Gnehm-Boyle In Honor of Gus Gnehm
- Robert B Goode
- Peter Graves
- Austen Gray Gray
- Judy Gray
- Vernon Greco
- Larry E Gubb
- Ernst Hager
- Curtis Hammond
- Erica Hansen
- Edward Hanson
- David Harnden
- Hill Hastings In Memory of Bettie Hastings
- Newlin & Liz Hastings
- Janet Havard
- Robert Havard
- Cathy Hay, Alpine Sport Shop
- Strick Heilman
- Tom & Roberta Heinrich
- Helm of Sun Valley/Inside Line, Inc
- S Herbert
- John & Victoria Hoagland
- David & Ruth Hoff
- Ron Hoffman
- William & Linda Holman
- David Holton
- Paul Hooge
- William Humes
- Jim Hunter
- Kris Husted
- Julien and Trudie Hutchinson
- David & Nancy Ingemie
- Steven C. Irwin
- Julia Jackson In Memory of Walter E. Jackson
- William Jensen
- David C. Johnson
- Philip & Brigitte Johnson
- Jim Kauffman
- Stuart Keiller
- Michael Kendrick
- Alfred Kimberley
- Kim Kimberley
- David & Mary Jane Kirkpatrick
- John Kirschner
- Leon Kirschner
- Mimi Levitt
- John Lewis
- Robert & Susan Luby
- Phil Lutey
- James Mahaffey
- Thomas Malmgren
- James & Nancy Mangan
- Bill Marolt
- Jeff Mayfield
- Jessie McAleer
- Christine McRoy
- Charles McWilliams
- Wayne Metcalf
- Mark Miller
- Robin Morning
- Halsted Morris
- John Morton Outdoors
- Roger Moyer
- Paul & Teresa Naeseth & Buccarelli
- Michael Neal
- Chris Neary - Vertical Source
- Michael Noonan
- Edward Nunes
- Athy O'Keeffe In Memory of Richard Thales Cutler
- Gary Olson
- George Page
- Tom Parrott
- Tom & Sally Patterson
- Christina Paup
- Eric & Kim Pearson
- Peter Pell
- Ned Post
- Finn Poulsen
- Michael Prinster
- Roland Puton
- Thomas Quarles
- Stuart Rempel
- Kenneth Rendell
- Alex Riddell
- David Ries
- Matt Rittman
- Bill Roberts
- Carolyn Ruschp
- Mary Sargent
- Neil Sawyer (Sawyer Enterprises)
- Robert Sayre
- David Schames
- Richard Schatten
- J. & J. Schiffman
- Don Schwamb
- William Scott (Morgan Stanley)
- Allan & Sally Seymour
- Judith Sherman
- Brad Simmons
- Andrew Simonds In Memory of Richard Cutler
- Curt Simonson
- Lowell Skoog
- Michael & Sharon Smith
- Robert Soden
- Robert Sorvaag
- Arthur Stegen
- Nancy Stone
- John Stout
- Samuel Stout
- Christopher Sweet
- Kimberly & Jeff Temple
- Robert and Dorothy Tengdin
- Mark & Joanne Ter Molen
- Charles Todd
- Richard Tucker
- Nancy Tibott Twitty
- Egils Vigants
- Lawrence Walsh
- Roger Wangen
- Raymond Watkins
- Bill & Pris Watson
- Doug & Julie Webb (Charitable Fund)
- Lindsay Wert
- James Wharton
- Sheila Whitman In Honor of David & Renie Gorsuch
- Nancy Winship In Memory of Dick Cutler
- Pete Wither
- Vic Wortman
Bronze Medalist Up to $99
- Nancy Abens
- Margi & Bob Albrecht
- Caralue Anderson
- Alan L. Baker
- Edward Baldwin
- Zeno Beattie
- Chip Benson In Memory of Dick Cutler
- James Berry
- Henri Bigo
- Kerri & Michael Bisner
- Peter Bogart
- Julia Bookstrom
- Richard Boutelle
- Sally Brew
- Rouene Brown
- Nancy Brucken
- Barry Bryant
- Robert Campbell
- Dorothy Cantor
- Tom Chasse
- Catherine Cloutier
- David Cobasko
- Ned & Janet Cochran
- Steve Cohen In Honor of Richard “Super-Salesman” Cutler
- Margaret Cone
- Lance Cygielman
- Enzo Di Salvatore
- Christine Donovan
- Dick Dorworth
- Siliva Doyle
- Randy Draper
- Mark Druy
- Eric Durfee
- John Durocher
- Frederick (Jack) & Kathleen Eck
- John Farley
- Wolf & Nancy Gensch
- Giving Tuesday
- David Goodman
- Robert Grant
- Wende Gray
- Stephanie Hastings
- Brett Heineman
- Thomas Henry
- Adam Howell
- William Howell
- Greg Jackson
- Kathleen James In Memory of Dick Cutler
- Jane & David Kaufman
- John Kelley
- Paul Kenny
- Earl Kishida
- Gilman Lang
- Sara Laytham In Memory of Richard Cutler
- Sheila Leewens
- Tom Lennon
- Paul Leslie
- Norman Liman
- Jean Luce
- John Lutz
- Harold Mac Murren
- Richard Malmgren
- Jay Martin
- Dan Matthies
- Wood McCahill
- Michele McClinton
- O Ross & Helen P McIntyre & Whyte
- Louis & Karen Miller
- Stan & Sally Morse
- Mark Mueller
- Tracy Murtagh
- Robert Musser
- Christopher Newell
- Annie O’Donohoe In Memory of Richard Thales Cutler
- Deana & Val Painter
- Ruth Parton
- Eric Pearson
- Nancy Pesman
- John Petrich
- Stanton Phillips
- James Powers
- Bob Presson
- Thomas Quinn
- Carl Rapp
- Robert Ravich In Memory of Richard “Dick” Cutler
- Edward Rengers
- Reinhard Richter
- Rene Robert
- Albert & Julie Rosenblatt
- Arthur Ruegger
- Robert & Allene Sayre
- Fred Schaaff
- Rod Schrage
- Henry & Deborah Schwarzberg
- Zoran Sekulic
- Thomas R Sharp
- Kevin Simard
- Ron Steele
- Donald Sturgess
- William Stutt (Carwill Foundation)
- Edith Swift
- Robert Thibault
- Christopher Thiele
- Paul Vesterstein
- Richard & Barbara Wagner
- Haley Wallace
- Patrick Walsh
- Charles Webb
- Sue Westphal In Memory of Richard T. Cutler
- James Wick
- Gregory Witt
Early Givers
These donors got an early start, sending charitable gifts during the first weeks of 2025.
- Graham Anderson
- W Mason Beekley Family Foundation
- Skip Beitzel
- Andrew Bigford
- Thomas J. Engelman
- Hugh Harley
- Lisanne & William Hegman
- Jake Hoeschler
- Adolph Imboden
- Peter Ingvoldstad
- Ken Jones
- Henry A Kauffman
- Arthur Kelton
- A. G. Kimberley
- Kim Kimberley
- Charles Leavitt III
- John Lovett
- Seth Masia
- Renee & Marvin Melville
- Louis & Karen Miller
- Robert & Allene Sayre
- Andrew Simonds
- Ron Steele
- Donald Sturgess
- Eric Sundholm
- Sandra Thaxter
- Barbara Thornton
- Lee Turlington