ISHA News: 31st Annual ISHA Awards

Lifetime Achievement Award to Christin Cooper
The International Skiing History Association is pleased to announce the 19 recipients of its annual awards honoring the best works of history published during 2022. Winners include four films, 10 books, four honorable mentions and a Lifetime Achievement Award.
First established in 1993, the ISHA Awards include the year’s best creative works of ski history, including books, films, websites and other media projects.
The awards will be presented during an Awards Banquet at Big Sky Resort, Montana, on March 22.
Ullr Book Awards—for histories of global interest
Powder Days: Ski Bums, Ski Towns and the Future of Chasing Snow by Heather Hansman
Österreichs Skisport im Nationalsozialismus: Anpassung–Verfolgung–Kollaboration (Austrian Ski Sport in the Time of National Socialism: Adaptation–Persecution–Collaboration) by Andreas Praher
Surmonter les frontières à ski - Grenzen überwinden mit Ski (Overcoming Frontiers/Limits on Skis) edited by Thomas Busset and Peter Engel (German and French)
Heroes in Good Company: L Company, 86th Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, 1943–1945 by Skyler Bailey
Trail to Gold: The Journey of 53 Women Skiers by the U.S. Olympic Women Cross-Country Skiers–1972–2018 Editor Sue Wemyss
Baldur Book Award
Rise: My Story by Lindsey Vonn
Skade Book Awards—for regional histories
Winter’s Children: A Celebration of Nordic Skiing by Ryan Rogers (John Fry Award for Excellence)
Traveling the Old Ski Tracks of New England by E. John B. Allen
Ski Jumping in the Northeast: Small Towns and Big Dreams by Ariel Picton Kobayashi, Publishing agent Katie Perry
Provenance in the Snowfields: 60 Years of the Dulmison Ski Club Australia by Donald Johnston
Film Awards
Magic in the Mountains by David Johnson, Coolfire Studio
Picabo Directed by Lindsey Vonn, Produced by Greg Groggel, Olympic Channel
Lifetime Achievement Award
Christin Cooper, for her 30-year broadcasting career.
ISHA Museum Grant
The Maine Ski and Snowboard Museum receives a $5,000 grant from ISHA (see page 25).
Honorable Mentions
My Life in Winters: The Extraordinary Tale of One Man’s Journey Through the Rise of the Ski Industry, by Mike Ewing (Baldur Award)
Copper Mountain Resort: Fifty years of Fortitude, by Tim Nicklas (Skade Award)
Passion and Purpose (Series) by Jalbert Productions International (Film Award)