Ski Magazine Back Issues and Index, 1941-1993

In 1935 Seattle native Al Nydin had the idea for a magazine about skiing. Until that time most ski periodicals and annuals were association-published. In publishing America’s first independent, commercial magazine, Nydin used the title SKI. The first issue appeared in January 1936.
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Index to Ski Magazine 1941-1993
by Morten Lund, Kirby Gilbert, Andrew Leser and Alan Adler
February 1941
(Frontispiece-"Afternoon Skiing" by Soltan Sepeshy)
A Month With Bertha by Lowell Thomas, Jr. pg. 11
Avalanche pg. 14
Master the Fundamentals by Friedl Pfeifer pg. 16
Adelbert Stems by Richard Durrance pg. 18
Ski Hut by Livingston Longfellow pg. 20
Heat On Ice by Frank Cunningham pg. 21
He Made His Mark-Hostmark (A Skilhouette) by Fred H. McNeal pg. 22
Photographic Section pg. 23
Dynamics of a Ski Turn by Malcolm Rorty Pg. 27
Who Needs Snow? pg. 29
The Tracks of Gullick Springen by Dave Bradley pg. 44
On the Calendar pg. 1
Between Runs pg. 6
Ski, She, Chi-Chi by Milo Gray pg. 30
And the Men pg. 34
Scene On Snow pg. 36
Equipment pg. 39
Snow Shutters by Richard Durrance pg. 41
Straight Knee and Bent Elbow by Joaquin LeBerson pg. 42
Ratings and Beratings pg. 44
Spring 1941
(Frontispiece-"Close Work on the Wildcat" by Wayne Davis)
Stem Into Spring by Austin Tebbins pg. 11
White Water Schusses by Alexander Grant, Jr. pg. 14
Watch the Birdies by Elon Jessup pg. 16
Adelbert Christies by Karl Acker pg. 18
Can You Walk On Skis? by Mort Amundsen pg. 20
Sierra Safari by Robert J. Schenck pg. 21
Photographic Section pg. 23
The Queen of St.Anton (A Skilhouette) by David York pg. 27
Parallel or Arlberg? by Fritz Loosli and Friedl Pfeifer pg. 28
Without Skis pg. 32
Silver Came First by Carolyn Stearns and Frank Ashley pg. 45
On the Calendar pg. 4
Between Runs pg. 6
Ski, She, and Chi-Chi by Milo Gray pg. 30
And the Men pg. 34
Scene on Snow pg. 36
Equipment pg. 39
Show Shutters by Richard Durrance pg.41
Straight Knee and Bent Elbow by Joaquin LeBerson pg. 42
Ratings and Beratings
November 1, 1948
Ski-Scope pg. 7
Inside Report: International Racing Spews Discord by James Laughlin pg. 8
Fashions: French Influence Hits Styles pg. 11
Resorts: Sport Gets New Lift -12 Of Them (Sun Valley & West) pg. 14
Equipment: New Gear Suits Skiers From Ground Up pg. 18
Collegiate: Athletic Directors Polled On Skiing pg. 23
Shopping: Store Cadge Gadgets Galore pg. 26
Juniors: Peewees Prove Racing Fun pg. 27
Competition: Prager Names Greats, Grits & George pg. 30
Canadian: Matt Wins Race - Against Death (Toni Matt) pg. 38
November 15, 1948
Ski-Scope pg. 5
Inside Report: Ski Bums Wait Table, Ogle Heiresses by Art Moffatt pg. 6
Equipment: U.S. Streamlined 1915 Norse Skis pg. 8
Resorts: S.W. Nomads Ski Far & Wide pg. 10
Fashion: Twin Styles Win Praise pg. 12
Competition: Where Did Our $50,000 Go? Pg. 14
Canadian: pg. 16
Juniors: Reading, Writing & Skiing Stressed pg. 24
Associations: Far West, Here I Come pg. 25
Collegiate: St. Lawrence Gears For Rookie Or Star pg. 26
Safety: .0009 Of Stowe Skiers Hurt pg. 28
Photography: Thorner Scores Hit pg. 29
Technique: Balance Key of Technique pg. 31
Shopping: CARE Means Carefree Christmas Rush pg. 32
December 1, 1948
Ski-Scope pg. 7
Inside Report: Comradeship In Skiing Needs Rebirth by Hal Burton pg. 8
Fashions: Designs Aim At Agility, Smartness pg. 10
Resorts: Sun, Moon & Starlets Shine (Southern California & more) pg. 15
Juniors: Small Fry To Shine In ’49 pg. 28
Technique: Fear Dogs Beginner’s Heels pg. 34
Canadian: Frozen Cash Cools Project pg. 36
Business Trends: Area Solidarity Increases Income pg. 38
Foreign: USSR Votes "Da" On Tours pg. 41
Collegiate: Racing Collegians Brace pg. 44
December 15, 1948
Ski-Scope pg. 9
Inside Report: Top Competitors Must Train In West by Wolfgang Lert pg. 10
Resorts: Ski Areas Gird For Holiday Crowds pg. 13
Collegiate: Skiing Sparks Middlebury’s Growth pg. 18
Equipment: New Skiers Grow in Back Yards pg. 19
Juniors: Central Fosters Future Skiers pg. 24
Competition: Two Hundred Thirty One Meets On Schedule pg. 26
Fashion: Benedikter Shows Flexible Parka pg. 28
Associations: NSA Program Hinges On Support pg. 30
Canadian: Quebec Plans Busy Race Year pg. 32
Foreign: Continental Resorts Sparkle (Europe) pg. 36
Technique: Foxhound Technique by Katharine A. Wahlgren pg. 37
Scholastic: The Maine Approach pg. 42
Outside Report: Skiers Is Funny People by W.P.G. Chapin pg. 44
January 1, 1949
Ski-Scope pg. 9
Inside Report: U.S. Jumping Faces Dinosaurs Fate by Whitey Fuller pg. 10
Juniors: Tiny Skiers Win Laurels pg. 14
Equipment: I - Beams And Horseshoes pg. 17
Technique: For Speed, Counter Shoulders pg. 19
Resorts: Whitefish Prepares For Nationals pg. 23
Canadian: Nova Scotia Gains Ski Converts pg. 30
Safety: Troopers Talk Temperance pg. 32
Collegiate: Dartmouth Capable of Top Spot pg. 35
Business Trends: Tow Tickets Present Problem pg. 36
Foreign: Europe’s Patches and Repairs pg. 37
People: No Hiding Place Down There pg. 38
Outside Report: Skiers Shure Git Steamed Up by Don Hyatt pg. 40
January 15, 1949
Ski-Scope pg. 7
Inside Report: Anton Trunk Guards Rare Photographs
by Benno Rybizka pg. 8
Resorts: Berkshire Area Geared for Crowds pg. 10
Equipment: Lamination Adds Strengh, Balance pg. 16
People: Winning Finns Compete In U.S. pg. 18
Fashions: Trail Comfort Starts At Skin pg. 22
Canadian: St. Jovite Claims Girl Champ pg. 26
Collegiate: Colleges Grope For Organization pg. 30
Juniors: For Kids - A Fine Opportunity pg. 34
Scholastic: Girls Lack Ski Competition pg. 35
Foreign: Snow and Rubber Burner by H. W. Mitchel pg. 39
Outside Report: Skiing is Peer-Less Sport by Fritz Kramer pg. 40
February 1, 1949
Ski-Scope pg. 7
Inside Report: Bold Trio Braves Wild Mount Mulch
by Bernard Flanagan pg. 8
Technique: Skiers Not Schools Differ in Style by James Laughlin pg. 10
Resorts: Storms Bring Joy, Frustration pg. 11
Competitions: Eastern Posponenments Piling up pg. 16
Equipment: Boot-Loc Bulldogs Boot With New Toe Clamp pg. 20
Collegiate: California Colleges On Upswing pg. 22
Canadian: Championship Crowns On Block pg. 24
Photography: Filters And Exposures Aid Sun by George Burns pg. 26
Business Trends: Skiers’ Confidence Top Shop Asset pg. 28
Scholastic: Entry Blanks Out For Junior Nationals pg. 29
People: Ray Smith Backs Reno’s Racing pg. 30
Foreign: Parsenn Alp Gave Name To Region pg. 31
Associations: Cortlanders Provide Own Skiing pg. 32
Fashions: Triangle Design Gives Trim Line pg. 33
Outside Report: If You First Don’t…. by Harry Lea pg. 36
February 15, 1949
Ski-Scope pg. 5
Inside Report: Competitors Resent Over-Officiousness by Ryden Skinner
Foreign: French Spokesman Answers Charges pg. 8
Resorts: Winter Carnivals Highlight Scene pg. 10
Collegiate: Washington Looms As Strong Team pg. 12
People: pg. 13
Business Trends: Mass Summer Vacations Threat To Skiing
by Royal Blanchard pg. 14
Competition: pg. 16
Canadian: Toronto Skiers Scorn Lack of Snow pg. 17
Equipment: Plastic Soles Protect, Stiffen Skis pg. 18
Juniors: Mighty Mites Four Events Skiers pg. 20
Associations: Blue Mountain Club is Host pg. 23
Outside Report: Ski Meister Quits: Insanity Suspected by W.P.G. Chapin pg. 24
March 1, 1949
Ski Scope pg. 5
Inside Rpt: Spring Is Corn Snow, Sun Baths,
Effortless Turns by James Laughlin pg. 6
Competitions: Ski Jumping is Here to Stay by Gorden Wren pg. 8
Scholastic: Club Lures Harm Young Skiers pg. 10
Resorts: Elko Draws California-To-Utah Traffic pg. 12
Photography: Good Ski Movie Demands Planning pg. 13
Juniors: League For Juniors Fosters Team Effort pg. 14
Safety: pg. 15
Canadian: Skis Provided For Orphans pg. 13
Business Trends: Good Instructors Not Always "Names"
by John Litchfield pg. 18
Foreign: by Luis Langemier pg. 19
Collegiate: Skiing Requried For McGill Phys. Ed. Degree pg. 22
Equipment: Goodmans Ski, Invent Designs pg. 23
Outside Report: The Elliptical Technique of Skiing pg. 24
March 15, 1949
Ski Scope pg. 5
Easterners Cop Eleven Titles by Bill Eldred pg. 6
First American Derby Won by Latreille, Eaves by Delphine Carpenter pg. 7
Hans Holass Cross Country Champion by Lonnie Demaray pg. 8
Hugsted Wins Open Jump, Art Devlin Nabs Second pg. 9
Townsend Victor in Classic pg. 9
Resorts: Skiers Bask in Sun, Corn Snow pg. 10
Famous First in Michigan pg. 11
Associations: pg. 14
Miscellany: pg. 15
Equipment: Careful Waxing "Must’ For Spring pg. 16
Foreign: Boliva Claims Highest Ski Area by Manuel-Jose Tramullas pg. 17
Scholastic: Miller Wins U.S. Junior Title pg. 18
Canadian: French Team Tops All Dominion Racers pg. 19
Juniors: Bemelmans Start Lech Tradition pg. 21
Collegiate: Indians and Huskies Top College Ski Teams pg. 23
Outside Report: Have You Been A Penguin? by Bill McMorrow pg. 24
November 1, 1949
Ski-Scope: New Lifts And Tows On Nation’s Hills pg. 6
Ski Thanksgiving pg. 8
What Makes A Champion (Gretchen Fraser) pg. 9
Weekend Incident: Reno Moves To Make Racing Safer pg. 10
14 Arlberg Kandahar pg. 11
I Taught My Girl To Ski by Gene Field pg. 12
Exercises For Winter Fitness pg. 13
Finances Problem For Ski Patrols pg. 14
Are Skiers Tightwads? by L. M. Vonel pg. 14
July Skiing: Midsummer Night Dream Come True (Utah) pg. 15
Fashion: Colors of Rainbow Parade On Ski Slopes pg. 16
Pfeifer FIS Trainer pg. 18
Lunn Quits FIS Seat Protests Ski Politics pg. 20
Hupp On Ski Hills With People You Know pg. 20
More Lifts and Tows In Berkshires Now pg. 21
Why Not Make Them Skiing Children? By H. P. Henry pg 22
New Development for New Yorkers pg. 24
New Racing Timer Prevents Errors pg. 26
Paradise Valley Poses Ski Controversy pg. 30
New Products: Boots, Plastics, Waxes pg. 31
November 15, 1949
Quarter Million Dollar Facial, Ryan Develops Tremblant Skiland pg. 2
New Boot Tree Dexdahl Product pg. 5
Ski-Scope: West Sierra Land Growing Ski Mecca pg. 6
Europe Report by Bill and Dris Dunaway pg. 8
On a Sunday, Tragedy Travels On Hickory Boards by Pepe Casanova pg. 9
No Time for Racing by Lawrence A. Rubin pg. 10
Bright Boy, Our Alec Pushes Sport of Skiing pg. 11
Characters in Sketches pg. 12
Overseas Picture; What Rope Tows? Ask Norwegians by Tor Torland pg. 14
New Jay Film Goes on Tour pg. 15
Scholastic; Are College Skiers Going West? pg. 16
Ski People pg. 17
Accident Policy pg. 18
Norway Jumpers pg. 19
FIS Team pg. 20
Less Known Resorts Offer Advantages pg. 21
Courses Marked For Aspen Races pg. 22
Binding Tips For Tyro by H.P. Henry pg. 23
Ski Movies; Try Armchair Skiing With Rented Films pg. 24
Eaton Wins Presidency At Tense Placid Meeting pg. 28
Top Andean Skiers In Chilie Contests by Patricia Affel pg. 28
Snow Shelter by Robert M. Ormes pg. 29
All-Air Vacations For ‘50 pg. 30
Salaams Northward Make Ulla Smile by Dan Coughlin pg. 30
Don’t Was My Skis, Darling! by H.P. Henry pg. 32
Dec. 1, 1949
Ski-Scope, Your Publisher’s Views on Lifts and Sanitation pg. 1
Will a U.S. Girl Win The FIS? By Friedl Pfeifer pg. 7
The Mansfield Story, Sepp and Stowe A Saga of Sucess by David Rowan pg. 8
Skiing On A Shoe String by Adrian White pg. 10
Letter from Czechoslovakia pg. 14
Now Should Novice Choose Ski Boots? By H.P. Henry pg. 15
Aspen to Rip n’ Roar With Huge FIS Crowds pg. 18
Ol’ Man Weather Divulges Secrets pg. 18
Male Skiers Sound Off on Gals pg. 20
Michigan’s Boyne Mt. Paces Mid-West Areas pg. 21
Fashions pg. 23
Northwesterners Sponsor Competitive Ski Touring pg. 27
Cover Artist Don Moss Tempts Dry Editors pg. 28
Paula Gets a Compiment (Paul Valar) by Fiancee Paula Kann pg. 29
Belleayre Awarded Combined Championships pg. 30
Suburban Boston Gets New Ski Hill pg. 31
Dec. 15, 1949
Ski-Scope; Hot Bath Highlight Of After-Five Skiing pg. 1
Eastern Areas Primed For Christmaskiers pg. 6
How Paul Bunyan Invented Skiing by W.A. Breyfogle pg. 7
Davos - An Alpine Mecca For Skiers by Elise Fay Hawtin pg. 8
Do Skiers Today Really Ski? by Arnold Lunn pg. 9
No! Skiers Are Not Tightwads by Dan Ridham pg. 10
The Saga of Joe by Betty Howe pg. 11
From Laurentians To Rockies pg. 12
Cochand Again Named President of CSIA pg. 15
Your After-Ski I.Q. by A. Radcliffe Mothball pg. 19
Do Skiing Husbands Neglect Their Wives? pg. 20
New Publication Covers Business Side of Skiing (Ski Industry Magazine) pg. 21
New Ski Accident Policy Announced pg. 29
Gretchen Tours For FIS Fund pg. 30
Utah Resort Stands At Gates of Fame pg. 31
Edges Held Essential Even For the Novice by H. P. Henry pg. 32
Jan. 1, 1950
Ski-Scope; Spike, George, You pg. 1
Care and Courtesy On Lifts and Tows by H.P. Henry pg. 6
Let’s Be Reasonable by Fred Iselin pg. 7
Silver to Skis at Alta pg. 8
Do Not Disturb by William D. Cole pg. 10
It Is So Simple by Walter R. Watson pg. 11
More Control With New Swiss Edges pg. 12
Swiss Pride Is Bernese Oberland pg. 12
Jannette Burr: The West’s Best by Virginia Higman pg. 13
Arlberg Skimeister Heads Tremblant School pg. 15
Sverre Skis Deep Powder by Michael Anne Healy pg. 22
Why Wait In Line? Real Skiers Climb pg. 25
Jan. 15, 1950 [MISSING]
Ski-Scope pg. 1
The "Twin Silos" of Sestrieres by Bil and Kris Dunaway pg.5
FIS Americans will Compete with the World’s Best --
at Lake Placid and Aspen pg. 6
Two of a Kind (McLean and Coutett) pg. 10
The World’s First Ski Club! by Norman Bartlett pg.11
The Telemark by Thorner and Iselin pg.12
Safety Bidings by Bill Parrish pg.18
Everyone Skis in Grenoble by William D. Cole pg.29
Snow Bunny Town, Cal. by Dan Woodward pg.24
European Report by Bil and Kris Dunaway pg.25
Feb. 1,1950 [MISSING]
The World's Best at FIS by Guenther Flaig, Philippe
Gaussot and Walter Wehrle pg.7
How Dangerous Is Skiing? by C. Minot Dole pg.8
Banff a Picture Story pg.9
Pabst of Bromley by Carlton C. Buckman pg.15
Equipment pg.18
Laurentian Instructors pg.16
Who Did Invent Skiing? pg.23
Where-to-stay pg.24
Feb. 15, 1950 [MISSING]
Undisputed US World Champion: George Macomber ---
by Pat Harty pg.5
Downhill Racing: Sport or Hazard by A.L. Choquette pg.6
The Mountain that Stays Open Late by William Irvin pg.7
The Problem of Jean-Baptise by W.A. Breyfogle pg.10
Jozo, King of Collingwood by Naomi Bristol pg.15
Who Helps the Juniors, Helps Himself by Fay Welch pg.16
Skier's Crossword Puzzle by Ward C. Williams pg.18
An Oxford Yank at Sestrieres by Susan McLane pg.20
Knit one, Ski, Too! by Cherry Lou Fellner pg.21
Make Your Own Ski Equipment by Joseph Burleigh pg.22
March 1, 1950 [MISSING]
FIS - Scandinavians Sweep Nordic events at FIS, Lake Placid, N.Y. pg.4
Austria Knows what Skiers Like by Virginia Creed pg.10
Lucile Wheeler, Canada's bright young star by ---
Doug Pfeiffer pg.11
Arnold Lunn Answers his Critics pg. 12
Northwest Report pg.13
The Hochgebirge Race pg.14
The Ski-mad Town of Ishpeming pg 15
Where to Stay pg.15
March 15, 1950
SkiScope pg. 1
Aspen - Slalom Style is International pg. 4
What’s Wrong With U.S. Racing by James Laughlin pg. 5
North American Championships - Honor for Colo, Rom pg. 9
Hoct, Oesterreich! By Virginia Creek pg. 10
Tyler Micoleau Ski Artist by Wolfgang Lert pg. 13
Hey, Ullr, Drop Dead ! by Orin T. Overson pg. 14
Skis Take To Water, Too by. H.P. Henry pg. 15
November 1950
SkiScope pg. 1
Tributes (Harvey D. Gibson & Joseph B. Ryan) pg. 7
An Eye Witness Report on Continental Skiing by Dave Rowan pg. 9
France by Philippe Gaussot pg. 13
Bernese Oberland by James Laughlin pg. 15
Davos - Parsenn by Fritz Durst pg. 16
Kitzbuehel by Waldi Von Stumm pg. 17
Sestrieres pg. 18
Skiers look at Themselves pg. 21
’50 - ’51 Ski Films pg. 32
Your Child’s Equipment - Is it Correct? By A.O. Snite pg. 34
Equipment News pg. 38
December 1, 1950
SkiScope pg. 3
Knights of the Frozen Road by Alice Werder pg. 9
Skier’s Map pg. 10
Eastern Skiing pg. 11
The Harriman Cup by. R.I. Blakslee pg. 15
Pre-Jumping pg. 16
Grandpa "thaw" what he was missing by Bill Breyfogle pg. 18
Good News From Aspen by Tom Nagel pg. 19
Skiing the Trails by.l Paula Kann-Valaer pg. 21
Cast in the Wrong Role by Jean Nash pg. 23
Junk Those Bear Traps - Go Safety! By C. Minot Dole pg. 30
About This Business of a Nickel-A-Ticket pg. 32
Lifetime Ski
s by Edward "Scotty" Scott pg. 36
Fashions for ’51 pg. 39
Hans (Holaas) and Nils (Norman) by R. Harlow Schillios pg. 40
Waxing Room Shortcut pg. 43
Equipment News pg. 44
Andres Mead - Olympic Champ in ’52 by Frank Elkins pg. 48
December 15, 1950
SkiScope pg. 3
Christmas Spirits pg. 7
Canadian Skier’s Map pg. 8
The Laurentians by Ward Williams pg. 9
Mont Tremblant pg. 11
Quebec City by Brian Upton pg. 12
British Columbia by Peter Spring pg. 14
Eyes on Banff pg. 15
The Logic of Waxing by R. Smith-Johannsen pg. 16
We Cured Our Ski Fever by V. Horne and V. Chamberlin pg. 17
Running Over Humps by Fred Iselin pg. 18
Ski Metroplois by Francis Manchester pg. 21
Abetone- Where Skiers Are Made by Dick Durrance pg. 22
Fred Bellmar - New NSA President pg. 29
Some Trail Names are Menaces by J.A. Wales pg. 30
The Canadian Ski School by Naomi Bristol pg. 32
Klosters pg. 34
Ski -Tailored Jobs by Cherry Lou Fellner pg. 35
The Longue Laniere by Fritz Loosli pg. 36
Skis by the Thousands by David Rowan pg. 38
Equipment News pg. 40
Squaw Valley Newsletter pg. 43
Where to Stay Directory pg. 44
Memoirs of a Ski-Hund pg. 46
Slopes and Slants pg. 47
Why do we ski? pg. 48
January 1951
SkiScope pg. 3
Skier’s Map of the Western U.S. pg. 7
High Mountains West by Wolfgang Lert pg. 8
What’s New in California pg. 11
The Western American Legion Junior Championships pg. 12
The Colorado Scene pg. 14
Timberline Lodge pg. 16
Racers Aren’t Crazy by Burt Sims pg. 17
Slalom by Fred Iselin pg. 18
How to Ski - Deep Powder Snnow by Sverre Engen pg. 20
Begineers Beware by Peter E. Pringsheim pg. 21
Yankee Mountaineer (Nataniel Goodrich) by William Breyfogle pg. 22
Sherlock Holmes - Ski Pioneer by Jerry Church pg. 27
Steel Edges by Edward Scott pg. 30
So You Spend too Much to Ski by Dick May pg. 32
World’s First Ski In? pg. 34
Cornelius Starr Buys "The Lodge" At Stowe pg. 36
Slopes and Slants pg. 37
Dear Old Suicide Six pg. 41
Where-to-stay pg. 46
February 1951
SkiScope pg. 3
Skis From Oars by Jerry Church pg. 8
Skier’s Map pg. 9
Skiing in the MidWest by George Morisette, Jr. pg. 10
A New Twist on Turning by S.S.Stevens pg. 12
Boyne Mountain by Frosty Bradley pg. 13
Laurentian Carnival pg. 14
Meet Neil and Mary Starr by Frank Elkins pg. 15
Slalom Technique by Fred Iselin pg. 16
Young Man With A Cap by Louise Gerdts pg. 20
Pacific Northwest Ski Doctor (Hvam Hjalmar) by Bob Hancock pg. 22
The Editor’s Bookshelf pg. 24
Jasper in Quebec pg. 26
February Racing Schedules pg. 27
Slopes and Slants pg. 28
Equipment News pg. 29
Where to Stay pg. 32
The Skiing Snob (Cartoon) by Bob Woody pg. 34
Spring/March 1951
SkiScope pg. 2
Can One Learn To Ski Indoors? by Lowell Thomas pg. 6
Let’s Go Spring Skiing by Tom Mathews pg. 7
Accent on Action pg. 8
Maker of World Champions (Anton Seelos) by Dr. Ruth Hofmann ---
and T.R. Thompson pg. 9
The Holmenkollen Jump by Sverre Fodstad pg. 10
Avalanche (Swiss) by Jack Major pg. 11
Skiers Are People pg. 12
The American Inferno by Joe Dodge pg. 14
U.S. Giant Slalom Championship (Alta) pg. 15
Hairpin Gates by Fred Iselin pg. 16
Newsletter from Norway by Dick Durrance pg. 20
Why Must They Go Begging? by Erling Strom pg. 22
Slightly Out of Character pg. 24
Slopes and Slants pg. 25
Equipment News pg. 26
Black Weekend For the East pg. 27
Brighton in Springtime pg. 29
Where to stay pg. 30
Skiing with a Spanish Accent by Joan Metzger pg. 36
November, 1951
The Wandering Frenchman (Emile Allais) by Paul Jacques Grillo pg. 11
Want to Be On the Olympic Squad? pg. 12
How To Cut Your Skiing Bill By $1800 by Frank B. Whittemore pg. 14
Alpine Safari by John Jay pg. 16
Huntoon Handicap by Charles R. Metzger pg. 18
Summer Skiing on Athabaska Glacier by Doug Pfeiffer pg. 19
For Experts in the Making by Fred Iselin pg. 20
In Memoriam (Don Johnson) by Betty Schaeffler pg. 23
And In New York pg. 36
He Had Mountains in His Eyes(Otto Furrer) pg. 38
Equipment pg. 39
Slopes and Slants pg. 44
Ski Films pg. 46
Where to Stay pg. 48
December, 1951
Dartmouth and the Olympics pg. 8
Why Can't You Improve Your Skiing? by Hannes Schneider pg.11
Let the Norwegians Show You How to Live by Red Austin pg.12
Does A Spectre Haunt Our Skiing? by Fred Glidden pg.14
Fly Your Car to Snow pg. 15
Portrait of Art Devlin by Kenneth S. Lowe pg.16
The National Junior Championships pg. 18
Another Snowless Winter? by Philip Kenworthy pg.19
For Experts in the Making by Fred Iselin pg.20
More Fun than Anybody by Hortense Beaver pg.46
How Old Are Skis? pg. 50
December 15, 1951
By Jove! A Spectre Does Haunt Our Skiing! by Arnold Lunn pg.11
Cables to the Clouds by Aram Armstrong pg.12
The Funniest Skier I Ever Knew by D. Traurige Geschischte pg.14
Eggbeaters On Demand pg. 15
Skiing in the Scottish Highlands by E.A. Jones pg.18
Mountain Infantrymen by Tsgt. Elmer R. Ill, USMC pg.19
For Experts in the Making by Fred Iselin pg. 20
Saga of A Sportsman (Einar Bergsland) by Red Austin pg.23
Skiing Down Under by Pete Lawler pg.46
January, 1952
A Rising Star: Tommy Corcoran by Brad Edgerton pg.5
Happy New Years Skeve by Aram Armstrong pg.11
Snow Slippers Over the Alps by Mary Starr pg.12
Skiing, Safety and Semantics by Wolfgang Lert pg.15
For Experts in the Making by Fred Iselin pg.16
Winter Driving pg. 18
How to Be a Beginner pg. 26
Build A Light and Ski at Night by Frosty Bradley pg.28
Ski Money by James R. Harrington pg.36
Michigan’s Chair Lift at Boyne Mountain pg. 40
February,1952 ---
If Andrea Lawrence Wins Women’s Slalom… pg. 5
Ski Heil-Soviet Style! by John Washburn pg.8
Olympic Courses For 1952 by Red Austin pg.11
Sun Valley-An Honest Report by Barbara Peters pg.12
Arapahoe Basin by Elise Fay Hawtin pg.14
King of the Ski Bums (Alta) by Louise Gerdts pg.15
For Experts in the Making by Fred Iselin pg.16
Feet First by A. Radcliffe Mothball pg.17
Why Don't Americans Win More Olympic Medals? by Hannes Schneider pg.19
Shall We Ski? by Mrs. J. Gordon Philbrick pg.22
Buttered Rum from Berthoud Falls pg. 36
March, 1952 ---
How to Enjoy A Ski Race by Friedl Pfeifer pg.6
Swing Into Spring by Aram Armstrong pg.11
Aspen's Wild White Yonder pg.12
Sugar Slalom at Stowe, A Vermont Classic pg.14
For Experts in the Making by Fred Iselin pg.16
Ski Fever (Tuckerman Ravine) by Bert Marshall pg.18
Downhill from mountains to the sea by J. Kissner pg.19
Sunburn! The Movie of the Century pg.24
Equipment pg.28
Not Royal- Reuel! pg.30
King Soloman and the NSPS pg.31
Top of the World… (Jean and Howard Awrey at Aspen) pg. 32
Slopes and Slants pg.34
November, 1952 ---
J. Irvington Teufelspieler - The Skier’s Choice For President pg. 13
Let's See What's New In Ski Equipment by Wolfgang Lert pg.14
Parallel Turns in Two Days! pg.15
Remaking a Mountain...(Big Bromley) by Pat Harty pg.16
Championship Form (Ernie McCulloch) pg.18
Warm-Up by Olan Rand pg.19
Martinis for Lunch by Bill Wallace pg.20
Bookshelf pg.21
Scene on Snow pg.26
Wooly Bears pg.30
Ski Glossary pg.31
Ski Quiz pg.35
Previewing Hickory Flicks pg.40
Unified Instruction Stalled by NSA pg.46
New Products pg.49
December 1,1952 ---
How Crazy Are Skiers? by Frank Elkins pg.12
What's Wrong With US Skiers? by Red Austin pg.13
Foremost In Fashions pg.14
How Not to Buy Your Skis! by Dev Jennings pg.16
California Areas Pace Western Boom by Wolfgang Lert pg.17
Lauentian Ski Lark by Charles E. Townsend pg.18
Skimanship by Bushman pg.20
Korean Hunters Aided By Solme pg.21
Scene on Snow pg.22
Club Clinic pg. 36
Davos Gourmet Extolls Fondue pg. 42
National Schedule pg. 49
New Products pg.58
December 15,1952 ---
How Reliable Are Snow Reports? by Henry Moore pg.11
Why Aren't Lodges Built for Skiers? by Paul Jacques Grillo pg.12
Early Development of Downhill Technique by Christian Rubi pg.13
Eastern and Midwest Areas In Readiness for '53 Season ---
by Bill Eldred pg.14
Sharpen Your Fireside Sitzmarks pg.16
Bavaria's New Bubble Lift by Peter D. Regis pg.18
Confessions of a Convert by William T. Goodwin pg.20
Scene on Snow pg.24
Club Clinic pg.40
New Products pg.45
Ski Mythologies Defy Research pg.48
January,1953 ---
An American Skier In Soviet Russia by Charles B. McLane pg.9
Chicagoans Rediscover Snow Train Fun by Norman Sklarewitz pg.10
Downhill Only! by Kenneth D. Foster pg.11
The Reluctant Athlete by Yvonne LaFollette pg.12
Some Yump By Yimminy! by Eric Wahleen pg.14
Rope Tow Riding Needn't Be Grim pg.21
Club Clinic pg.31
Two-Tone Pants Take Limelight Fashion pg.37
New Products pg.38
Ski Quiz pg.40
February, 1953 ---
Unique Event Proposed By "The Father of Modern Racing" ---
by Arnold Lunn pg.11
Flying Hickories (Wegeman, Devlin, Billy Olsen at Oberstdorf) ---
by Keith Wegeman [ski flying] pg.12
Ski Driving Tips by Wolfgang Lert pg.14
Stowe Opens International Race Circuit pg.15
What's Your Top Speed? by Hugo Myers pg,16
Racer's Spill Results in Safety Binding by Edmund ---
Christopherson pg.17
Mission Accomplished! (Finland’s Pekka Niemi) by Frank Elkins pg.18
Scene on Snow pg.24
Bookshelf pg.26
Are European Skis Better? by Danforth Holley pg.36
New Products pg.40
Feminine Flair Ousts Ski Caps pg.48
March,1953 ---
"Corn on the Mountain" by Dietra Tremaine pg.11
The Ski Bum... Who Was He? by Delphine Carpenter pg.12
Land of Ski Silos (Sestrieres) by Richard Y. Neiley pg.14
Summer Skiing (Water Skiing) by Bill Breyfogle pg.15
Ski Lodge Above the Clouds by Paul Jacques Grillo pg.16
Scene on Snow pg.20
(Brief bio of Delphine Carpenter) pg. 22
New Products pg.34
Denim and Color for Spring Corn pg.40
November,1953 ---
Why Do We Ski? by John L. Frisbee pg.19
Shorter Skis, Softer Boots, Safer Bindings by Wolfgang Lert pg.20
1954 FIS World Championships (Sweden) by James G. Josserand pg.22
Arlberg Classic by Arnold Lunn pg.24
I Fractured 29 Legs by Dr. Charles Rombold pg.25
John Clair, The Ullr of Long Island by Frank Elkins pg.27
Make It Fun (Steamboat Springs) by Gordon Wren pg.28
Cool and Crazy by Daniel T. Walsh pg.30
68 US Skiers Named To 1954 FIS Squad pg.34
Bongo Board Causes Stir pg.35
Skiers and Skilands pg.42
Bookshelf pg.45
How High Can You Ski? (1931 altitude record) pg.53
Arlberg-Kandahar Results pg.58
Bicycles Passe by Hal Holden pg.62
Tour Director Never Travels (Berkshires chalet) by Fred Quanjer pg.63
December 1, 1953 [DUPE] ---
Editorial Speaking (Lert & Rowan) pg. 12
Reno's Got Everything! (Slide Mountain) by Wolfgang Lert pg.19
"Snow Busses"...For Fun by Charles Jacobs pg.20
Howard Head and His Ski by Harold Jackson pg.21
Leg Fracture Story Causes Varied Comment pg.22
Laurentian Honeymoon On Skis by Joan and Kurt Rohde pg.24
The Expedable Ones by Hal Holden pg.26
Lebanon: Land of Cedars and Open Slopes by Peter D. Regis pg.27
Inside Tips on Movie Making by John Jay pg.28
Buyers Guide To Skis pg.29
Mt. Hood Dream Becomes A Reality (Skiway- bus lift) by Jim Grafton pg.30
Equipment Care Pays Dividends pg.37
Are American Skis Better? by Ernesto J. Saska pg.44
Davos Stages Spectacle (20th ski school anniv.) by Fritz Durst pg.49
My First Guest (Ulla Lodge, Mad River) by H. Sewall Williams pg.53
1930 Marks Debut Of Steel Edges pg.58
December 15, 1953 ---
Tips For Tyros by Roland J. Dufour pg.15
Just Watching by Bill Breyfogle pg.17
A Boot Grows In Wengen (Molitor Family) by Peter Pringsheim pg.18
Air Guide to Europe by David H. Rowan pg.19
Fashion Goes High pg.20
Buyers Guide to Ski Bindings pg.24
Racing...our sport's best investment by John Holden pg.25
1953-54 North American Schedule Of Competitions pg.26
The Bug Is International by Gerry Germain pg.28
Uniform Rules Being Set Up For Colleges by Cliff Jordan pg.39
Skiers and Skilands pg.46
Unique Grindelwald Club (Los Angeles club) pg.55
Memorial Planned to Honor Peabody (Roland Peabody - Franconia) pg. 60
January, 1954
Voices From the Past (quotes) pg.15
I Ski, Though Blind by Dr. Ernst Fischer pg.17
Skiing On A Budget pg.19
Why Can't Our Jumpers Beat the Scandinavians? by Ray Mariucci pg.20
Ersatz Skiing (artifical snow ) by Bill Wallace pg.21
Alpine Masochism by Arnold Lerner pg.22
The Facts About Scottish Skiing by Philip N. Rankin pg.27
From Pavement to Ski Slopes (Dodge Ridge) by Ed Cony pg.34
Bookshelf pg.38
In Equipment, It's Short Skis pg.40
The Matterhorn Village (Zermatt) by Peter Avon pg.41
Sleigh Riding at 90 MPH pg.45
"Old World" Touch Found in NY (Scandinavian Ski Shop) pg.47
February,1954 [DUPE] ---
Old Files Record Early Ski Growth (Ski Bulletin excerpts) pg. 13
Slalom by Walter Prager pg.15
Newspaper-Built Skiers (Seattle Times and P-I) by Howard E. Jackson pg.16
The Blessed Element (Snow) by William A. Breyfogle pg.17
A Present for the Guide by Cecil Blunt pg.18
Accent on Youth (Jackson, Wyoming) by Wolfgang Lert pg.19
On Top of the Canadian Rockies (Sunshine Lodge) by Dale Smith pg.20
NSA Celebrates Golden Jubilee (Ski Museum dedication) ---
by Roger Langley pg.21
Spectacular Schuss Of "Headwall" (Sigmund Ruud) Told by Amazed ---
Witness by John Holden pg.22
Training for the World Championships pg.24
Face Lifting at Suicide 6 by Rockwell Stephens pg.26
Voices from the Past (quotes) pg.27
Europe's Highest Tramway (Piz Nair at St. Moritz) by Peter Kasper pg.30
Case History of a Ski Bum by Hans Moser pg.32
New Ski Hat Wins Acclaim by Susan Green pg.42
Bookshelf pg.47
March,1954 ---
Bookshelf pg.11
Skin Diving... Skiers' Newest Summer Obsession ---
by Bart Wilson pg.13
Summer Skiing in Chile by Bill Eldred pg.14
Somebody Said It's A Family Sport by Burt Sims pg.17
This Time Try Touring by Jim Hayes pg.18
Italy Prepares for Next Olympics at Cortina d'Ampezzo ---
by Dietra Tremaine pg.20
The Skiing Innkeepers (Devil’s River Lodge- Tremblant) ---
by Frankie O'Rear pg.32
International Star Advises on Racing by Dick Durrance pg.36
November,1954 ---
New Books on Skiing pg. 10
What's New In Equipment? by Wolfgang Lert pg.18
New Zealand by Damon and Sara Gadd pg.19
Operation Little Tuck (Syracuse-Onondaga Ski Club) by Oswald Werner pg.20
Alta Birthday Girl by Marge Crawford pg.22
Improve Your Skiing by Bob Bourdon pg.24
The Week the Lift Quit (Aspen) by Loey Rinquist pg.25
The Quebec- by John Fry pg.26
'36 FIS by William L. Ball pg.32
'54 FIS by Frank Elkins pg.37
Choosing Skis by Peter "Kiwi" Lawlor pg. 57
Choosing Skis II by Bill Jenkins pg. 60
The Big Races - 1955 NSA Tournament Schedule pg. 63
Winters Are Getting Colder pg. 67
What Is An Average Skier? by The Editors pg. 72
December 1,1954
International Winter Sports Show Held at Madison Square Garden pg.13
The Making of a Champion ( Eriksen) pg.19
Try Ski Hosteling by Jan Brunvand pg.20
Short Skis For Yoy? by Peter Scully pg.21
Lift Building Boom pg. 22
Confessions of an Area Operator (Winter Park) by Steve Bradley pg.24
Amputee Ski School by Wolfgang Lert pg.25
How to Equip Ski Toddlers by John S. Holden pg.39
If You Want to Monty Atwater pg.40
Say "Ah!" for Gstaad by Dietra Tremaine pg.42
Revolution in Ski Making? pg.45
I once Ran the Arlberg-Kandahar by J.C. Graham pg.56
Alpine Hospitality, British Style by Isobel Roe pg.67
December 15, 1954 ---
Skis in my Life by Daphne Bedford pg. 8
Two Decades of Skiing by Grace Carter Lindley pg.21
Air Guide to Europe by David Rowan pg.22
Decision (Sestiere, Italy) by Peter Scully pg.23
Highly Educational (family trip to Europe) by Stanley Washburn, Jr. pg.24
What’s all this about; Reverse Shoulder? by Bill Klein pg. 26
How Good Is Your Ski School? by Addison A. Augusta pg.27
Races You Can Win! pg. 28
Ski Workshop by Ron MacDonald pg.30
1954-55 Schedule of Competitions pg. 40
Skiers and Ski Lands pg. 54
Ski-Flying by Arnold Lunn pg.56
Flying Skis by Carl A. Watson pg.58
Fun Races in Switzerland by Gody Michel pg.63
Natural Born Hosts (Switzerland) by Adal Fried pg.66
January,1955 ---
High Adventure (Bernese Oberland) by Tom Weir pg.12
You're Not That Good, Brother! by Wolfgang Lert pg.14
How Racers Wax pg.15
Slat Happy (Arapahoe Basin) by Larry Jump pg.16
Ski-Zophrenia by Don Phelan pg.21
How Safe Are Release Bindings? by Frank Springer-Miller pg. 24
Bookshelf pg. 26
Saloon Slalom by Ann Bartos pg. 27
Ski Workshop: How to Postion Bindings on Skis by Edward Scott pg.35
The Superb Suburb of Vancouver by John Lidstone & Shirley Lalonde pg. 46
Daring Young Man (Walt Schoenknecht) pg. 48
February 1955 ---
Editorial Speaking... by Bill Eldred pg. 7
Skis above the Desert (New Mexico) pg. 16
U.S. Hotshots (Sun Valley) by Ernie Beyl pg. 18
What Have the Russians Got? by William M. Mandel pg. 19
Skis, Any Way You Want ‘Em by Smith Stevens pg. 20
Our Skiing Doctors by Wolfgang Lert pg. 21
The Skier Takes A Wife by Arnold Lerner pg. 25
Skiing Is No Sport in Lapland by William A. Breyfogle pg. 28
Bookshelf pg. 31
Down with the Marxist Slalom! by Sir Arnold Lunn pg. 32
Replies to Arthur Lozins pg. 36
Here I Come Down the Parsenn by Kiwi Lawlor pg. 40
Stills From Your Movie Camera by Dr. Frank Howard pg. 46
Ski Workshop: Homemade Edge-Sharpener by Tenley M. Jones pg. 48
March,1955 ---
Austria's Arlberg by Bill Eldred pg.14
Best in the West (Northwest) by Leverett G. Richards pg.16
How to Plan A Ski Area by Roland Palmedo pg.17
Youth Instructs (Iselin-Pfeifer Ski School) by Loey Rinquist pg.18
Bookshelf pg. 29
The 1955 Championships pg. 30
How to Blast a Rock by Bob Bourdon pg. 31
Bibliography of Modern Skiing (Books since 1935) pg. 32
Heavy-Duty Toboggan by Al Krieg pg. 34
Mothball Your Equipment! by O. Werner & E. Rickard pg.36
Why Most Skiers Aren't Experts by Fred Springer-Miller pg.46
Lady in Distress pg. 48
October, 1955 (20th Anniversay Issue) ---
Contributors (Dr. Hans Kraus, Alice Kiaer, etc) pg. 4
Editorial (Nydin’s Ski Illustrated) by Bill Eldred pg. 14
World's Top Flag Dancers by Fred Springer-Miller & Wolfgang Lert pg.30
Are You Fit to Ski? by Hans Kraus, MD pg.38
Hannes Schneider Died April 26, 1955 by Alice Kiaer pg.44
New Lifts under Construction in North American pg. 50
Showdown at Yosemite pg. 59
Squaw Gets 1960 Olympics pg. 60
Report on Chile by Roland Palmedo pg.62
In Memoriam: Adolf Attenhofer pg. 64
Books : pg. 65
Hollywood goes "Ski Crazy" pg. 66
101 Boots for Sale pg.72
Newsletter pg. 12
Ski Fashions for 1956 pg.14
The Long Wait by Ernie Beyl pg.20
Hollywood Goes Ski Crazy pg. 24
Improve Your Ski Movies by Victor Cody pg.26
Why s’no shoe (the name snowshoe) by Bill Breyfogle pg. 30
Skidreiverein by Arthur G. Draper pg. 35
Youngest Olympian (Betsy Snite) by Hanson Carroll pg.38
Naming Runs by Jan Brunvand pg. 42
New Nelson Edge Strip pg. 46
Equipment: Heads and Harts pg. 48
How to Select Skis pg. 54
California Leads in Lift Construction pg. 58
December, 1955
109 Miles Per Hour! by Ralph Miller pg.20
Speed Trails in Europe and Canada by Arnold Lunn & Adal Fred
Air Guide to Europe by Dave Rowan pg.28
S.C.A. (Ski Club Arlberg) by Benno Rybizka pg. 32
Instructor at 64 (Ralph Russell) by Hamilton Hertz pg.41
Wanted: College Men by Addison A.Augusta pg. 42
1955-56 Schedule of Competition pg. 44
Pick-up Team by John Vernon pg. 46
Simpler Spelling in the sno (Early American Ski Clubs)
by George Carroll pg. 54
Eight Dollar Mountain by Bill Breyfogle pg. 58
Safety Bindings pg.61
Eastern Ski Areas pg. 66
Battle of the Ski Schools (Grouse Mtn.) by John Lidstone
& Shirley LaLonde pg.70
Bromley expands facilities pg. 86
January, 1956
How Good are U.S. Olympic Chances? by Stein Eriksen pg.15
Meet the Olympians! pg.16
U.S. Olympic Ski Jumping Team... by Ray Mariucci pg. 22
Cross-Country and Combined Team pg.24
Canadian Olympians pg. 26
Olympic Schedule of Events pg. 27
Are You a Side-Hill Gouger? by Adal Fred pg. 28
Skiing after 40 by M. Lattey, M.D. pg. 30
Ski Renaissance (New York skiing) by Arthur G. Draper pg. 32
Action in Color by Kenneth S. Johnson pg. 35
How Two Storks Invented Skis by Jacques Kaplan pg. 39
Get Lost! by John Vernon pg. 42
Ruade! by Hans Georg pg.44
Those Remarkable Werners (Buddy & Skeeter Werner)
by Lucile M. Bogue pg. 46
Youngest Olympic Jumper (Ragnar Ulland) by Ray Freedman pg. 50
How Ralph Miller trains by Hannes G. Boehm pg. 52
Olympic Send-off by George Burns pg. 62
Books: pg. 10
Bromley ‘slewers’ by Ernestine D. Pannes pg.14
Pre-school kids can learn to ski by Donna Armstrong pg. 16
Franconia prepares for junior nationals by Enzo Serafini pg. 18
How to hold an equipment sale by Bartlett Hendricks pg. 20
Etudiant de ski by Eric Kaldor pg. 22
How to shoot snow scenes by Kenneth S. Johnson pg. 25
Holmenkollen by Hans Engh pg. 30
Full House and two of a kind (Winter Park)
by Fred Springer-Miller and Wolfgang Lert pg.34
Christie! by Donald K. Mathews pg. 36
The American Skier Short-Changes Himself
by Robert D. Wright, Coach Norwich U. Ski Team pg. 41
The ‘Big Four’ (Switzerland) by Fritz Durst pg. 48
Miss Rheingold Skis Lake Placid pg.54
Fun Skiing in Old Quebec pg.56
American performance in Olympics ‘disappointing’ pg.8
Complete Olympic Results pg. 11
Men’s Giant Slalom: Six-second margin pg. 18
Women’s Slalom: A Tough Course pg. 20
Men’s Slalom: A fourth for Brookie, a silver for Chick pg. 22
Men’s and Women’s Downhill: Medal for Madeleine, hat trick for Toni pg. 24
Nordic Events: U.S. improves in running, fails in jump pg. 26
New Speed for Skis by Dick Burton pg.28
One Way to Keep Warm pg. 31
A Kandahar for New England by Roland Palmedo pg. 32
Fill-in Flash by Kenneth S. Johnson pg. 34
Spring Skiing at Scheidegg (Bernese Oberland) by Dave Rowan pg.36
Above Timberline (Mt. Hood) pg.40
One Way to Keep Warm pg.31
New England Kandahar pg.32
U.S. Second String at Aspen by Daphne Bedford pg.42
Resorts: Cheaper Rides pg. 44
Films: Moviemaker’s rat race pg. 46
A-toring Ve Vill Go pg.54
October,1956 [MISSING]
Skis pace new equipment for ‘56-57 season pg. 12
Harvey Clifford: The Man Who Never Sees Summer by Adal Fred pg.14
A Wall Streeter in the Soviet Union by Roland Palmedo pg.23
Ski the New Way! (Brooks Dodge) pg.32
Switzerland: 2 Impressions (Betty Snite & Dick Strauss) pg. 36
Montezuma Basin (Aspen) by David H. Phillips pg. 46
Ski Workshop: Powder Boards by Rick Rubin pg. 48
Toni Sailer pg. 50
How Likely Are You to Get Hurt? by A.P. O'Connell pg.54
Where were you on the Fourth? pg.62
Chacaltaya: World’s Highest Resort (Bolivia) pg.64
November, 1956 [MISSING]
Films: Eastern Emphasis pg. 9
How You Can Learn Wedeln pg.20
Your Ski Tour To Europe This Season pg. 30
Jim Parker: A Very Special Person by John Jay pg. 34
Lynn Visits Kitzbuhel pg.41
Amazing Marjorie Benedikter (ski fashion designer) pg. 44
How to Dress for Skiing pg. 48
John Lewis Dyer: Snowshoe Itinerant (Early Colorado skier)
by Ruby O. Bennett pg. 52
Summer Racing School (Timberline Lodge) pg.60
Welcome Home, Chick! (Chiharu "Chick" Igaya) pg. 63
Go South to Ski! (Southern U.S.) by Mary Chilton Chapman pg. 66
The Laurentians pg.68
Little Hill, Mighty Leaps (N.H.& Vt. juniors learn jumping) pg.72
New Lifts Under Construction in North America pg. 76
New Development in Western Areas pg.77
Only a Row of Tomatoes by Mary Eshbaugh Hayes pg. 82
What to Look for in Ski Boots pg. 89
Nobody Can Ski Like Stein pg.96
December, 1956 [MISSING]
Wedeln: What's It All About? pg.14
Slalom: the Art of Course Setting by Ernie McCulloch pg.24
Should N.Y. State Forests Be "Forever Wild?" by Sidney Cox pg.34
Books: pg. 40
The Miracle of Steamboat by Lucille M. Bogue pg.42
Down Under in Australia by Roland Ryder-Smith pg.46
Those Army Attenhofers by Smith Stevens pg.48
Stunts on Skis Are Fun! by J. Douglas Pfeiffer pg.52
The Girls are Lovely at St. Anton by Dick Strauss pg.56
Old Chentlemen's Class (Sun Valley) By Dorice Taylor pg.64
Four-Season Club (Onondaga Ski Club of Syracuse) by Ann Pass pg.70
Christmas Gifts just for Skiers pg. 72
Guardians of the Slopes (NPS) by Ernie Schickler - Squaw Valley pg.74
New Lifts in the East pg.77
1956-57 Schedule of Competitions pg. 102
Ski Classroom pg.104
January,1957 [MISSING]
How Good Is Squaw Valley's Downhill? by Ford Lea pg. 8
Guest Editorial - Alex Cushing on Squaw Valley Downhill pg. 16
How Stein Eriksen Teaches Wedeln pg.18
Skiing Miners of Ontario by Ray De Souza pg.21
Modern Racing Turns by Georges Joubert pg.24
Waxing the Easy Way pg.33
Inside A Japanese Ski lodge by Martha Nett pg.34
Books: pg. 38 & 43
Big Guys and Little Guys pg.39
Odd Job (Colorado) by Fred Jones, Jr. pg.44
SKI Goes to a Fondue Party pg.60
How To Ski Fast While Standing Still by Rick Rubin pg.62
Yump Ole, Yump! (Learning on small jumping hills) by David Bradley pg. 64
You’d Never Know by Bob Bourdon pg. 68
February, 1957 [MISSING]
Certified Instruction and the Accident Rate pg. 6
So Long until Tomorrow (Lowell Thomas) by George Carroll pg.16
20th Anniversary of the Sepp Ruschp Ski School by Robert Bourdon pg.18
Types of Wedeln by G. Joubert & J. Vuarnet pg.22
Never To Old to Ski by Walter G. Patterson pg. 30
How Snow-Making Equipment Works by I. Shyke pg.32
Ski Week in Switzerland by Bill Eldred pg.44
How to Make a Good Film Out of Your Ski Footage by Warren Miller pg. 46
Half the Fun is Getting There by James Albert Wales pg. 64
March,1957 [MISSING]
Books: pg. 10
The White Badge by Roland Palmedo pg.14
Canadian Ski School Week pg.16
It Takes an Optimist To Build a Lift in Minnesota by Lee J. Fremstad pg.18
Assiniboine Skiing by Erling Strom pg.20
Dartmouth Weekenders by Fred Hart pg.21
Principals and Technique of Skiing Slalom Combinations
By Georges Joubert and Jean Vuarnet pg.22
On Amateurs, Advertising, Skiing Stars, Cows & Cars by David Rowan pg.28
Snow Long until Tomorrow (Lowell Thomas, part II) by George Carroll pg.40
'Off The Record' (Johan Torp & Leif Lange) by Nigel Elliston pg.48
What Is It? - Carnival pg.53
Lift Operators and Their Problems by Tom Corcoran pg.56
Ski Games For Kids by John & Frankie O’Rear pg. 64
October,1957 [MISSING]
With the Moviemakers (John and Lois Jay) pg. 14
The World's Best (Stowe) pg.16
Points, Points.... and More Points (FIS Tryouts) pg. 18
How Hjalmar Hvam Invented the Release Binding
by Leverett G. Richards pg.20
Billy Woods pg.27
As I remember Billy Woods by Madi Springer-Miller pg. 27
Three First Families of Bootmaking by Peter Pringham pg.30
What’s New? Lots of New Names plus some new ideas in Ski Equipment pg. 36
Unmistakably Bogner pg. 38
Your Best Buy in Skis pg. 46
Get a Good Fit in Boots pg. 48
Ski Magazine’s Guide to Bindings pg. 50
Wedeln and Mambo: What's the Difference? pg.72
November,1957 [MISSING]
Instructors’ Dilemma: to teach or not to teach wedeln pg. 10
Catching the Air (Ski Jumping) by David Bradley pg.19
Make Your Ski Club A Success by Thomas S. Hook pg.30
Skiing in the Jet Age by Betsy Palmedo Besson pg. 35
The Glamour of Europe pg.38
Put on a Fashion Skit pg. 46
Lift Bonanza - New Lifts Under Construction in North America pg.50
Shasta: the first Stage by Wayne Capps pg. 52
Luxurious Fashions for 1958 pg.58
What’s in a Ski Pole pg. 65
I Skied in Czechoslovakia by Doug Pease pg. 74
Are Racers Popular? by Authur Perkins pg. 78
Do You Need Heel Release? by Leighton P. Brownton, DDS pg. 80
What’s In a Ski? by Bard Glenne pg. 82
What if You Owned a Ski Area? (Minnesota) by Gordon Bowen pg. 86
Keep Your Mittens Dry! by Lawrence H. Hilt, M.D.
Whiteface (New York) by Hal Burton pg.100
Day & Night Trip to Get The Doctor by Gene Sperry
Toni Gets Set (Toni Sailer) pg. 112
December,1957 [MISSING]
Can 2,000,000 Skiers Break the Snowplow Habit, Yes....says the author
"Its Easy to Parallel" by J. Douglas Pfeiffer pg. 17
Jay Films Russia pg.21
Skiing, the most Fascinating Sport pg.24
How To Fit Your Figure into Ski Clothes by Barbara Barnet pg.27
Holiday Cheer with Hot Drinks by Joyce Newbill Martin pg.30
Budget Sking - the Co-op Way by Jim Scott pg.32
Look Who's Rotating Now (Anderl Molterer) pg.34
Go as a Club by Thomas S. Hoot pg.36
Too Many Lifts? by Roland Palmedo pg.40
Backyard Ski Tow by Kurt Rohde pg.46
Aspen new lift pg. 48
Fall or No-Fall pg.48
The Luckiest Kids in the World (Aspen) pg.50
Ski Week in Quebec pg. 52
How to Take the Bumps (Buddy Werner) pg.56
Holiday Busman pg.58
Where Skiers Ski to Eat pg.60
What They Wear Under Their Pants pg.66
New Future For Skiing (snowmaking) pg.68
What's Happening in Michigan? pg.126
East and Midwest Area Improvements pg.72
Swim while You Ski pg.76
Make A Ski Bag pg.78
Biathalon-New Olympic Event? pg.79
One for the Road pg.80
Fighting Words pg.81
The Camp Fortune Story (Ottawa Ski Club) by Bernie Nellis pg.86
Papoose Race (Sun Valley) pg.92
Knit Your Own Ski Sweater pg.96
Northernmost Ski Club by Louise W. Murphy (Old Crow in Yukon) pg.98
Christmas Gift for Skiers pg.100
The School That Majors in Skiing (Carbondale, Colorado) pg.104
A Sad, Sad Stor (Wyoming) pg.110
How to Build An Igloo pg.112
Traveling Salesman (Henke) pg.114
Two old Pros Talk Wedeln by Bill Wallace (Sig Buchmayr)
Michigan Miracle (Boyne Chairlifts) pg. 126
January,1958 [MISSING]
Nonie Foley: Top US Girl Skier pg.18
The Real McCoy (Mammoth) pg.22
Ski Sweaters pg.30
Most Difficult Skill in Skiing pg.32
Pep Up Your Ski Movies by John Upjohn pg.34
Semifinals of the FIS by Roland Palmedo pg.39
Actor Toni Pans Squaw by Toni Sailer pg.43
How to Be A Ski Bum by Pat Neal pg.45
How Skiing Came to Lech (Austrian Tyrol) pg.48
Snowshoes of the Sierra by Robert L. Thompson pg.56
Swap Shop (Rutland Ski Shop) pg.59
Too Many Lifts? (follow on of Roland Palmedo article) pg.60
How to Break the Swinging Habit (From Ski-ABC by Joubert & Vuarnet) pg.66
Big Doings in Kimberley, B.C. by Sam Wormington pg. 73
1958-Schedule of Competition pg. 74
Budget Skiing in Europe by DeWitt S. Davidson pg.76
Letter from Austria by Martin Luray pg.80
How Well Can We Do in the FIS? (Ralph Miller) pg.86
World Championship Courses (Bad Gastein) pg.85
US FIS Team Gets Set pg.94
February,1958 [MISSING]
Alberg - Kandahar pg. 4
Alaska: an Adventure in Skiing pg.15
My Son Stuart and Toni Sailer by Duncan Campbell pg.20
Revolution in Ski Teaching (George Earle - Wedeln) pg.29
The Real You On Skis (Feminine ideas on technique) by Eleanor Prager pg.34
Yodeling for Everybody pg.35
The Year of Wedeln by George F. Earle pg.36
Skiing in Poland (history) by Zbigneiw Mikolajczak pg.46
Snowshoe Fran pg.48
Norway has so much to Offer by Frank Elkins pg.50
Focus on Skiing by W. John Upjohn pg. 52
The Mt. Snow Snowball (Mt. Snow) by David T. Peck pg.59
March,1958 [MISSING]
Hobby: Skiing by John C. McHale pg. 14
Tuckerman of the West (Gardner Headwall in Yellowstone)
by Bev Wallace pg.19
Three Wonderful Places to Ski this Summer
(Chilie, N. Zealand, Timberline) pg.22
The Best Time to go Skiing (New England and snowfall) pg. 26
Snowball Limited (Sun Valley) pg.31
For Beginners Only (Quebec) by Joan Sall pg.34
The Skiing Chambermaids (Winter Park) by Ann Pass pg.40
Big City Ski Area (Soldier Field, Chicago) pg.45
Speeches and Champagne (Harriman and Governors) pg.49
Canada Produces A World Champion (Lucile Wheeler) by Roland Palmedo pg.52
Dig Those Crazy Skis by Pat Edwards pg.57
So Long Till October pg.64
October,1958 [MISSING]
Karl Acker, pioneer pro, Pico Owner pg. 8
SKI Survey pg.9
What to Look For in New Equipment pg.16
Binding Mounting by Hannes Marker pg. 31
The Glamorous Life by John Jay pg.36
Year of the Big Snow (New England 57-58) pg.44
Skiers under Scrutiny in Colorado, New Mexico pg.49
Look Ma, One Ski! by Peter Estin pg.50
New Fashions in Glamorous "Gondola Coats" pg.53
Deep Powder (Alta) pg.64
November,1958 [MISSING]
More Speed in Slalom by Ralph Miller pg. 12
Ski Fashions for 1959 pg. 14
You Should Use Short Skis this Year by Hal March Jr. pg. 20
Summer fun on skis at Mt. Baldy pg. 22
Wedeln in the Parlor by Smith Stevens pg. 24
'My Indestructible Sweetheart' (Dick Buek) by Rob McDonald pg. 30
Skierize Your Car by Russell P. Mahan pg. 36
You Can Rent a Co-Op Lodge by Priscilla A. Gallagher pg.53
I’m Glad they talked me into it by Ed Rogers pg. 57
Nothing Ever Happens on Ski Outings (Centre Ski Club) pg. 62
Wyh not take the kids along? by Rosalie Minkow pg. 64
The Alps-Ski Paradise pg. 68
How and Where in Europe pg. 74
Progress in the West pg. 84
74 New Ski Lifts Now Being Built in North American pg. 88
Skiing in Red China pg.100
December,1958 [MISSING]
The Shocking Truth About Ski Accidents by Fred Springer-Miller pg. 21
Tamers of the North (Dartmouth Outing Club) by Evan Hill pg. 25
Christmas in the Mountains pg. 34
Fluffy Knits and Gorgeous Weaves-Fashion pg.38
Plush Tour: skiing via Mercedes by Frank Sunderland pg. 42
Lift Boom in East and West pg. 46
1960 Olympics pg. 70
Ski Shopping Guide pg. 78
Ouch, They're at it again! pg. 93
Old Style vs. New Style pg. 94
Making of a Ski Town (Jeffersonville, Vt) by Bradley Smith pg. 97
1958=59 North American Competition Schedule pg.100
Gelaendesprung (Doug Pfeiffer book) pg. 114
Hostelers' Holidays by Louise Frazier pg.116
January,1959 [MISSING]
Let’s Go Back to the One-Ski Rule pg. 4
Dartmouth in the Old Days (Part I) by David Bradley pg. 17
To Virgin Snowfields via Helicopter pg.20
The Experts Discuss Ski Accidents pg. 22
Teaching Preschool Kids to Ski by Bina Robinson pg.26
A Good Landing: Secret of Learning to Jump by David Bradley pg.33
How to Ski Powder pg. 36
Skiing Chef (Frank Menendnez - Alta Rustler Lodge) pg.38
Pep Talk for Young Racers by Loren Bensley pg.40
Carnival Time pg.42
Skiing is Better Late than Ever (Tuckerman’s) by S. S. Stevens pg.44
Frivolous New Ideas in After-Ski Fashions pg.50
"Patrolman, Have You a Pipe Wrench?" by Edward Billings pg.57
How to Pre-Jump by Ralph Miller pg. 62
The Right Way To Fall by Kenneth V. Beer pg.88
Fun at a Family-Style Ski Lodge (Kenneys) pg. 94
February,1959 [MISSING]
The Finest Winter Olympics Ever! by Wolfgang Lert pg. 21
The Era of Prager and Durrance (Dartmouth part II) by David Bradley pg. 22
The Ski Industry Views Ski Accidents pg. 26
Hottest Young Man on Skis (Karl Schranz) by Tony Kail pg. 28
Skiing's $Million Babies pg.32
Long Road for Killington by Bud Abbott pg.36
Low-Cost Resort for Michigan (Porcupine Mountains) pg.38
Quick Solution to the Short Ski Shortage by Adal Fried pg. 42
Skiing with Glasses by Doug Pfeiffer pg.44
Bromley Boy pg.56
Ski Babel at Alpe de Venosc by Doug Pease pg.71
Should You Use Shorter Skis? pg.76
Fabulous Piz Corvatsch (St. Moritz) pg.80
March,1959 [MISSING]
Where to Ski this Spring and Summer pg.10
For 3 Days Was Worth it (Timberline, Mt. Hood) by Richard B. Wolf pg. 18
The Frigid Heart by Carol Spelius pg.19
Skiing and Jazz, What a Combo! by Bob Bourdon pg.23
Texans in New Mexico gby W. Thetford Leviness pg.24
Should You Use Contact Lenses in Skiing? by Dr. Charles D Bisceglia pg.28
Track Bossy! by Maria Garzia Marchelli (Pontedilengo, Italy) pg.31
Putting Your Skis in Mothballs pg.34
Boot Care pg.35
So You Want to Race! pg.36
Island in the Clouds (Alps) by Robin Fedden pg.38
How You Should Wax pg.39
Eight Miles of Nothing (Murren’s Inferno) pg.40
Spectacular Fall Ski Show At New York City Coliseum pg. 54
High Hopes for 1960 pg.63
Acrobatic Austrian (Karl Schranz) pg.15
Europe by Car pg.19
Behind the Scenes at Squaw Valley pg.22
The Hottest and Latest pg.35
The Happy Hunting Ground pg.41
Olympic Squad Roster pg.30
Coliseum Show pg.32
The Hottest and the Latest by Fred Springer-Miller
Lift Boom Continues pg.36
How to Do Kickturns by Ralph Miller pg.44
Fashions for the Season pg.52
Mt. Shasta by Jim Scott pg.66
Doug Pfeiffer: As I Ski It pg.71
Ski Movie Makers are busier that ever pg. 74
Ski Humorski pg.84
Putzi Puts the Pressure on Panting Pupil’s Pocketbook by Eric Stern pg. 19
European Highlights by Roland Palmedo pg. 21
The Crisis In Downhill Racing by Roland Palmedo pg.22
A Spot On the Team by Bill Eldred pg.28
Snowshoe Thompson by Frank J. Taylor pg.31
Why I Love Ski-America by Willy Bogner pg. 34
The New Aspen by Bil Dunaway pg.36
The Whole Turn Concept pg.44
My Funniest Moment pg.56
Western Ski Areas: Areas build and build for Olympic Year pg.57
Record ski lift construction promises better uphill transportation pg. 59
Willy Schaeffler Profile by James W. Cameron pg.64
My $2.50 Skis by D.E. MacIntyre pg.66
All Out for Fitness pg.72
Ski Cabins Pros and Cons by Allen I. Barry pg.74
Ski Watchers pg.86
Sweaters and Quilts-Fashion pg.88
Cartoon Page pg.124
Get the Most out of your Equipment Dollar by Fred Nachbaur pg. 21
Our Nordic Skiers have a Chance in '60 by David Bradley pg.22
Your Equipment Budget by Fred Nachbaur pg.21
Quaint Quebec by Bill Eldred pg.25
The Remarkable Mr. Palmedo (Roland Palmedo)(Part I)
by Martin Luray pg.28
Whiteface Mtn. by Ronnie Guzik pg.30
Chamonix Magnifique by Harvey Edwards pg.34
Getting a Ski Vacation by Hans Heinrich pg.38
Novice Trail by John Southworth pg.41
Apres Ski Fashions pg.44
Tattooed Skis by W.E. Blanchard pg.48
East, Midwest Areas pg.50
Skiing After 40 by Alex Deutsch pg.62
My Funniest Moment by G.H. Clawson pg.65
Watch Out by Bill Rollins pg.70
European Ski Trips pg.79
European Highlights by Roland Palmedo pg.86
Tire Chain Blocks by Hal Oglesbee pg.92
Forget Togetherness by Eleanor Prager pg.95
As I Ski It by Doug Pfeiffer pg.98
California's Snowy Assets by Ben Tarnutzer pg.100
59-60 Competition Schedule pg.100
Wood vs. Metal Skis by Ralph Miller pg.113
Cartoon Page by Norman Clark pg.132
European Highlights by Roland Palmedo pg.12
Die Tiefdecke Technick by Rink Earle pg.18
Those Hot North American Gals (Pitou, Snite & Heggtveit)
by Lucile Wheeler pg.23
For Six Olympic Minutes (Penny Pitou & Dick Taylor) pg.24
Borscht, Bagels and Bindings by Mike Strauss pg.26
The Remarkable Mr. Palmedo (Part II) by Martin Luray pg.28
Red Hot Telemark by Fred Morgan (Mt. Telemark, WI) pg.30
The Otsego Club pg.31
Utah's Deep Powder Utopia by Jack Goodman pg.34
Eskimo on Skis (Ed Crist - Colorado) by Loudon Kelly pg.43
Short Short Skis by Smitty Stevens pg.44
The ‘Family’ Man at Fahnestock (Bill Gilbert) by Ronnie Guzic pg.49
The Ski Injury Problem by Dr. Arthur E. Ellison pg.52
Tokyo Tyros Flock to Indoor Ski Hill by J. Bart Sweeney pg. 60
As I Ski It by Doug Pfeiffer pg. 62
Downhill Racing by Ralph Miller pg. 70
Avalanche Busters by Kim Massie pg. 90
Rope Tow Types by Norman Clark pg. 100
February, 1960
European Highlights by Roland Palmedo pg.20
Tribute to a Great Skier (Bud Werner) pg.23
What Chance Have Our Dark Horses? by Ralph Miller pg.24
Gallery of Greats by Jinny and Jack McDonnell pg.26
Olympic Map and Program by Jack Shriever pg.30
The Winter Games Are Worth Saving by Bill Eldred pg.32
Our Impossible Olympics by John Auran pg.34
The Social Slalom by Frances Moffat pg.37
How to Watch Olympic Racing by Walter Prager pg.38
The Medal I Could Have Won by Andrea Mead Lawrence pg.42
As I Ski It by Doug Pfeiffer pg. 46
It All Started in 1932 (Lake Placid) by George Carroll pg.48
I Found I Was Good Enough To Win by Gretchen Fraser pg.51
Ten Hot Cheers for the Olympics by Emanuel Greenberg pg.54
Foeger's Approach to Skiing by Walter Foeger pg.61
You Can Ski on Ice by Ralph Miller pg.71
Wedeln Becomes Easier All the Time by Georges Joubert pg.74
Reno Gives Its Kids A Skiing Bargain by Charles McNavin pg.82
The Latest on Binding Placement by Freeman Frost pg.84
High Living on Skis by Barbara Johnson pg.98
What You'll See at the Olympics by Norman D. Clark pg.108
March, 1960
Six Tips for Spring Skiing Fun by John Henry Auran pg.18
Summer Madness at Stelvio Pass (Italy) by George Cochran pg.20
The Ravine and I (Tuckerman’s) by Susan Neidlinger McLane pg.22
What's Up Down Under (New Zealand) pg.24
Ernie Blake (Taos) by Wolfgang Lert pg.26
What'll We Do When the Snow's All Gone? (Chile) pg.34
Wedeln Becomes Easier All the Time II by Georges Joubert pg.38
Lac Beauport (Quebec) by Hans Carroll pg.42
The Newest Look in Ski Areas (Vermont) by Hans Heinrich pg.46
As I Ski It by Doug Pfeiffer pg.48
Where Bunnies Come From (Eastover, Mass) pg.50
Summer Ski Weekend by Gosta R. Truedsson pg.52
Ski Country Has So Much to Offer by Michael oren pg.56
European highlights by Roland Palmedo pg.58
Beware of the Good Samaritan by Bob Van Beever pg.61
At Magog with Christian Pravda by Hans Carroll pg.71
Spring Skiing by Norman D. Clark pg.72
October, 1960
Ski Areas Make Room for Growing Population pg. 10
A Great Year For Equipment pg. 16
Twenty-five Years of SKI by James Laughlin pg.31
Secrets of Effortless Skiing by Clement Hutter pg.32
The Alps by Bob Bugg pg.34
The Twenty-four Hours that Shook the Ski World (Olympics) by
John Henry Auran pg.42
Olympic Portfolio pg.43
Complete Olympic Ski Results pg.50
I Learned About Skiing From That (Mt. Rainier) by Hans Heinrich pg. 60
Jet Age Sensations pg.78
The Snow Flies Early West of Denver by Ruth Ivor pg.82
So You're Taking Up Skiing (Mammoth) by Gus Weber pg.91
Anne Heggtveit - First in Women’s Slalom by W.L. Ball pg.94
Walter P. Paepcke 1896-1960 pg.98
Ski Fever by Norman D. Clark pg.116
November, 1960
America’s Role in International Skiing pg. 4
Winter Sports Show Opens November 30 pg. 10
Penny Pitou Speaks Her Mind by Penny Pitou pg.18
European Travel by Stan McCandless pg.20
Area Review and New Lifts pg.32
Will They Call It Schrittbogen? by John Henry Auran pg.35
Working Skis by Jack N. Washicheck pg.38
The Broadmoor Adds Skiing pg.42
Secrets of Effortless Skiing by Clemens M. Hutter pg.44
Marilyn Takes Up Skiing by John Burns pg.46
The Many Faces of Sugarbush by Paul Janoff and Hans Carroll pg.52
Skating will Help by Carlo Wolter pg.59
Skiing for the Pre-school Set by Glenn Springer-Miller pg.70
The Gold Medal Winners by Jean Vuarnet pg.74
The Stowe Rating System by Moon Wallace pg.78
The Old Man and the Ski (Ski Novels) by Eric Stern pg.83
Dry Ski school by Allen I. Barry pg.87
Nubs Sarns Makes His Choice (Nub’s Nob - Michigan)
by Josephine Wunsch pg.92
Powder Patterns pg.100
Emile Allais - The Man and the Legend by Harvey Edwards pg.106
On Buying Skis by D.E. MacIntyre pg.116
The Bright, Bright Future of Lake Tahoe by Jim Scott pg.118
Almost 100 New Lifts Await Skiers This Season pg. 132
American Kids Learn the Norwegian Way
by Margaret Magness pg.138
The Equipment Bug by Norman D. Clark pg.156
FIS Favors Continuing Olympic Games pg. 16
Ski Resort Progress Sets Fast Pace pg.19
Ten Ways to Avoid Falling by Alex Dixon pg.35
High Route to Adventure (Ski Mountaineering Canadian Rockies)
by Hans Gmoser pg.38
Sun Valley at Christmas by Dorice Taylor pg.44
Secrets of Effortless Skiing by Clemens "Miki" Hutter pg.51
T. Lee McCracken and the Skiing Cowboys of Big Hole Basin (Montana)
by Robb Brady pg.54
A Mogul.. Is A Mogul? by Arleen Ruggeri pg.61
The Gold Medal Winners (Yvonne Ruegg) by Fritz Durst pg.62
Europeans Close In on Ralph Miller’s World Speed Mark pg. 65
Ski Injuries You Can Avoid by Dr. Arthur Ellison pg.74
On Hawaii's White Mtn. by Cy Cress pg.80
Penny Pitou Speaks Her Mind by Penny Pitou pg.88
Where the Twain meets by Zig Bulanda pg.92
A Junior Program Gets Results pg.96
The World's Most Exclusive Ski Club (Corviglia) by Hans Heinrich pg.117
Stowe, Vt. by James Lewicki pg.120
Salt Lake's Schools Show the Way by Jack Goodman pg.130
1960-61 Competition Schedule pg.138
Cross-country Crusader (Rev. Jim Scott - Tahoe) by Jim Scott pg.144
After the Lift Stops pg.152
January, 1961
Skiing for a Week on $25 by Doug Pease pg.25
In This White World (Alta photos) by Fred Lindholm pg.26
Super-Wedeln by Peter Estin pg.30
The Gold Medal Winners (Roger Staub) by Fritz Durst pg.38
Skiing's Different in the Pacific Northwest by Byrob Fish pg.42
Schrittbogen Comments pg.52
Where Are They Now? (Ski Publications) Bill Prochnau pg.54
So You’ve Taken Up Skiing by Gus Weber pg. 58
The Good Shepherd by Douglas Mann pg.62
Formula for Victory by Toni Sailer pg.70
The Case for New Mexico by Vern Rogers pg.78
Secrets of Effortless Skiing by Clemens Hutter pg.86
All Downtown for Skiing (Edmonton Ski Club) by Norman C. Flaherty pg.90
Golden Ski Years by Doris Kirkpatrick pg.94
Positively Sel Hannah by John Lannan pg.102
The Back Way into Aspen by G. R. Kirkham pg.108
February 1961
Magic on Moonbeam by Fred Morgan pg.16
Let's Curb the Jumping Judges by David Bradley pg.18
Good Skiing Is Where You Ain't (Weather) by Rink Earle pg.22
Midwest Silhouettes by Fred Morgan pg.26
Dream Race for Has-Beens and Never-Weres by W.L. Ball pg.31
A Now-or-Never Proposition by Ernst Hinterseer pg. 34
Secrets of Effortless Skiing by Clemens ’Miki’ Hutter pg.44
Penny Pitou Speaks Her Mind by Penny Pitou pg.48
Report from Siam by Norris Howard pg.56
The Revolutionary Ski Dek by Kim Massie pg.61
The Latest in Race Technique by Georges Joubert pg.64
The Amateur Problem by Arnold Lunn pg.70
Veterans Get Together (Taos) pg.80
Skirap Book by Norman D. Clark pg.92
Skiing’s Role in National Fitness pg. 4
Though This Be Madness by Bob Bugg pg.12
When It's Wintertime Down South (Australia & New Zealand)
by K.G. Murray and A.T. Garcia pg.16
Courage Unlimited by Jane McIlvaine pg.18
The Man To Stop in 1962 (Gus Perillat) pg.20
Heidi Biebl, Gold Medal Winner by John Auran pg.24
Schrittbogen and All That by Perry Williams pg.28
The Ulta-Die-Hards by Luke Patnode pg.30
There's Lots of Skiing Till Next Winter pg.32
Plan Now to Build Your Ski Cabin by Kelly Buchanan pg.37
So You've Taken Up Skiing by Gus Weber pg.42
The Vital Springboard by Clemens Hutter pg.55
October 1961
(bought by Universal Publishing)
Report From Chile pg. 26
Gaps in the Ranks (Fred Harris and Charles Proctor) pg. 37
How Can You Afford To Ski This Season? by Archer Winsten pg.39
A Quartet of Giants Alpine Meadows by Jim Scott pg 42
Sierra Blanca by Martin Luray pg 84
Stratton by Ron Guzik pg 87
Breckenridge by Bob Collins pg.45
Sailors of the Snow by Walter Landor pg.46
Can We Have A Unified American Ski Technique? by Paul Valar pg.52
How A Champion Keeps Fit (Toni Sailer) pg.54
Freeze Now, Play Later by Burt Sims pg.58
The Non-Prosaic Parka pg.60
Equipment Takes A New Turn by John Henry Auran pg.64
Switzerland's Valley of Eternal Snow (Breithorn) by Otto Weber pg.70
The Sovereign State of Walter Foeger by Martin Luray pg.74
Pointers;Instruction by Jim Craig pg. 79
Perfecting Your Snow-Plow Position pg.79
Hold Your Poles Properly by Allen C. Willman pg.83
Brandenberger Revisted pg. 92
Think! by Jack Irwin pg.100
The Right Way To Lace by Bill Earle pg.108
Put Your Poles in Your Pocket by Dick Williams pg.121
November 1961
Report From Europe pg. 12
Controlling Fall Line Speed by Duncan Grandin pg.17
Can Schussbooming be Stopped? by Wolfgang Lert pg.33
Skiing is For Women (Too) ! by Willy Schaeffler pg. 36
Ever the Young Hopefuls (Barbara Ferries, Jimmy Heuga, Jean Saubert) pg. 41
Areas 1962 (lifts) pg.46
Europe: The $7 Tour pg.48
The Conquest of Thrombosis Slope pg.52
Fashions Internacional pg.54
Kruckenhauser:The Man and the Method by Peter Mitchell Miller pg.60
Come Early, Stay Late (Whitefish, Montana; Big Mountain)
by Hans Heinrich pg.66
Spring Forward Like A Gentle Tiger by Conrad Staudinger pg.70
How a Champion Keeps Fit (Toni Sailer) by Tap Goodenough pg.77
Now, It's Plastics by John Henry Auran pg.80
The Mental Approach to Learning by Dick Finlay pg.83
Recovering Lost Control by Philip S. Miller pg.90
Rising From a Fall by Ram Matson pg.98
Correcting Shoulder Position by Hans Jenni pg.116
Stay in Condition by A. E. Ellison, M.D. pg. 134
December, 1961
A Stemming Aid by Minor T. Patton pg.15
Report From Australia pg. 21
Rubber Band skiing by Dorothy Ann Outzs pg.28
The Case for American Skiing by John Henry Auran pg.45
Christiania Leger: Evolution in Technique by Ron Guzik pg.48
How to Turn? by Paul Gignoux pg.48
Austrian and French, La Difference by Raymond Craig pg.51
The Special World of Sun Valley by Martin Luray pg.54
Tea for Du by George Cochran pg.58
Action at Alta pg.60
Total Motion for Better Skiing by Paul Valar pg.66
Raclette pg.70
Route 100 by Morten Lund pg.72
The Fur Look pg.76
Christmas Revisited pg.80
1962 Equipment Guide pg.83
Sepp Ruschp: Skiing's Quiet Man by John Fry pg.99
Preventing Falls by Bill Earle pg.110
Comments by the Experts pg.125
The Tip Roll by Louis Gheller pg.131
Michigan's New Frontier by Bruce Gifford pg.138
A Teaching Machine for Slalom Racers by Dr. John Church pg.160
Thumbs Up by John "Boots" Blatt pg.15
Report From France pg. 18
Bus Tours: Where Are They Taking You? by Bruce Gifford pg.31
The Taming of Timpanogas (helicopter skiing) pg.34
Tough, Tougher, Toughest by Bill Wallace pg.42
Outdoor Games for Skiers by Willy Schaeffler pg.46
Everybody Out Of The (Car) Pool by Burt Sims pg.50
Green Cloth, White Snow by George Bush pg.52
Modern Skiing: A Prognosis by Clemens Hutter pg.56
Schuss: A Game for Frustrated Skiers pg.60
Sugarbush Reconsidered by John Henry Auran pg.62
1962 Guide to North American Skiing (insert) pg.67
Setting Edges for Sharp Control by Fred Lonsdorf pg.76
T-Bar Tips by Paula Kann Valar pg.85
Christiania Leger: International Comment pg.88
The Short-Ski "Twist" by Clif Taylor pg.100
Using Poles in Dips and Gullies by Don Brolin pg.111
February, 1962
Changing the Lead Ski by Don Schartz pg.18
Report from Alaska pg. 20
FIS World Ski Championships (special section as follows:) pg.29
The High, White World of Chamonix by Robert Daley pg.30
The Hazards of Number One by Harvey Edwards pg.36
A Gallery of Contenders pg.39
Chamonix pg.40
The Pistes pg.41
Excellence Unhailed (Mack Miller & Zakopane) by Fred Morgan pg.42
High Ski Fashion From the House of Dior by Arthur L. Erikson pg.46
The Deep Powder Dipsy (American Style) by Junior Bounous pg.48
Saw, If You Must by S. S. "Smitty: Stevens pg.52
The Devil's Coffee by Emanuel & Madeline Greenberg pg.54
Where the Skiing Never Ends (Mt. Hood) by Bill Tanler pg.56
Modern Skiing: A Prognosis by Clemens (Miki) Hunter pg.60
Put Rhythm Into Your Turns by John V. Henderson pg.65
Learning Aerial Turns by David Peterson pg.72
Powder Tips by James R. Shane (Alta) pg.81
Making Smoother Turns by Alf Binnie pg.10
Report From Canada’s Rockies pg. 11
Skiing Under the Southern Cross pg.19
Maoris and Mountains (New Zealand) pg.20
Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport (Australia) pg.22
Skiing in the Sky (South America) pg.24
The Silvretta and I (Austria) by Dorothea Penizek pg.26
Man Meets Moguls by Othmar Schneider pg.28
World Alpine Winter Games (Chamonix) pg.33
The Pro's Pro (Friedl Pfeifer) pg.41
California's Kilimanjaro (Mammoth) by Morten Lund pg.44
Modern Skiing: A Prognosis by Clemens (miki) Hutter pg.48
Tips for Spring Skiing by Toni Matt pg.52
Skiing Ice Moguls by Paul Brown pg.60
Make Your Own Release Pole by A.E. Ellison, M.D.
Ski-Teknik fur der Liftenline by Hermann Kleinkopf pg.66
October, 1962 [DUPE]
Report From Zakopane pg. 14
Skier, Meet Freud by Martin Luray pg.37
High Rise in Colorado (Crested Butte) pg.40
Wild, White Shangri-La (Assiniboine - Canada) by Dick Barrymore pg.44
The View from Monte Bondone by Ernie McCulloch pg.50
Suprising Stretch pg.53
Equipment: Tempest in a Test Tube by John Henry Auran pg.57
La Belle Zell (Austria) by Martha Reker pg.62
Skiers We Have Known (But Wish We Hadn't) by Joe Farris pg.66
The Pied Piper of Hogback (Clif Taylor) by Morten Lund pg.68
Unlimber with Yoga by Denise McCluggage pg.73
Et Tu, Alta by Morten Lund pg.89
Pole Push Sideslip by Barbara Hancock pg.93
Doing the Kickturn Easily by Bill Briggs pg.101
Stand Upright by Frank Day pg.107
Skating Out Of a Gate by Don Henderson pg.112
Advice to the Ski-Lorn pg.114
Strengthen Your Quadriceps by Arhtur Ellison pg.117
November, 1962 [DUPE]
Report From Austria pg. 13
Double Pole Hop to Parallel by Georgia Hotton pg.35
You Don't Have To Get Hurt pg.51
The Mood of Skiing pg.54
But Do They Love 'em In Magog? (Quebec) by Morten Lund pg.58
An Aye for an Aye (Ski Clubs) by Burt Sims pg.62
The Grand Plan (Lifts, New England) by Denise McCluggage pg.64
Come Mambo With Me by Stein Eriksen pg.68
How The West Was (Re) Won pg.72
They Ski Where Hannibal Slept (La Dolce Vita) by Melton Davis pg.78
1963 Equipment Guide (insert) pg.83
Skis in the Antarctic by Peter A Schoeck pg.99
Then Was Then (Wildcat) by Rink Earle pg.107
Two Pole Turnaround by O.L.(Doc) Smith pg.111
Uphill Ski Ahead by Hans Jennni pg.122
Complete Those Turns by Bob Beattie pg.141
Avalanches and How To Avoid Them by Arthur Ellison pg.151
December 1962 [DUPE]
Report From Canada pg. 16
Planting the Pole by Doug Frid pg.22
Traverse Wedel For Edge Control by Ernie Blake pg.41
Ski Touring, Pleasure Rediscovered by John Fry pg.64
Hip-Turn Swing by Willy Schaeffler pg.68
Crazy Otto of the Long Snow-Shoes (Schniebs) by Morten Lund
(see pg.63 too) pg.72
Aged Empress of the Engadine (St. Moritz) by Raymond Flower pg.74
Rich and Regal pg.80
Set Your Own Slalom by Ernie McColloch pg.84
Christmas Past, Christmas Future pg.89
Why Do They Call Them "Mongols?" (Denver, Colorado)
by Ralph Smith pg.92
That's What I Like About The South by Steve Sachs pg.94
4:23 PM On a Brighton Sunday pg.97
Fill the Flowing Bowl pg.98
The Boom Grows Louder (Record Lifts & facilities) pg.101
1963 Guide to North American Ski Areas (insert) pg.103
No-Pole Turns by Murdo MacDonald pg.111
It Was Easy Dad by J. Duncan Campbell pg.117
Replacing Skis After a Fall by Norm Bergerson pg.127
P.S. From St. Moritz by Art Buchwald pg. 132
Fundamentals of the Basic Racing Turn by Bob Beattie pg.139
The Racer by Bill Metzel pg.140
Strengthen Your Quadriceps II by Arthur Ellison pg.160
January 1963 [DUPE]
Report From Oslo pg. 12
Look Down the Hill by Gosta Johnson pg.28
Skiing: The Sport of the Establishment (Harriman, Kennedys, McNamaras)
by John Fry pg.41
A Day of Powder (Sun Valley) by Fred Lindholm pg.44
Eastern Slope Sketchbook by Bob Bugg pg.48
By Skiing Obsessed (MidWest) by Bruce Gifford and Fred Morgan pg.54
Hard Sport by the Roaring Fork (Aspen) by George Bush pg.56
Come Jump With Me by Stein Eriksen pg.60
How To Be a Good Bad Weather Driver by Denise McCluggage pg.64
Charlot of Chamonix (Charlot Bozon) by Harvey Edwards pg.66
Our Snow-Covered Welcome Mat (Mt. Mansfield) by Marguerite Wolf pg.68
Upgrade That Snowplow by Bill Briggs pg.70
Step Stem to Mambo by Boot Gordon pg.84
Starting the Reuel Christie by Ariel Edmiston pg.93
Warm Up As You Ride by Arthur Ellison pg.99
February 1963 [DUPE]
Proper Pole Handling pg. 16
Coming Down From The Split pg.19
Japan: Land of the Rising Skier pg.29
Tip Pull:New Power From An Old Source pg.34
Carnivall pg.38
Ski Ding-Hao pg.42
The Care and Teaching Of Anklebiters pg.44
Shrimp For Skiers pg.48
Vermont's Triple Entente pg.50
Wanted: Room For 3 Million More Skiers pg.52
Getting Up pg.62
Rocking To Relax pg.73
Save Strength in Climbing pg.83
What You Should Know About Frostbite pg.84
Refining the "Egg" Position pg.86
Determining Speed pg.97
March 1963 [DUPE]
Sing as You Ski by Jack Irwin pg. 11
People & Events (National Ski Patrol History) by Dr. Arthru Ellison pg. 18
Skis on Everest by Richard Pownall and Barry Corbet pg. 23
Balanced Takeoff: A Tale of Three Tracks by Conrad Staudinger pg. 27
Where the Racers Are by Doug Pfeiffer pg. 30
Broad-Shouldered Banff by Ted Rand pg. 34
Deep Snow Down East by Morten Lund pg. 40
The Triangle House: A Skier’s Ski Lodge pg. 43
The Skier vs. The Wilderness: California Division pg. 44
Ski Pointer by Don Greb pg. 53
Report From Innsbruck pg. 58
Ski Pointer by Chuck Quinn pg. 65
Ski Pointer by Midge Haefeli pg. 69
October 1963
Report From Innsbruck pg. 27
Lift Lines pg. 29
Ski Clinic by Ernie McCulloch pg. 30
Books in Review pg. 36
In the Starting Gate pg. 39
Skiing: Is it Status? Or is it Sport? by Editors of Ski pg. 49
They Call it Mt. Hostility (Cariboos) by Fred Lindholm pg. 52
The Year of the Buckle by Editors of Ski pg. 57
Stand Right, Ski Right by Monica Saxon pg. 58
The Fleeting Moment: Photography for the Amateur by Kim Massie pg. 62
Obergurgl: Skiers Bali HaÕi by William F. Stark pg. 65
Boot Buildup for Better Skiing by Ernie McCulloch pg. 66
The Care and Fitting of Stretch Pants pg. 73
Fireside Forum by Morten Lund with Paul Valar pg. 78
Travel Corner pg. 89
Ski With Sartre pg. 91
On the Comeback Trail (Park City & West) by Editors of Ski pg. 96
November 1963
Report From Zermatt pg. 19
Mountains I Remember (Snow Valley, Vermont) by Winston Lauder pg. 34
Ski Clinic by Ernie McCulloch pg. 38
To Choose A Site (1968 Olympic Sites) pg.65
Banff’s Big Bid by Emmett Watson pg. 66
Push From Placid by Bruce Gifford pg. 67
Stem Christie to Parallel pg.68
25 for Tremblant by Lawrence Faber pg.72
The Tough Americans pg.80
The Toughest American (Bud Werner) By Morten Lund pg.84
Mother, May I Go Out To Ski by Abby Rand pg.86
Catch the Perfect Turn by Warren Miller pg.88
Megeve, C'est Drole by Harvey Edwards pg.90
Intrigue at Innsbruck pg.92
Come Flip With me by Stein Eriksen pg.98
Cabin Fever pg.110
Five Minutes A Day The Quiet Way by Henry Wittenberg pg.114
A Hill Is Not A Hill pg.m-1
Playground of the Midwestern World pg.m-4
Jack Rabbit's Regret pg.m-8
Nor-Ski Ridge: Skiing at Your Leisure pg.m10
Midwestern Notes pg.m13
Lean Out by Hans Jenni pg.135
Edge Toward Parallel by Pete Eyraud pg.136
Hop Slip by Sepp Walzl pg.137
Sensing A Scissor by Les Outzs pg.138
Hold that Hip by Neil Robinson pg.139
Hammer It Home by Dieter Nohl pg.140
Hands Up by Don Schwartz pg.141
Start Position by Willy Schaeffler pg.142
Mountains of their Own (Mid-Atlantic & New England) pg.152
How To Interpret Snow Reports by Oscar Tenenbaum pg.168
December 1963 [DUPE]
Report From the Training Camps (France) pg. 29
Avalanche Valasienne by Harry W. Hollmeyer pg.52
Skis on Everest: Part II by Barry Corbet pg.72
Split Rotation: What and Why by Ernie McCulloch pg.76
New Hampshire Sketchbook illustations by Bill Whittingham pg.80
Back to the Shrine by John Henry Auran pg.84
Fashions By The Fire pg.88
An Apple a Day by Emanuel & Madeline Greenberg pg.92
Renaissance Man of the Southwest (Bill Pitcher - New Mexico)
by Ernest Gay pg.94
Reflections of a Skier's Christmas pg.96
Verbier: Return of the Natives (Verbier - Val de Bagnes)
by Harvey Edwards pg.100
Turn Around the Corner by Conrad Staudinger pg.102
Our Own Playbill by Bob Bugg and Martin Luray pg.104
Give-Away Mountain (Hunter Mountain) by Denise McCluggage pg.108
O Pioneer! by Abby Rand pg.120
Reduce the Risks You Take by Arthur Ellison pg.145
Twenty for the Tenth (Tenth Mountain Division) by Charles Minot Dole pg.148
The Tenth: Then What It Was Like by Robert Woody pg. 149
1964 Equipment guide pg.154
Rise and Plow by John Kronsnoble pg. 167
Quit When Behind by Leroy Aserlind pg.168
Check Out Your Stem by Ray J. May pg.169
Sqeeze the Knees by Roger Claude Gaudin pg.170
Skate Around by Helmut Falch pg.171
A Gentle Brushing by Georgia Hotton pg.172
Roll in the Ankle by Ab Boley pg.173
Step Turn by Willy Schaeffler pg.174
Build a Better Mountain (Canadian Amateur Ski Assocation) pg.178
Four Famous Ski Runs (Alps) pg.186
January 1964
Report From the Lizum pg. 19
People & Events (Crested Butte) pg. 35
The Fastest in the World (Portillo) by Ron Funk pg.40
The Hottest Turn of All by Tom Corcoran pg.42
Quiet Mood on the Big Mountain (photos by Joern Gerdts pg.46
Hot Shot Look for the Junior Set pg.50
Mt. Snow: Onwards and Upwards by Martin Luray pg.52
The Nordic Dawn by John Fry pg.56
Our Morning Star (John Balfanz - Jumping) pg.58
Terminillo: The Roman Mountain by Melton Davis pg.60
Savoir Faire in the High Sierras (Sugar Bowl) by George Bush pg.62
Instant Glogg by Emanuel & Madeline Greenberg pg.66
I Remember Hannes (Hannes Schneider) by Rick Earle pg.68
What Hath Head Wrought by John Auran & Martin Luray pg.75
High Heels by Fredric M. Hecht pg.83
Bounce to Better Skiing by Rhona Gillis pg.84
Pop Over the Patch by Earl M. Leichter pg.85
File But Don't Forget by John Henderson pg.86
Pole Upward by Dick Georgi pg.87
Dive Out of Your Turn by Boot Gordon pg.88
Skating Steps by Willy Schaeffler pg.89
Straddling of Poles by Willy Schaeffler pg.90
February 1964
Report From Innsbruck pg. 14
Fireside Forum by John Auran, Fritz Buser et. al pg. 23
The Setting: The City in the Mountains (Innsbruck) pg. 46
The Courses: A Premium on Technique by Willy Schaeffler pg. 50
Documenting Innsbruck: The Olympics on Television by Roone Arledge pg. 52
The Contenders: Alpine pg. 54
The Contenders: Nordic pg. 56
The Austrian Monolith by Harvey Edwards pg. 58
A Gourmet’s Guide to the Tryol pg. 60
Fasching Found Us by Michael and Martha Durham pg. 62
Driving in Europe: Con Brio by Denise McCluggage pg. 66
Tough, Beautiful Taos, by Ernie Gay pg. 68
Junior Racing: Is it Good for Junior? by Tom Crocoran pg. 73
An American Primer by Graham Pringle pg. 74
When Skis Were $3.25 a Pair by Fred Morgan pg. 86
Travel Corner (Canada by Train) by Marvin Moss pg. 100
1964 North American Area Guide Supplement pg. 116
The Fastest In The World (Chile) pg. 118
March-April 1964 [MISSING]
The IX Olympic Winter Games: A Roundup by Martin Luray pg.19
Men's Downhill pg.22
Ladies' Slalom pg.24
Men's Giant Slalom pg.26
Ladies' Giant Slalom pg.28
Ladies' Downhill pg.30
Men's Slalom pg.31
Jumping pg.34
Cross-Country pg.36
As The Experts Saw It by Miki Hutter pg.38
At the Races by Ruth Rudner pg.42
For the Record (Olympic Results) pg.44
Volcanic Lassen by Jim Scott pg.46
Stowe and the Single Girl by Morten Lund pg.48
The American Primer: Part II by Graham Pringle pg.50
Central's Strong Man: Tom Joynt by Bruce Gifford pg.m-1
Midwest Notes pg.m-5
Where the Indians Make the Snow pg.m-6
Wedeln on the Wabash by Frederic Sicher pg.m11
Save Your Skis by Don Lowry pg.m14
How to Build Your Own Rope Tow by Ann Lyons Fry pg.56
Report From Scandinavia pg. 67
Raising Your Status by Penny Brown pg.71
Importance of Lean by Midge Haefeli pg.72
Stepping Through Powder by Otto Ost pg.73
Spring for It by Richard Rolland pg.74
Up and Over by Sepp Uhl pg.75
Two Poles for Mashed Potatoes by Miner Patton pg.76
Hopping to Control by Philip Miller pg.77
River Running by Frank Lamphier pg.78
1965 Annual (September) [MISSING]
Calendar of Coming Events pg.6
Best of SKI Photography pg.11
Peripatetic and Pecuniary-money saving tips by Karin Gottlieb pg.35
Settle the Argument: Unusual historical facts about skiing
by Frank Elkins pg.42
Ski Pointers by Joe Auckenthaler pg.51
ABC Exercises of the American Ski Technique Paul Valar
tells how to build up to the modern turning action pg.60
Skier's Library pg.72
Ski Films pg.74
1965 Ski Area Guide-North America and Europe pg.75
After Innsbruck: An Assessment of American Racing
by Tom Corcoran pg.89
The Great Seedings Battle (USSA) by Dr. Bud Little pg.93
Report on Organized Skiing (USSA, Eastern etc) pg.95
For the Record Results of major 1963-64 Alpine and Nordic
competitions in North America and Europe pg.107
Ski Associations of the World pg.105
The Sane Skier's Buying Guide by Joan Beller pg.115
For the Expert: Loosen the Pursestings by Bill Tanler pg. 121
Guide to Buying Apparel pg.125
The Complete Guide to Buying Equipment pg.129
October 1964
Sounding Off: Do We Need A Super Sports Organization
by Ralph ‘Doc’ Des Roches pg. 13
Bill Tanler’s Warming Hut: When Snow Falls, Can Madison Ave.
Be Far Behind? pg.16
25 Years Ago in Ski by Bill Eldred (1939-40)
Repair Shop by Bob Kidder pg. 22
John Fry’s Skier Notebook pg. 30
Ski Reports: Lift Lines pg. 39
Tom Corcoran’s In the Starting Gate pg. 44
Abby Rand’s Girls’ Rules pg. 49
Flex, Edge and Run by Robert Albouy pg.59
Snowplow News: The Knee Press by Ernie McCulloch pg.70
Skiing's New Colored Trails by Bob Cram pg.75
Secrets of Stein: His Own Story by Morten Lund pg.78
Parallels pg.88
From Seattle With Love by Bill Tanler pg.94
Perils of the Bugaboos by William Briggs with Morten Lund pg.102
Grand Hotel in the Sky (France - Pyrenees) by Harvey Edwards pg.112
Trial by Kinetography by Junior Bounous pg.119
Avalanche Tragedy (Bud Werner) pg.125
What Every Skier Should Know About Avalanches pg.136
5BX Exercise Plan for Skiers pg.149
November 1964
Eddie McCulloch’s Ski Clinic pg. 8
Abby Rand’s Girls’ Rules pg. 12
25 Years Ago in Ski by Bill Eldred pg. 24
Repair Shop by Ted Miller pg. 27
Ski Reports pg. 35
Tom Corcoran’s In the Starting Gate pg. 40
Bill Tanler’s Warming Hut (Woodstock Rope Tow) pg. 46
Sounding Off by Dick Georgi pg. 50
Profile of the Skier, Circa 1964 by Edward A. McCreary pg.54
The One-Color Look by Maureen Lynch pg.63
Ski the Steep with Stein by Stein Eriksen pg.73
The Snow We Ski On pg.78
All About Bindings by Graham Pringle pg.88
Ski Along A Border (Quebec) by John Fry pg.98
How to Make Your Child Hate Skiing by Glenn Springer-Miller pg.106
Can You Do These Exercises? pg.114
Flat and Edged by Morten Lund pg.120
Perils of Penny, Reel Two (Penny Pitou & Egon Zimmerman)
by Morten Lund pg.124
Skiing in Your Region pg.132
See Yourself as Others Do by Don Brolin pg.139
Double Check the Angles by Dick Johnson pg.140
Sure-Fire Sideslip by Frank Lamphier pg.141
Start Them Off Together by Real Charette pg.142
Stay Up for Smooth Skiing by Bob Homer pg. 143
Leaning Out is In by Hans Georg pg. 144
Look At That Track by Erik Lessing pg.145
Belly Hoist for Powder by Dusty DeLario pg.146
The World Championships Nobody Will See (Chile) by Monty Atwater pg.149
Gstaad Glows Again by Gordon Ackerman pg.154
Billy the Kidd by Burton Hersh pg.162
Acclimate for Altitude by Ralph Reynolds pg.173
December 1964 [MISSING]
Whither Alpine Architecture in America? by Alan Liddle pg.8
Ski Reports pg. 37
Easy-to-knit Ski Sweater pg.43
25 Years Ago in Ski by Bill Eldred
Ski Country Club pg.E5
The Wondrous A-Frame from the State of Maine pg.E10
Sierra Schussboomers pg.E17
Guide to New Hampshire Ski Areas pg.E20
Is There A Skiing Establishment? (Power Structure of American Skiing) pg.61
Pole for Better Stem Christies by Morten Lund pg.68
Two Turns, Two Styles by Junior Bounous pg.72
The Double Life of Dave McCoy by Burton Hersh pg.80
Alta for Christmas photos by Fred Lindholm pg.90
The Elusive Zen in Skiing by John & Joanne Eusden pg.96
Not So Far From New York (Catskills) pg.104
Meet Mr. Janss (Bill Janss - Sun Valley) by John Henry Auran pg.111
Meat for Breakfast by Emanuel & Madeline Greenberg pg.120
The Lean Look What to Wear Underneath by Maureen Lynch pg.140
Wisconsin is a State of Mind by Hal Bruno pg.146
Window on Titoland (Yugoslavia) by William F. Stark pg.154
My Secret Waxing Formula pg.127E
Are Your Boots Too Stiff A SKI Consumer Report pg.13E
Acrobatics for Agility by Art Furrer pg.162
Swing a Little by Georgia Hotton pg.171
On Skiing Moguls by Bob Bourdon pg. 172
Correct Hand Position by Don Henderson pg. 173
Set and Then Plant by Louis A. Gheller & Leigh St. John pg. 174
Anchor The Head by Jim Snobble pg. 175
Correct Your Cross by Joe Berry pg. 176
Rhythm Makes Wedeln by John Carson pg. 177
How to Come Across by Tom Barrett pg. 178
Charter Flight to Europe pg.180
American Technique is not Compulsory pg.199
January 1965
Skier's Notebook by John Fry pg.8
Calendar pg.10
Ski Clinic by Ernie McCulloch pg.12
Girls' Rules by Abby Rand pg.16
Starting Gate by Tom Corcoran pg.18
Repair Shop by Raymond Lanctot pg.22
Ski Reports pg.25
25 Years Ago by Bill Eldred pg.39
The 7 Keys to a Perfect Turn by Paul Valar pg.40
Let's Study the Alternatives to Present Learning by Frank Solymosi pg.45
The Girls Who Ski pg.48
The Great Haute Route by Harvey Edwards pg.54
Gnome of Fortune (Fred Iselin) by Burton Hersh pg.66
Manners Maketh the Skier by Bob Cram pg.78
Run a Better Race by Willy Schaeffler pg.84
Set and Spring Gwen Rector pg.91
The Pointable Navel by Jim & Joy Lucas pg.92
Weight Move for Short Turns by Hans Palmer pg.93
Hands at Rest by Ish Arnold pg.94
Think Ahead by Bob Savard pg.95
When to Counter by Arno Erath pg.96
Break into Fast Parallel by Bill Earle pg.97
Lunge to Adjust by Jan Huelle pg.98
Wheels for the Commuting Skier pg.100
The Skier's option Shasta by Ernest Gay pg.104
Ski the Bowls with Stein by Stein Eriksen pg.110
Are American Skiers (Male) Sloppy? (Oleg Cassini interview) pg.115
Best in the West pg.120W
Awakening in Southwest Utah pg.125W
National Ski Week Jan. 22-31 pg.127W
Mrs. Moriarty's Marvelous Hat by Ann Lyons Fry pg.128W
February 1965
Ski Reports pg. 17
Starting Gate Giant slalom and the flat ski myth by Tom
Corcoran pg.22
25 Years Ago In Ski by Bill Eldred pg. 31
A Mountain Is A Name-Story behind names
(Exhibition named by Sigi Engl in ’39) pg.33
La Dolce Velocita-touring by Michael Brady pg.39
Make Your Edge Do the Work A Beginning Instructional
by Peter Schoeck pg.44
Joring Jaunt-Fashion follows a new kind of snow car pg.46
The Total Coach-Bob Beattie pg.48
France's Wide New World of Courchevel-ski area pg.52
After the Platform, What? neutral position-parallel by Ernie McCulloch pg.58
Heatherbedlam-ski town life by Leon Uris pg.60
Powder Technique for parallel skiers by Leo Olson pg.75
Unweight in the Turn for parallel skiers by Erik Lessing pg.76
Skiing without Strain by Dick Pownall pg.77
Get that Second Down stem christie by Janet Wagner pg.78
Push the Turn stem christie by Mike Savell pg.79
Pole for Rhythm for parallel skiers by Starr Brinckerhoff pg.80
Baskets up the Hill for beginner skiers by Miner Patton pg.81
Hands at the ready parallel skiers by Real Charette pg.82
Can Skiing Become A School Sport? by Tom Corcoran pg.87
School Skiing in the East-community sponsored junior
programs pg.94
Science and the "Egg" (downhill racing position) pg.98
Fractured Fotos pg.104
Ski Country-style-Chester Page's Burrington Hill pg.102
Three Upstate Places-Snow Ridge,Old Forge and North Creek pg.107
Sounding Off Let's Split Up the Olympic Games by
Roland Palmedo pg.110
March 1965
Starting Gate Pro racing by Tom Corcoran pg.14
Ski Reports pg.23
Warming Hut Spring Skiing Seminar by Bill Tanler pg.29
Where to Go- Ski Hills that offer during waning months of season pg.31 West, East, Canada, Europe pg 38
Off to Camp-for summer skiing pg.40
Meeting Four Ski Challenges-spring snow and terrain by Junior Bounous pg.42
Mountain to Mahomet-Dave Hicks by Hal Bruno pg.46
Free style Season-fashion pg.48
I Found the Teenage Ski Cult by James Blond pg.50
The High Huts Alpine Touring (Colorado) by John Fry pg.54
Vail Preview: Race of Three Nations Austria, France
and US team race pg.58
Cook now, Ski Later pg.64
Portable Mountain Dew pg.65
Foil Spring Suction by Edward S. Pelkey pg.67
Watch Spring Weather by Mike Savell pg.68
Waterproof boots by George R. Story, Jr. pg.69
Do Not Hesitate by Georgia Hotton pg.70
Give at the Top by Bob Guthridge pg.71
Spring through Slush by John Kronsnoble pg.72
Conquer Spring Dips by Jack Snobble pg.73
The Light Touch by H. F Haemisegger pg.74
Buying Guide-Skin Creams, Rucksacks and Sun Glasses pg.78
The Best of Both Seasons-Spring skiing in the East pg.83
Cram on Spring Skiing-follies and foibles pg.86
Sounding Off- Lift Ticket Prices pg.88
1966 Annual Edition: Buying Guide (September 1965)
Ski Equipment pg. 9
Skis : The Diversity Factor pg. 10
Ski Buying Guide pg. 17
Ski Accessories Buying Guide pg. 24
Bindings pg. 28
Binding Buying Guide pg. 31
Boot Tree & Press Buying Guide pg. 35
Boots: The Essential Factor pg. 36
Boot Buying Guide pg. 40
Poles: The Weight Factor pg. 48
Pole Buying Guide pg. 51
Nordic Touring Equipment: The Specialization Factor
Auto Ski Racks Buying Guide pg. 60
Children’s Equipment: The Fun Factor pg. 66
Ski Books pg. 69
Ski Films pg. 70
Instruction: The Savvy Seven pg. 73
How Many Lessons Are Enought? by Junior Bounous pg. 73
How to Start Racing by Tom Corcoran pg. 74
Acrobatics for the Ordinary Skier by Art Furrer pg. 76
Mental Attitude and the Mountain by Ernie McColloch pg. 77
Don’t Get in Conditon for Skiing! by Willy Schaeffler pg. 79
Avoid Technique Confusion by Othmar Schneider pg. 81
What You Should Know About Ski Lessons by Paul Valar pg. 82
Apparel and Fashion pg. 84
Skier’s Trip List pg. 89
The Art of Positive Purchasing pg. 91
Travel Maps and Area Guides pg. 99
Budget Europe: Go as a Tourist, Ski as a Native pg. 124
European Area Guide pg. 128
The International Skier’s Lexicon pg. 131
First Facts First: Historical Record pg. 134
1965 Competition Results Tables pg. 139
Ski Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers pg. 150
Useful Skier Information pg. 153
Ski Event Calandar pg. 154
October 1965 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-Travel for Skiers and Writers pg.9
Girls' Rules-Fashion pg.11
In the Starting Gate- recreational slalom pg.15
Warming Hut- Circulation and ski profits (lift capacity and demand) pg.18
Ski Reports-News of ski resorts, racing, school and business pg.25
The Avalanche Almost Got Us-European Ski Trip by Sven Coomer pg.36
After Defeat: $450,000-America's new competition program
by Tom Corcoran pg.42
Boot News canted sole, lace inside buckle by Robert N. Albouy pg.44
Tone on Tone-fashion by Judith Morrell pg.48
The First Disciple: Luggi Foeger by Burton Hersh pg.54
First Day of the Season-hill exercises pg.56
King Killy by Serge Lang pg.63
A Ski Home: Hearth or Headache? by Howard Harrison pg.67
Ski Techniques of the World: 6 Top Turning Systems by Arthur Furrer pg.73
Sugarloaf Daddy-Maine Winter pg.E1
The Great Eastern Snow Drought pg.E4
Eastern Ski News pg.E8
American System Snowplow Turn by Paul Valar pg. 121
Off-season traverse by Arch J. McCartney pg. 122
Swing with Hupsitz by Simon Mayer pg. 123
Correct Binding Placement by Don Henderson pg. 124
Clock-step to Step-turn by Jack Irwin pg. 125
Synchronize Poles and Knees by Marshall K. Doughty pg. 126
Carving with the Shovel by Ramon Tostado pg.127
Off to a Good Start by Tom Corcoran pg. 128
Early Watch on the Wasatch-Utah's Peaks by Robert Woody pg.135
Sounding Off- Your Physical Condition by Dr. Hans Kraus pg.142
November 1965 [DUPE]
In The Starting Gate by Tom Corcoran pg. 21
Bill Tanler’s Warming Hut pg. 25
Girls' Rules by Abby Rand-Fashion pg.31
Ski Clinic by Ernie McCulloch pg. 36
Ski Report pg.51
Ski Event Calendar pg.57
Amateurism's Bruised Ethics by Serge Lang pg.66
Warm-ups Exercise by Willy Schaeffler pg.69
15 Secrets to Speed Your Ski Progress by Junior Bounous pg.74
Four Times Tyrol by Morten Lund pg.80
My Life with the Mountain (Stratton Mountain) by Pearl Buck pg.84
Ski Films: Heralds of Snow by Archer Winsten pg.88
The Solitary Slide by Othmar Schneider pg.90
Staib's Pole by John Auran- North Pole pg.92
Exploding Tahoe by Burton Hersh pg.94
Skis: Are They Too Expensive? by Robert Albouy pg.101
O Canada pg.104
Nancy Greene, Team-age Girl by Bill Tanler pg.107
Trail Blazers by Judith Morrell pg.109
American System Stem Turn by Paul Valar pg. 127
Wedel Warm-up by Chuck Quinn pg.127
Bend Zee Ankles by Penny Brown pg. 133
First T-Bar Ride by Diana Mitcheltree pg.134
Snow-free Ski Boot by Jack Wilderman pg. 139
Downhill Knee Tuckby R.A. Solberg pg.140
Hip-Hold Skis Together by Ar;no Erath pg. 145
The Awkward Arm by Tom Corcoran pg.146
What's New at the Ski Resorts East pg.168
" " " " " " MidWest pg.178
Ready, Get Set by Terry Edwards pg.181
Skiing the Buckeye by James Wattenmaker pg.184
A New Snow Reporting System by John Hitchcock pg.188
December 1965 [DUPE]
Ski Reports pg. 29
Resort News pg. 54
A Radical Look at Bindings by Bill Tanler pg.63
Portrait of the American Racer (Jimmy Heuga) by Burton Hersh pg.68
Ski Bull or Bear (Ski Area Stock) by Winston Lauder pg.71
Kennedy Christmas pg.72
Ski the Serpent (French Technique) by Georges Joubert pg.76
Preview Cartoons by Graeme Ross pg.80
I Skied Higher Than Any Man (Cho Oyu) by Fritz Stammberger pg.82
Apres Ski Recipe pg.86
The Girls of Glen Ellen pg.88
The American Way is Wrong (Cross Country) by Michael Brady pg.92
15 Secrets to Speed Your Ski Progress by Junior Bounous pg.94
Extravaganza-Hunter Mtn.'s Lodge pg.99
Over in Oberland by Gordon Ackerman pg.100
American System Christie Uphill by Paul Valar pg.109
Take off those straps by Georgia Hotton pg.110
Avoid the Gorilla Grip by Ish Arnold pg.115
Climb Cold Away by Odo Struger pg.116
180 Degrees to Perfection by Dick Pownall pg.121
Hands Forward for Difficult Snow by John MacIntyre pg.122
Rhythm to Speed Control by Dick LaBelle pg.127
Hairpin Wisdom by Tom Corcoran pg.128
One Pole, One Turn by Willy Schaeffler pg.131
Skiing's Good Samaritans (National Ski Patrol) by John G. Hubbell pg.137
January 1966 [DUPE]
Bill Eldred, 1913-1965 by Arnold Abramson pg.9
Abby Rand’s Traveler’s Checks (Ski Trains) pg. 10
Ski Reports pg. 25
Repair Shop by Ed Rickard pg. 30
Bill Tanler’s Warming Hut Reindeer Sweater pg. 35
Tom Corcoran’s In the Starting Gate (U.S. Ski Hall of Fame) pg. 36
Ski Resort of the Future pg. 50
Forecast: Wet and Shiny Waterproofs pg.55
Big and New on the Alpine Frontier (Jackson Hole) by Bill Tanler pg.58
Three Ways To Check by Tom Corcoran pg.64
Secrets to speed Your Ski Progress by Junior Bounous pg.66
Portrait of the American Racer by Burton Hersh pg.71
Keeping Your Car Unstuck Winter Driving by Allen MacCaulay pg.78
SKI's 1st Cover pg.81
30 Years of SKI pg.82
Dear Bob by Bob Bugg and Bob Cram pg.86
Evolution to Moderation by Dixi Nohl pg.92
Exciting Technique Future Ahead by John Spindler pg.96
Hagemeister-Lert, Inc pg. 103
Telemark Technique by Ott Schniebs & John W. McCrillis pg.105
Open Christiana Revisited by Charles N. Proctor & Rockwell R. Stephens pg.106
Fashion Look-alikes by Judith Morrell pg.108
American System Stem Christie by Paul Valar pg.111
Mixing Ski Mates by Sofie Aarheim pg.112
Begin With a Pole Hold by Janet Nelson pg.117
Square Stance for a Good Start by Bill Mason pg.118
Ski’s Camp Quiz by Morten Lund pg. 120
End of a Perfect Powder Turn by Terry Hines pg.123
Taking a Sneak Gate by Tom Corcoran pg.124
February 1966 [DUPE]
John Fry’s Skier’s Notebook - Testing You pg. 8
Calendar pg.10
Ski Reports pg. 21
Driving with Skis Auto Ski Racks by Jiim Edrys pg.32
Breaking Out of Intermediate pg. 37
1) Angulation by Othmar Scneider
2) Unweighting by Paul Valar
3) Timing by Ernie McCulloch
Across the Mountains with Liten Hanne and Anne - A
Norwegian Ski Holiday by Morten Lund pg.48
Giant Sleeper-Whiteface Mountain by Kim Massie pg.52
The Cross-over Acrobatics by Art Furrer pg.56
White and Black Skiwear, Fashion pg.58
The Instructor as seen By...Cartoons by Bob Cram pg.60
The Short Happy Ski Life of Ernest Hemingway
by Valerie Danby-Smith pg.65
Parallel Turn with Check by Paul Valar pg.69
More Time for Your Instruction Dollar by Fred Richards pg.70
Push for Power by Dick LaBelle pg.75
Confidence from a Light Hop by Jack Wilderman pg.76
Warm Fingers Secret by Terry Lee Wampler pg.81
Tummy up for Straight Stance by Olaf Rodegard pg.82
North of the Border-Arizona (Mt. Lemmon) pg.85
Step up with Weight Down by Jack Numbers pg.87
Running A Straight Hairpin by Tom Corcoran pg.88
Nose Straightener-Operation Nose Dive pg.90
Madonna Magnate: Tom Watson by Edward McCreary pg.92
Ski Mecca-Pennsylvania pg.101
Eastern News Roundup pg.104
Snow on the Rocks pg.111
Michigan's Pine Knob pg.114
Midwest News pg.115
Chicago's Liechtenstein pg.117
Ford's Ski Birds pg.118
March 1966 [DUPE]
Ski Reports pg. 15
Race Report From Europe by Serge Lang pg. 22
Finest Coaches at Ever at Famous Timberline pg. 25
How the Swinging College Skier Gets With It pg.36
Skiers Cum Laude pg.38
Why College Skiing Went West by Burton Hersh pg.40
SKI incorporating the Harvard Lampoon pg.43
Otto Gluck by Kandy Kirsch (Lampoon) pg. 44
Game for the Class of '77 by Judith Morrell pg.50
A Good Bump... by Tom Corcoran pg.52
How to Manage Moguls by Willy Schaeffler pg.54
Ron Johnson Won't You Please Go Home by Morten Lund pg.56
Ski Camps and Camping pg.58
American System Short Swing by Paul Valar pg.61
Stay Back to Stop "Hooking" by Alice Kossler pg.62
Watch Those Eyes by John Canova pg.67
Flow to Stem Christies by Art Laws pg.68
Couloir Conditions by Georgia Hotton pg.73
Downhill Motivation by Ken Moore pg.74
Hold that Platform by Paul Brown pg.79
Side-hill Hairpins by Tom Corcoran pg.80
Jay Peak, Weyerhaeuser map $2 1/2 Million Expansion pg.83
October 1966 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-Covering the FIS pg.14
Traveler's Checks-European Trip pg.32
Ski Reports pg. 41
World Alpine Ski Championships (Portillo) pg.69
What Happened, Race by Race by Serge Lang pg.73
Ladies' Slalom pg.73
Mens' Downhill pg.74
Ladies' Downhill pg.74
Men's Giant Slalom pg.75
Ladies' Giant Slalom-Two golds for Goitschel pg.76
Men's Slalom pg.77
An International Nightmare-How Portillo got the
Championships by Serge Lang pg.79
Gold for Norway by Michael Brady pg.80
Winning Colors-Fashion by Judith Morrell pg.82
Ski Life with Bob Cram- Boot Expose pg.90
Big Year for Boots by Dr. Neil Jacobs with Janet Nelson pg.91
Ski Boot Buying Guide pg.96
Vail by Abby Rand pg.100
Controlled Skier-Courtesy Code pg.114
Calf Stretcher-Conditioning by Steve Rieschl pg.119
Bending Hip Twist-Conditioning by Art Furrer pg.122
Overlap Lacing-Equipment by Robert A. Felker pg.124
Toe Hold-Down Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.126
Mirror-Time Kneebends-Conditioning by Fred C. Sorensen pg.128
Barefoot Snowplow-Conditioning by Bert Cross pg.130
Knee Wiggles-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.132
November 1, 1966 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-Teaching Systems Compared pg.8
Traveler's Checks-European Trip pg.12
Ski Reports pg. 29
Photos by the Skier-Camera Equipment by Paul Ryan pg.37
Conditioning Secrets of the Experts pg.44
Those Beautiful Little Hills - Western New York pg.50
Alta: The Purist's Mecca by Abby Rand pg.56
Learning to Ski by the Graduated Length Method BY Karl Pfeiffer pg.58
Ski Life with Bob Cram pg.62
What's really in Those New Skis-Fiberglass by John Fry pg.63
Visibility Fashions pg.68
Overtaking Skier-Courtesy Code pg.70
Front Wheels Down-Intermediate Skiers by Al Kovats pg.72
Boot Notching-Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.74
Stop edge Snag- Beginners by Orval R. Petersen, Jr. pg.76
Fall Sideways- Beginners by Bud Phillips pg.78
Hinge Hop-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.80
Buying Guide to Fiberglass and Metal Skis, plus wood, short
skis and Nordic Equipment pg.84
From Schoolhouse to Ski House-Michigan skiers pg.96
Its Busy Time at Tahoe by Bill Tanler pg. 97
Mid-America's Lake Geneva Convention Wisconsin-
Illinois Border Skiing pg.102
Ski Teaching TV-Minnesota's TV Ski Teacher pg.106
Ski Shop pg.108
November 20, 1966 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook The Compromise Ski pg.12
Warming Hut Cheap Ski Week by Bill Tanler pg.15
Ski Reports News pg.25
Photos by the Skier-Accessorizing and winterizing the camera pg.31
In The Starting Gate- Rotation and Counter-Rotation:The Split pg.32
Schuss, Comrade!-Ski Expedition to Caucasus by John Fry pg.56
Stem vs. Parallel Ski Learning by Art Furrer pg.64
The Hard Life and Times of Ski Dek by Morten Lund pg.66
Superstretch-Fashion by Judith Morrell pg.70
New Films for 1966-67 pg.74
Put Action in It-Ernie McCulloch Parallel exercise pg.80
SKI Life with Bob Cram-Binding in Distress pg.82
Better Bindings are Here by Janet Nelson pg.83
Hoe Cableless Heel Units Work-Step-ins, latch-ins and
releasable turntables pg.85
Buying Guide to Bindings pg.90
New Kind of Ski Competition-Style and Speed pg.100
Approaching Skiers-Courtesy Code pg.116
Half-Bend Bounce-Conditioning by Robert W. Vincent pg.118
Side Switch Slalom Bend-Conditioning by Steve Rieschl pg.120
Javelin Traverse-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.122
Stand Forward-Intermediate, Advanced Skiers by Murray Yeudall pg.124
Avoid Pole Panic Stop-Beginners by Gerry Stransky pg.126
Ankle Bender-Conditioning by Steven Rieschl pg.128
Straight Mounting-Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.130
The Area the Bomb Built-Los Alamos (Parajita) by Karin Gottlieb pg.132
Skiing the Battleground of the Gods (Oregon) by Eileen Holm Matthew pg.134
Western Ski Roundup-Resort News pg.136
December 1966 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-Names pg.8
Warming Hut The Watusi Fitness Test pg.22
Ski Report pg. 25
Photos by the Skier-Light Meters pg.32
Calendar pg.41
Can You Spot Ski Errors? Technique by Junior Bounous pg.43
The Steepness of Stowe pg.50
The 25 Steepest Ski Trails in North America pg.55
There's A Great Day Comin'- John Day Profile by Morten Lund pg.56
Learn that Awkward Feeling Ski Habits pg.60
Up With Down Fashion by Barbi Zinner pg.62
Madrisa: Six Years in the Making (Swiss) by Harvey Edwards pg.68
In the Starting Gate- How to Watch a Ski Race pg.73
New Ski Books in Review by Morten Lund pg.78
How To Watch Ski Jumping (Intelligently) by Michael Brady pg.83
Traveler's Checks Aspen: Universal Mecca pg.92
Poles What's New by Morten Lund pg.102
SlopeStop-Courtesy Code pg.114
Conquer Fall Line Fear by Janet Wagner pg.116
Follow Your Kick Turn Around by Philip S. Miller pg.118
The Sit-Back-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.120
Arms Out for Christie Uphill by C.W. Morrow pg.122
Which Ski to Weight? by Mary Alice Thompson pg.124
Edge Set Emphasis by Steve N. Haber pg.126
Forward Pressure-Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.128
Holiday Issue 1966 (December) [DUPE]
Revolutionary New Concept in Sun Valley Ski Instruction: Videotope
by Dorice Taylor pg.14
Ski Reports pg. 39
Traveler's Checks Insurance for the skier pg.42
Christmas in Skiland-Holidays on the Slopes pg.58
Master of Powder by Junior Bounous pg.63
Chris Goes Skiing-Father and Son by Chris Carroll pg.69
Chianti and Snow-Guide to Italian Skiing by Sam Bauman pg.72
Art Furrer's Helicopter-360 Degree Turn pg.76
What Maketh a Ski Bum? by Burton Hersh pg.80
The Skier You Wish You Were, You Are by Mike Logos pg.84
For Girls Who Want to be Watched-Fashion by George Bauer pg.86
In A Far and Beautiful Place-photos pg.90
Keep SkiLand Beautiful-Editorial pg.108
Entering a Trail-Courtesy Code pg.110
Climb a Ski Stairway-Beginners by Bob Maughan pg.112
Finger Warm up by Jackie Steinmann pg.114
Tap Boot for Snowplow-Beginners by Werner Schuler pg.116
Creeping Heel Thrust-Intermediate by Robert W. Vincent pg.118
Handy Food Idea-Recipe pg.119
Cross-over Kick Turn by Pete Cooper pg.120
Track Your Traverse-Intermediate by Emory Thomas pg.122
Run-Away Straps-Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.124
Reach Out with the Downhill Pole-Advanced by Murray Yeudall pg.126
Single Swing-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.127
Ski Life with Bob Cram-Instructor's Delight pg.130
1967 Guide to Ski Areas-West pg.134
January 1967 [DUPE]
Ski Report pg. 25
Moment of Truth on Skis Goal of Every Skier pg. 39
The Pure Carved Turn by Pepi Stiegler pg. 40
Think of a Turn Without Check or Edge-set by Othmar Schneider pg.42
A New Form of Skiing? by Bill Briggs pg. 43
A Sensation of Grace by Bernard (Dadou) Mayer pg.44
Boyne Boyne-Midwest Ski Aeas by Abby Rand pg.46
Ski Life with Bob Cram-Snow Reporting pg.51
Carnaval-Quebec City by Kim Massie pg.52
Attack Skating-Maneuver by Walter Foeger pg.56
Trip to Mt. Nowhere by Morten Lund (Bus Trips) pg.61
Great Ski Teacher Contest (Dick Nohl) pg.67
Mogul Mastery-Advanced Skiers by Dick Nohl pg.68
Starting Downhill-Courtesy Code pg.70
Elbow Your Way to a Snowplow-Beginners by Barbara Ruegg pg.72
Tired Skier's Carry by Georgia Hotton pg.74
Knee Snap for Edge Control by Bjorn Bang pg.76
Tuck when Airborne-Advanced by Bruce Gavett pg.78
The Charleston-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.80
Cable Hitches-Bindings by Gordon Lipe pg.82
Traveler's Checks-Squaw Valley:West Coast Mecca pg.86
Eastern News Roundup pg.91
Intermont Ski Area Opens-Central New York pg.98
Well, Besides Skiing there's...Poconos pg.102
Happy, High Corner of the Laurentians-La Reserve pg.106
TV's SkiMan-Al Cahill,Albany pg.100
Skiing's Angry Man- Hans Thorner pg.108
February 1967 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-Olympic Disappointment pg.8
Warming Hut- Litigation on the Slopes pg.14
Ski Reports pg. 23
In the Starting Gate- Memorizing the Course pg.32
Equipment Rental: How Good? by Bill Tanler pg.35
New Hampshire De- Mythed by Philbrook Paine pg.38
The Lapp Look-Norway Fashion pg.42
The Fantastic "Sidehop Stem Christie" by Ernie McCulloch pg.47
The Strangest Ski Race of them All-Swedish X-country
by James H. Winchester pg.50
Ski Life with Bob Cram-The Natural Athelete pg.53
Where the Coloradans Are-Winter Park by Kim Massie pg.54
Two Turns by Killy Slalom pg.60
Ski TV Quiz by Junior Bounous pg.63
Great Ski Teacher Contest - entry form pg.70
Climbing Uphill-Courtesy Code pg.71
Watch Your Shoulder Dip-Beginners by Art Milman pg.72
Downhill Ski First by Don Greb pg.73
Unfreezing Frostbite by Bjorn Bang pg.74
Think Boots-Intermediate and Advanced by Korty Kantowski pg.75
Consistent Release-Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.76
Inside Christie-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.77
Knee Action in Pole Plant-Advanced by Frederic N. Spidell pg.78
The Year of New Hampshire-Loon and Waterville pg.90
Skiing on the Mississippi?-Chestnut Mtn.,Illinois pg.94
The Biggest Little Area Going-Springfield Ski Club,Mass. pg.103
A Skitopia in the Making-Mt. Telemark,Wisconsin pg.109
The Anthony is Coming pg.117
March 1967 [DUPE]
Ski Reports pg. 23
Guide to Late Season Skiing pg.30
Exotica-photos pg.33
Star and Montezuma Basins pg.34
Tetons pg.36
Cochina Peak pg.38
Skiing Down Under pg.40
Austria's Hut Life pg.42
British Columbia pg.44
A Toothless Tuckerman? by Archer Winsten pg.46
Taming the Untracked-Crud by Junior Bounous pg.48
Spring for Lunch-Cuisine pg.52
Handlebar Helper-Exercise by Ernie McCulloch pg.54
Press Off,Pump Down,Turn On by Willy Schaeffler pg.57
Killy: Greatest of them All? by Serge Lang pg.58
Ten Plots to Shake TV pg.60
Ski Home of the Month-Hillside House pg.65
Runaway Straps-Courtesy Code pg.68
Roll The Inside Ankle-Beginners by Chuck Casuell pg.70
Pole touch to Angulate-Intermediate by Bob Bourdon pg.72
Positive Power-Intermediate and Advanced by Ken E. Ross pg.74
Retract in Moguls by Howard Coleman pg.76
Eggs in Soft Snow-Advanced by Charles R. Lawrence pg.78
Tip-Cross Turn-Acrobatic by Arthur Furrer pg.80
Testing Sequence-Binding by Gordon Lipe pg.82
Don't Burn, Baby: Tan! by Barbi Zinner pg.83
September 1967 [DUPE]
A Case of Overkill-Ski Teaching by Ezra Bowen pg.45
Ski Ball Twisting Turns pg.82
Get the Ski Bow Feeling pg.84
Artistry in Bongo Action pg.86
Pedal Power from Ski-Xer pg.88
Train the Ski Way Way pg.90
Twist to the "Ski in a Day" Beat pg.94
You Just Have to Work a Little Harder, That's All- Nancy
Greene pg.53
Sugarbush Survives the Abominable Season by Burton Hersh pg.63
Ski's Golden Rule for Ski Length by Morten Lund pg.68
Back to School-Clothing, Equipment and Travel pg.75
New Boots pg.83
New Girl in Town-Snowmass at Aspen pg.58
Traveler's Checks-Courmayeur, "The Fabulous Forty" pg.15
The Closest Win of All: Nancy Greene Painting pg.48
Results of the First World Cup of Alpine Racing -1967 pg.67
In the Starting Gate-Alpine Training Program pg.28
Ski Life Ski School pg.46
Winter Driving Tip-Tires pg.18
October 1967 [DUPE]
An Insider's Vacation Planner pg.67
Jackson Hole:The Ecstasy and the Agony by Morten Lund pg.68
La Plagne: Is this the Future? by Abby Rand
Town Planning pg.70
Stowe: The Eastern Shrine pg.74
Forever Zermatt Matterhorn by Bruce Gifford pg.78
Comparison of Ski Vacation Costs at 20 Resorts pg.83
Traveler's Checks- Group fares to Europe pg.45
How to Ski the New French Way by Georges Joubert and
Jean Vuarnet pg.86
Ski Attacks a Mogul by Roger Staub pg.120
Pointers for Youngsters:
Ride 'em T-bar by Alicia Kossler pg.106
Games Children Play by James Lavell pg.108
Downhill Leash by Norbert Fischer pg.110
Hop to Parallel by Dixi Nohl pg.112
The Condominium:New Form of Resort Living by Bill Tanler pg.84
Hot Colors Fashion by Patricia Doran pg.90
Go Ahead, Blame it on Your Boots by Janet Nelson pg.96
The Many Visions Of Willy Schaeffler by Morten Lund pg.100
The Winner Takes All:Bud Werner-Painting pg.114
Winter Driving Tip: The Skid pg.26
Ski 20 Below-Fashion pg.30
Warming Hut-The One-Meter Chain Marathon pg.48
November 1967 [DUPE]
Winners 8 Pointers
Concentrate to Assimilate
Undo That Abstem by John D Kalinuk pg. 73
Ride to a Short Swing Rhythm by Bruce Faribault pg. 74
Solutions Come 3 by 3 by Konrad Staudinger pg. 74
Sweep Your Arlberg Away by Ina Gillis pg. 75
Shut Your Eyes by Perry Fairbank pg. 76
Build a Terrain Repetoire by Ernest Blake pg. 76
Hip in, shoulder out by Roland Blood pg.71
How Good a Skier Can You Be?-Improvement by Frank Solymosi pg.103
Look, They're Sitting Back! Avalement by Georges Joubert
and Jean Vuarnet pg.108
Getting Back on Skis by Duncan Reid pg.130
Look up to Step Turn by Real Charette pg.132
Make Your Stop Below by William Mitkoff pg.134
Metal or Fiberglass? by John Fry pg.88
Guide to Binding Finding-new models by Janet Nelson pg.117
Ski Shop pg.40
Aspen's Christie pg.95
Acrobatic Pied Piper-Art Furrer pg.96
Downhill:King of Competitions-photos by Paul Ryan pg.78
The Mystery of Downhill by Tom Corcoran pg.87
The Greatest Season-Jean-Claude Killy Painting pg.98
The Day they Gave the Lift Tickets Away-Bromley
by Kim Massie pg.113
Traveler's Checks-Kitzbuhel:One of the "Fabulous Forty" pg.10
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.116
Aspen from the Inside Newspapers by Burton Hersh pg.92
For Numb Skiers it Was a Rat Race-Skiathon pg.148
The Padlock Stays Shut-Forest Preserves in New York pg.150
The Ski Area That Happened - Now (Maple Hills, Mn) by Tony Lane pg. 152
Skier's Notebook-Naughty French pg.20
Winter Driving Tip-Stuck? pg.46
Holiday 1967
Mondo Ski Ski Photos pg.48
Tackling Twenty Degrees-Steep Slopes by Ernie McCulloch pg.69
Ski Masters the Submarine-Packed Snow by Bill Briggs pg.80
Ski Pointer
Perpendicular Pole by Bill Mason pg.102
Heave-Ho Get Up by Janet Nelson pg.104
Outside Shoulder Back by Peter Cooper pg.106
Hands at the Ready by Real Charette pg.108
Lean Out by Hans Jenni pg.110
Climb Cold Away by Otto Struger pg.112
Skiing Icy Moguls by Paul Brown pg.114
Knee Snap for Edge Control by Bjorn Bang pg.116
The Dazzling Dozen-Apres Ski Fling pg.72
Traveler's Checks-Davos: one of the "Fabulous Forty" pg.23
1968 Guide to Ski Areas East pg.121
Hunter Expands Snow Making-Catskills pg.144
The Wise Buyers Guide to the New Skis pg.84
Ski Shop-Holiday Gift Ideas pg.95
New Ski Books in Review pg.100
Weather Breakthrough-Fashion by Patricia Doran pg.88
The American Pioneer: Dick Durrance-Painting pg.64
In The Starting Gate-Race pg.42
Skier's Notebook-Ted Riehle pg.8
December 1967 [DUPE]
Arms and the Skier-How To by Othmar Schneider pg.51
Ski Does the Superslide-Advanced Turns by Junior Bounous pg.64
Two Turning Tips for Beginners-Exercises pg.78
Tip That Hip by Ron Niccoli pg.104
Pole Pull to Poma Rides by Jackie Steinmann pg.106
Press the Pole Hand In by Putzie Frandl pg.108
Jump High for a Quick Turn by Dennis Wells pg.110
Short Cuts on Ice by William S. Morrison pg.112
Kick Like a Chorus Girl by Ray Cardinal pg.114
Shoulder Tip to Weight Shift by Paul R. Brown pg.116
The Trails of Tremblant by Martin Luray pg.54
St. Anton, one of the "Fabulous Forty" by Abby Rand pg.39
Number Two is Good Enough (Washington Skiers) by Bill Tanler pg.124
Mining Town Strikes Pay Dirt pg.136
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.60
The Texans are Coming by Morten Lund pg.90
Help Wanted in the Ski Business by Janet Nelson pg.61
Crazy, Crazy Double Flip-Acrobatic pg.70
Aspen from the Inside by Burton Hersh pg.77
A Film to Dance By-Ski Movie pg.102
Night Life of a Snowmaker (Minnesota) by Tony Lane pg.128
Girls, Girls, Girls!-Fashion pg.74
What is the Feel of Fit?-Ski Boot by Janet Nelson pg.68
The Big Payoff: Billy Kidd-Jim Heuga pg.80
In the Starting Gate-Coaches pg.34
Skier's Notebook-The Lousy Putter Syndrome by John Fry pg.10
Mining Town Strikes Paydirt (Wisconsin) by Shirley Rose Higgins pg. 136
January 1968 [DUPE]
Are You a One-Sided Skier?-Faults by Dixi Nohl pg.47
You Can Conquer Ice pg.52
Graduation Day for Graduated Length by Art Furrer pg.76
Rut Technique for Late Starters by Donald H. Henderson pg.82
Rabbit Bounce To Knee Action by Dixi Nohl pg.84
Think Forward to Unweight by Gerry Stransky pg.86
Beam Your Knee and See by Kermit Samples pg.89
7 Letters Between Friends-Bindings pg.51
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.50
The Greatest Show on Snow-TV by John Fry pg.56
Panorama of Olympic Games Site-Grenoble, Painting pg.58
The Other Show-Fashion by Patricia Doran pg.60
Resorts Near the 1968 Winter Olympics pg.63
Val d' Isere-"Fabulous Forty" by Abby Rand pg.22
French Invincibility: Fact or Myth? by Tom Corcoran pg.64
A Double Gold for America: Andrea Mead pg.66
Penny and Poncho-Profile pg.72
Conservation in New York pg.88
Ski 93: The New Image of New Hampshire-Ski Industry by Janet Nelson pg.96
It's All for the Kids-Teen Competition pg.106
You Know How it Is-Route 7 by Herbert Burkholz pg.108
Winter Driving Tip-Traction pg.38
February 1968
Invitation To A "Grande Lutte" pg.32
White Hopes and Dark Horses-Grenoble by Serge Lang and
Willy Schaeffler pg.37
Jumper To Beat-Wirkola by Michael Brady pg.43
"Don't Look Back-I Might Pass You"-Mike Gallagher,
Cross-country pg.44
Olympic Medals Won In Ski Events pg.44
The Greatest Olympic Skier: Toni Sailer-Painting pg.52
SKI Tells Slalom Like It Is by Tom Corcoran & Morten Lund pg.59
That Wretched Sex Mess by Mike Brady pg.48
Can Killy Repeat Sailer's Triple Gold? by Serge Lang and
Tom Corcoran pg.50
Alpine Ski Events at Chamrousse-Painting pg.33
The Way It Will Be On TV by Roone Arledge pg.46
TV Schedule: X Winter Olympics pg.47
Ride 'Em Easy by Junior Bounous pg.80
Angulation vs. Reverse by John Bruce Milan pg.64
Knees Follow Through by Adi (Adolf) Binder pg.66
The Pole Arrest by Sandy McAusland pg.68
Bend the Knee to Weight the Ski by Dr. Richard A. Solberg pg.70
Unlock Your Knees by Helmut Falch pg.72
Fly on One Engine by John Fry pg.74
Close the Scissors by Paul Pfosi pg.76
Hug Your Girl by Thomas Reynolds pg.78
Traveler's Checks- St. Moritz by Abby Rand pg.26
Wilmot: A Midwest Cinderella-Wisconsin pg.98
Wilmington, Vermont: The Poolside Mecca pg.101
Have Skis, Won't Travel-Duluth by W. W. Morgan pg.114
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.89
John Clifford and the Greasy Pole of Life by Morten Lund pg.94
Mini-Living pg.116
The Old Mug Jr.-Pro Cup pg.119
Winter Driving Tip-Braking pg.19
Warming Hut- Winter Carnival pg.20
Photos by the Skier-Photographing Ski Action pg.30
March 1968
Olympic Section pg.33
Professor K's New Turn-Interski by Dieter ‘Dixi’ Nohl pg.70
(Dr. Stephen Kruckenhauser)
Thrust in Slush by Dixi Nohl pg.80
Butter Your Snowplow Turn by Don Leonard pg.81
Ski on Skates by John L. Macintrye pg.82
A Little Push to Independence by Norbert Fischer pg.83
The Continuous Pole Plant by Joe Brody pg. 84
Send a Child To Summer Camp by Thelma Slater pg.18
Traveler's Checks-The Endless Winter by Abby Rand pg.26
Guide to Late Season Skiing pg.56
The Winds of March-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.58
SKI Builds a Home-Second Homes by Henrik Bull, AIA pg.60
Oniontop the Breathtaking! by Karin Rae pg.78
The Ultimate Race: Toni Matt by Lowell Thomas-Painting pg.64
September 1968 [DUPE]
SKI 2001-Future pg.57
Ski House Revisited-Laboratory pg.73
SKI Rates 16 Boot Brands pg.82
Try a Swap-a-Ski-Money Saving pg.88
Big Little Details-Fashion pg.92
Ski Shop pg.143
Traveler's Checks-Plane Chartering pg.43
St. Moritz:A Mighty Circus by Morten Lund pg.64
12 "Discovery" resorts pg.71
Sun Valley: The Being and Becoming by Abby Rand pg.72
Michigan Winter-Photos by Paul Ryan pg.76
Jog Your Way to Snow Time pg.129
Tune Up on the Flat pg.130
Pick a Flower to Turn pg.131
The Scoot Foot pg.132
Hold the Hip Back pg.134
Up the Down Staircase pg.136
Pre-strengthen Your Legs pg.138
Build Kick-Turn Confidence pg.140
Open Fights for the Nations Cup by Serge Lang and John Fry pg.62
In The Starting Gate-Ski Politics by Tom Corcoran pg.35
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.75
Last Run-Humor pg.144
Skier's Notebook-Nancy Greene Joins Ski pg.9
October 1968 [DUPE]
You Can Wedel Before You Parallel-Austria by John Fry
and Dixi Nohl pg.79
Let Your Skis Do the Work pg.96
Little League Skiing By Nancy Greene pg.102
Go To the Mountain pg.119
Forward to Fan the Tails pg.120
Heads Up pg.122
Hands Out In Front pg.124
Only the Arm Moves pg.126
Step Up for Confidence pg.128
Make Your Powder Starts Easy pg.130
Treasure of the Wasatch-Park City pg.103
An American's Guide to "Kitz"-Europe by Morten Lund pg.106
Traveler's Checks-Taos by Abby Rand pg.58
Waiting for Snow-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.86
SKI Tests 17 Ski Brands pg.110
The Outer Limits-Ski Film pg.132
Some New Skis for the Coming Winter pg.140
RFK: A Memoir by Burton Hersh pg.100
Our First Nordic Champion: John Bower-Paiting pg.114
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.145
Skier's Notebook-Ski Teaching by John Fry pg.10
Starting Gate- American Racers pg.70
November 1968 [DUPE]
Toward a Teenage Olympics by Tom Corcoran pg.77
Don't Talk to Anyone Over Eight by Morten Lund pg.80
Colorations of Interski-Photos by Paul Ryan pg.84
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand pg.53
The Tatra Caper-Czechoslovakia by Richard Durrance,Jr. pg.92
Big New Ski Weekend by Morten Lund pg.94
Snowmass-The First Season pg.117
Stein Becomes World Champion-Painting pg.112
Runnin' Warren Runs Again-Warren Miller pg.134
Rarefied Squaw Valley Party-Fashion pg.102
New Films pg.73
How Poles Affect Your Pocketbook-Ski Cost,Expenses pg.100
New Choice in Bindings by Jim Spring pg.108
Equipping Junior Racers by Nancy Greene pg.71
How Pole Length Affects Your Skiing ny Ernie McCulloch pg.98
The Tip Roll-Art Furrer pg.124
Hop-Around Turn pg.128
The Snowplow Kiss pg.130
Shift Weight Up and Forward pg.142
One Ski for Washboard pg.145
Knees, Like Feet, Apart pg.149
Be Sure Your Skis Move Sideways pg.150
Planted Pole Stays Down pg.152
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.83
Last Run-Humor pg.164
Holiday 1968 (December) [DUPE]
"My Favorite Ski Trail" by Editors pg.65
Purest Crystal pg.90
Tattoos of Winter-Photos pg.72
New Ski Books in Review pg.8
How to Organize a Ski Club pg.30
Don't Let Your Skis Get Stolen This Winter by Bill Tanler pg.34
The Cure for Goggle-fogging pg.38
Crimpers and the Skiing Girl by Paul Mitchell pg.44
Ten Recipes to Warm Your Heart-Cuisine pg.48
Gift Ideas for Christmas pg.86
America's First Olympic Medalist: Gretchen Fraser-Painting pg.80
A Basic Ski Repair Kit pg.28
Othmar's Fabulous Fishtail Wiggle by Othmar Scneider
Ski Turn pg.119
Peek-a-boo Turn pg.122
Hands on Knees pg.124
The Sitting Back Myth pg.126
Pull the Knees Up to Unweight pg.128
Reach Downhill pg.130
They Learned the GLM Way pg.132
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.117
December 1968 [DUPE]
How to Solve Three Common Ski Errors by Junior Bounous pg.73
Putting Your Ski On In Deep Powder:Cable pg.101
Stop Your Tips From Crossing pg.104
Hip Back to Bite on Ice pg.106
Preview Your Progress pg.111
Ban Backward Slide pg.112
First Time on the Chair pg.123
Putting Your Boot on in Deep Snow:Step-in pg.124
Junior Race Camps pg.54
Bindings:The Most Important 30 Minutes pg.91
Five Looks... The Price is Right-Fashion pg.120
Butterflies Nancy Greene pg.58
Killy's Last and Greatest Secret by Serge Lang pg.68
What's Your Ski Handicap? by John Fry-NASTAR pg.102
Traveler's Checks Toting Your Skis pg.40
Metroski-Urban Ski Areas pg.61 Metroski West by Bill Tanler pg.66
Full Steamboat Ahead-Steamboat Springs pg.78
Maestro of Metroski by Morten Lund pg.62
The French Wave: Jean Vuarnet pg.96
Paper Tiger Racer by Morten Lund pg.87
Ski Life by Bob Cram-Humor pg.89
The Truth About Shakespeare by Abby Rand pg.122
In the Starting Gate-Ski Coach pg.48
January 1969 [DUPE]
Up Tight on Edge-Othmar Scneider pg.66
Turn Like it Hurts pg.70
Let Moguls Unweight you pg.75
Leg Slide for Muscle Wake Up pg.76
Shadow Ski Your Way to Better Form pg.78
Your Deep Snow Debut pg.84
Synthetic Boots pg.63
Traveler's Checks-Business and Pleasure by Abby Rand pg.37
The Attainable Dream-Canadian Rockies pg.44
Jay Peak is Alive and Going into Orbit pg.52
America's 20 Most Lovable Ski Areas pg.68
A Problem of Space-Conservationists and Skiers by Morten Lund pg.51
NASTAR pg.18
Developing a Winners Attitude by Nancy Greene pg.22
What's Your Opinion?-Pro-am Controversy pg.43
The Old Fox Takes the Harriman: Christian Pravda-Painting pg.56
The Oldest Continuous Floating Ski Racer of them All
Christian Pravda by Burton Hersh pg.61
Skier's Notebook-Snow Conditions by John Fry pg.12
In The Starting Gate Pro-am Storm pg.41
February 1969 [DUPE]
Mastering the Carved Turn by Bill Briggs pg.37
Instant Wedeln by Georges Joubert pg.41
Fast, Easy Stem Christie by Ernie McCulloch pg.42
Make the French Turn by Corky Fowler (Avalement) pg.44
The Horse Kick Ruade pg.69
Spring for Deep Powder pg.70
Wind Up to Get Airborne pg.72
The Tune-up Trunk Twist pg.74
Hands Up So You Can See Them pg.76
Don't Turn It, Weigh It pg.78
Acceleration and Braking (Speed and Control) by Nancy Greene pg.53
"Edge Like You're Making Chopped Liver" by Kim Massie
New York's Borscht Belt -Humor pg.54
Triumph at Squaw Valley: Penny Pitou Painting pg.64
National Ski Standard is Set-NASTAR pg.58
SKI Bear!-California Ski Area- by Morten Lund pg.47
Alyeska-Alaska- by Robert Woody pg.50
Meet Me in Marrakesh by John Fry pg.62
In the Starting Gate-NASTAR-by Tom Corcoran pg.13
Winter Driving Tip-Weighting Your Car pg.26
March 1969
The One-Two Split Turn by Junior Bounous pg.58
Inside Edges for Ruts pg.77
Pick Up that Tip pg.78
Hop Sideways, Not Up pg.83
Tip to Turn pg.85
Step Off a Tack in Heavy Snow pg.86
Battle of the Ages-"Karli" Schranz by Serge Lang pg.34
Map for World Cup Finale pg.40
The Tennyboppers Come of Age-American Girls
by Nancy Greene pg.46
NASTAR Pin Winners pg.60
Rick Chaffee (And We) Stagger On Toward Distant Victory
by Morten Lund pg.38
The Technique Innovator: Emile Allais by Jim Johnson pg.52
Guide to Summer Ski Camps pg.22
Traveler's Checks-When Lodges Lower Rates by Abby Rand pg.31
Springtime:Mountains of the Moon by Morten Lund
Tyrolean Village pg.50
Guide to Late Season Skiing pg.57
Boyne is Licking Summer by Pat Begrow pg.63
A Second Tuckerman Quebec by John Fry pg.69
Sliding in the Irish Alps by John Fry pg.66
In the Starting Gate-Money by Tom Corcoran pg.32
September 1969 [DUPE]
New Places to Dream About and Go pg.66
New Lifts for 1969-70 pg.73
Ski Racing Will Test a Testy Brundage by John Fry pg.74
Are Your Boots Obsolete? by Jeffrey Garlick pg.76
There'll Be A Warm-up in Your Wardrobe by Pat Doran
Fashion pg.80
Architecture Will Go Native by Jim Spring pg.84
Portrait of a New Community Center pg.84
Land Values Will Soar pg.89
How Beginners Will Progress Faster by Dixi Nohl pg.90
Why Willy Wins by Ed Hunter pg.163
September Ski Bird Picture-Fashion pg.8
The Truth About Winter by Hal Tennant pg.101
NASTAR Finals pg.172
New Ski Information Service pg.169
Be a Penny Pincher-Finance pg.97
New Way to Measure Pole Length pg.99
Learning the Ropes pg.103
Double Pole Power pg.105
Start to get in Shape now by Willy Schaeffler pg.165
The Step Jump pg.165
V for Victory pg.166
Be a Stationary Slalom Racer pg.167
The Double Stretch Twist pg.168
Park City West-Ski Area by Janet Nelson pg.106
Wintergreen-Ski Area by William Stark pg.170
10 Money Saving Tips-Finance pg.27
Group Fare Bargain to Europe-Ski Packages pg.46
Super Skier Comic-Cartoon,Humor pg.177
October 1969 [DUPE]
How to Meet People on a Ski Trip-Travel pg.32
Picking Resorts for Begginers-Travel pg.33
Vail: The Wave of the Future by Morten Lund pg.66
Big Mtn.:Montana's Forgotten Favorite by Abby Rand pg.68
Stowe's Chin: The First Year by Jim Spring pg.70
Loon Mtn.: The New New Hampshire by Abby Rand pg.72
Europe A to Z by Abby Rand pg.74
How Top Ski Brands Rate pg.82
Why You Must Prepare Your Skis by Ernie McCulloch pg.93
Skier's Release Check by Janet Nelson pg.156
More Than One Way to Ski(n) a Catwalk by Dixi Nohl pg.76
The Great Speckled Whirlybird Technique by Morten Lund pg.98
Breaking Away From the Crowd pg.143
Turn Your Head Before You Turn pg.145
Keep in Touch pg.146
Stop Depending on Your Poles pg.151
Sneak into a Snowplow pg.152
Keep Your Hands in Sight pg.154
Squaw Valley: Alex Builds A Behemoth by Morten Lund pg.100
Great Ski Photo: "The Skier and the Mountain" pg.104
How Not to Live Alone and Like It by Forrest Perrin pg.120
New Ski Films pg.128
Getting High on NASTAR by Morten Lund pg.165
Ski Show of the 70's by Claire Walter pg.172
World Cup Analysis by Morten Lund pg.136
October SKI Bird-Picture Fold Out-Fashion pg.52
Heroic Winter Looks by Pat Doran-Fashion pg.85
November 1969 [DUPE]
SKI Rates the New Skis by John Fry pg.82
Twelve Great Escapes by Jeffrey Garlick pg.84
Color Your Feet-Equipment pg.114
Faster, Safer, Easier-Instruction by Janet Nelson pg.89
Meeting the Moguls on Your Terms-Instruction-
by Othmar Schneider pg.106
Mini-Skids pg.137
Airplane Ticket to Angulation pg.138
Ski the Saucers. Not the Cups pg.143
To Close Your Skis, Seperate Your Knees pg.144
Routine for Royal Christies pg.152
Snowplow for Reluctant Debutantes pg.158
The Guns of November-Photos by Peter Miller pg.76
The Earliest Season Ever by Morten Lund pg.81
Last Season, or Maybe Yesterday, at Gstaad by Morten Lund pg.92
Cool Millions in the Instructor Set by Bill Rollins pg.96
The Sundance Kid by Morten Lund pg.104
Robert Redford
"Great Run" Ski Photo pg.116
November SKI Bird-Picture Foldout-Fashion pg.48
That Downhill Racer Look-Fashion pg.98
Traveler's Checks-Rental Cars,(Finance) and
Vacation Places to take Children by Abby Rand pg.53
Holiday 1969 (December) [DUPE]
No Courtesy? It's Costly by Morten Lund pg.55
Lest Skiers Forget: In the Beginning there Was the Land
by I. William Berry pg.72
Twilight of the Wilderness? pg.79
"The Onset" Ski Photo pg.90
Classic Ski Lodges by Janet Nelson pg.114
Dick Barrymore, We Ask You-Are You Making It?
by Morten Lund pg.150
The American Ski Technique:Ski Style of the 70's
by Jerry Muth pg.95
Magnificent Royal Changeover Explained-Technique pg.112
Step Up to a Traverse Position pg.127
Hopped-Up Side Jumps pg.128
Start Off on the Right Foot pg.133
Keep Your Tips Uncrossed pg.134
Timing's The Thing pg.136
Tired Skier Carry pg.138
Super Socks by Janet Nelson pg.10
Keeping the Heat In by Janet Nelson pg.14
Boots Can Fit pg.17
Boots for Coming and Going by Janet Nelson pg.18
Ski Bird Fashion pg.46
With the Very Ritz at St. Moritz-Fashion pg.122
The $1000 Weekend by Abby Rand pg.21
The $30 Weekend pg.27
Making Last Minute Reservations-Travel pg.38
Taking air Taxis pg.39
A Quiet Fin(n)ish to a Holiday (Finland) pg.43
Aspen Highlands by Morten Lund pg.118
Sugarloaf by Morten Lund pg.120
Nancy Greene Speaks:The Question of Technique pg.110
December 1969 [DUPE]
A Big Year for Time-Beaters pg.17
The $5 Lift Ticket pg.24
Can Professional Racing Save Skiing? by Bob Beattie pg.94
Turn on Color pg.99
"Lucifer in Starlight" Photo pg.116
Instruction and Technique:Girls are Different by Janet Nelson pg.124
Cooling It On Ice by Georges Joubert pg.128
Ski With Your Legs pg.137
Knee Wobbles pg.138
Anticipate Changing Snow Conditions pg.143
Games Children Play pg.144
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand Tipping in Ski Towns
Eating Out vs. Eating In pg.78
The Ultimate Bunny by Morten Lund pg.104
Smile, Great Stone Face by Morten Lund pg.110
The Sugar Bowl: Inside the Social Fortress by Burton Hersh pg.114
Fashion: New Pant, New Fit pg.44
December Ski Bird pg.48
Gifts for Skiers pg.132
January 1970 [DUPE]
They're Beautiful by Morten Lund (Ski Bums of Aspen) pg.66
But They're Employed-Ski Bums by Janet Nelson pg.71
Val Gardena:Valley of Decision-FIS Site pg.80
Bobbing is for Gentle People by Jim Spring pg.92
Technique:How to Beat Your Friends at Slalom by Tom Corcoran pg.72
Skiing Powder by Junior Bounous pg.86
Powder Put-Ons Gear, Equipment pg.94
A Perfect Ending to a Parallel Turn pg.95
Use a Wide "V" For Better Snowplow Turns pg.97
Teaching Your Child To Ride a T-Bar pg.101
Seesaw in Moguls pg.102
Swallow the Bumps pg.107
Carve Your Christies pg.108
How to Travel in Ski Clothes by Abby Rand pg.23
Flaine: The Impossible Ski Resort Travel pg.76
Alpental pg.78
January Ski Bird-Fashion pg.40
"Shadows"-Photo pg.52
Nancy Greene Speaks-The Woman Racer as a Woman pg.57
February 1970 [DUPE]
The Gold Rush at Val Gardena-Racers are Rated pg.41
Puffing and Pretty US Nordic FIS Team pg.48
Flying High on Federal Funds-Michigan's Copper Peak pg.50
Have Faith, You're On the Right Trail-Beginner Trails pg.58
SKi Technique of the 70's:the S-Turn, Structured Avalement pg.62
Power Brakes to Stop Your Snowplow pg.68
Change Hips to Change Tips pg.75
Stop the Stem Before It Starts pg.79
Weekend On the Wild Side by Peter Miller
St. Sauveur des Monts, Quebec-Canada pg.53
Mad River by Jim Spring pg.60
February Ski Bird Fashion pg.16
"Reveille"-Photo pg.36
March 1970 [DUPE]
For Bill Eldred, A Call to Fame for a Ski Innovator pg.10
The New World Champions-Val Gardena pg.37
Daredevil of the Alps-Sylvain Saudan, by Harvey Edwards pg.60
The Finals Are Coming-NASTAR finalists vie for SCHLITZ
trophies at Vail,Colorado pg.66
Summer Camps:Boon for Young Racers by Barbara Wicks pg.68
Springing for Fashion by Pat Doran pg.70
Skiing the Steep-Descents by Ernie McCulloch pg.54
Change Edges Positively pg.52
Stay in the Fall Line to Ski Soft Snow pg.67
Be a Sleeping Beauty pg.69
Garibaldi's Whistler by Abby Rand-Travel pg.62
Arapahoe Basin by Morten Lund-Travel pg.64
"The Skiers' Patron Saint" Photo pg.32
September 1970 [DUPE]
The Wild Bunch at Jackson Hole by Del Mulkey pg.50
Two Men in Turmoil-Avery Brundage and Earl Walters
by John Fry pg.62
Build a Basic Wardrobe Fashion pg.70
Breckenridge Breaks for the Big Time Colorado
by I. William Berry pg.84
The NASTAR Winners:From All Kinds of Mountains
by Claire Walter pg.94
Phil Gerard and His Wonderful, Electric Skiing Machine
by Morten Lund pg.146
Attack a Slalom Turn pg.37
Sideslip to Action Stops pg.44
Switch-off Paddling pg.76
Ankle action for Cycling pg.81
No-excuse Training pg.144
Shoot Rapids, Jet Moguls pg.148
Straddle and Straight Jumps pg.162
Foaming: Fit to be Tied?-Skiboot Linings pg.56
Feet-Buying Boot Secrets by Ken Vermeulen pg.58
Boot Fitting Aids by Janet Nelson pg.60
Getting a Room When You Travel Alone pg.30
The Real Cost of Flying to Europe-Travel pg.30
The New Fares to Europe pg.153
Anthony Lakes Revisited-Ski Area by Phil Taylor pg.143
Grand Targhee-Ski Area by D. Brent Clement pg.160
October 1970 [DUPE]
A Day for All Skiers-Ski Shows pg.16
The NASTAR Scene pg.64
Vermont, the Beckoning Country by I. William Berry and
Richard Sapir-Land Development pg.78
Why Ski Instructors Grow Old by Richard Earle pg.98
Ski Italian Style Fashion pg.100
Dogging it On the Slopes by Leverett Richards pg.110
Hills and Hearts at 40-Plus by Dr. Bruce C. Paton pg.125
At Sunapee You Can Hear the Trees by I. William Berry pg.174
Timberline Shoots for the Top by Pat Begrow pg.180
Two Boots, One Turn-Leather vs. Plastic Boots by Ernie McCulloch pg.83
The New Skis by Jeffrey Garlick pg.114
Slope Tune-ups by Junior Bounous pg.92
Hip Check-up pg.38
Ease Fall Line Fear pg.140
Track in a Traverse pg.157
Dryland Shortswing pg.158
Do a Snappy Snowplow pg.160
Peek Around the Barn pg.162
Swing Like a Pedulum pg.164
Your Ski As a Boot Scraper pg.166
Renting an Apartment in Europe-Travel pg.50
How to Cross a Border-Travel pg.50
Join Now Fly Later-Travel pg.127
Waterville Valley by Morten Lund (New Hampshire, Tom Corcoran) pg.90
The Once and Future Ski Resort-Banff Springs Hotel
by Derek Bodington pg.112
Lech-am-Arlberg by Abby Rand pg.122
"The Incomparable Light" Photo pg.86
November 1970 [DUPE]
Black and White Together by Lee Fowler pg.37
Holiday Ski Camps by Barbara Wicks pg.46
Feet, Fingers and Frostbite by Dr. Bruce Paton pg.70
You Can Ski Year-round Where Butch Cassidy Roamed
by Del Mulkey Telluride pg.78
The Racer Chasers by Morten Lund pg.84
Western vs. Classic Fashion pg.96
Skiing:Elementary My Dear Watson-by Albert Orbaan pg.140
Disenchantment at Dartmouth-F. Scott Fitzgerald
by Burton Hersh pg.179
The Family that Skis Together by Pat Begrow pg.190
The Fifth H by Claire Walter pg.196
Ski Area in a Snow Belt by Barbara Wicks pg.199
Equipment: The New Skis:Part II by Jeffrey Garlick pg.106
Off the Fall Line by Dixi Nohl pg.86
GLM Goes National by Morten Lund pg.98
A Russian Solution to Ski Instruction-Taos- by Ezra Bowen pg.100
How to Go For NASTAR Gold-Racing Tips by Roger Staub pg.104
Don't Pose for the Camera pg.165
Correct Natural Stance pg.168
Traverse with the Help of a Friend pg.173
Keeping Stable on Bumps pg.166
Gorilla Hop to Parallel pg.171
Straighten up to Ski Right pg.174
Ski Areas:
Why Skiers Endure Mammoth's Madness by Janet Nelson pg.112
Magic Mountain: Virtuosity in Vermont by I. William Berry pg.130
Courchevel Carnival by Janet Nelson pg.134
Mt. Telemark by James Ward pg.187
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand:
How to Read a Brochure pg.23
Ski Tours for Unaccompanied Teenagers pg.26
How to Buy a Condominium pg.26
We Skied Together Photo pg.94
Holiday 1970 [DUPE]
Mineral King Scores an Upset-Sierra Club by I. William Berry
and Robert Lochner pg.15
Wonders of Walter-Vermont Ski Area by Morten Lund pg.52
Spaced Across the Alps and Ages-Avoriaz by Del Mulkey pg.56
The Under-20's and Where It's At Fashion by Pat Doran pg.68
Yes Virginia, There is Skiing in the South-Ski Areas
by Claire Walter pg.116
Cracked Edges-Ski Terms by Gary Cavalli pg.130
Nonstop Racing Program-Burke Mountain training Program
by John Hitchcock pg.133
Skiing by the Book(s)-Teaching Methods by Janet Nelson pg.45
Reverse Jump Turns-Conditioning Pointer pg.92
The Mystery of the Perfect Binding by Jeffrey Garlick pg.60
Binding Installation by Janet Nelson pg.66
Billy Kidd's Secrets of Edge Filing by Billy Kidd and
Barbara Wicks pg.74
Ski Films pg.22
Ski Books pg.32
December 1970 [DUPE]
Touring Gets Away from It All-Photos pg.85
Diary of an Alpine Novice by Linda Wassermn pg.92
Diary of an Alpine Expert by Janet Nelson pg.94
A Primer of Touring Technique ny Lorns Olav Skjemstad
Ski Coach talks of touring pg.96
The Wily Ways of Waxing-Touring Skis by Barbara Wicks pg.99
Nearer My God to Ski pg.50
Papa Makes the Cochrans Go-US Ski Team by Morten Lund pg.100
Four Lovely Lunches-Cuisine by Abby Kirsh pg.102
Delightful Dishes for Day Trips-Cuisine by Pat Doran pg.104
The Lange Cup-Pro Ski Racing and TV by I. William Berry and
Kenneth McKenna pg.114
A Single View of Charter Flights by Lee Fowler pg.147
A Plan to Pollute the Slopes for Profit by Morten Lund pg.190
Gifts for Skiers pg.78
Should You Buy Foam?-Boots pg.116
The Sliding Jet Turn by Georges Joubert-French way pg.107
Ski Parallel with Punch pg.167
Powder Pick-Me-Up pg.168
Slip the Tips pg.170
Ski Uphill to Control Speed pg.176
Handlebar Snowplow pg.183
Steepen Your Traverse pg.184
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand
How to Complain pg.54
How to Make a Vacation Budget pg.57
Stratton:You Ski Better by Janet Nelson-Travel pg.110
Something for Everyone at Innsbruck by Lee Fowler-Travel pg.144
Loch Lomond-Travel pg.198
A Rising Northern Star by Nancy Greene pg.27
Starting Gate-Analysis of Judy Nagel's Retirement by Billy Kidd pg.32
Deep Powder-Photo pg.112
January 1971 [DUPE]
What if They Gave Us Jean-Claude Killy Again? by Morten Lund pg.66
The High and the Low at Tahoe Skiing and Gambling
by I. William Berry pg.74
Mastering Winter Driving by R. David Sheff pg.78
Wild Tracks in the Early Snow by Helen Russell pg.92
A Rugged Solution to those Motel Miseries-Winter Camping
by Linda Wasserman pg.120
Kids and Snow Against the Cold by Katherine and Rodney Hoff pg.128
Four Frolics by Furrer-Instruction pg.70
Take the Weight Out of Your Turning-Unweighting
by Othmar Schneider pg.82
Let the Slope Be your Guide pg.99
Slide Out Of a Stem pg.100
Getting Back in Powder pg.102
Fingertip Control pg.126
Pole Power pg.130
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand:
Renting a Condominium pg.49
Comparing Ski Week Deals pg.50
Killington Gondola-Longest Ski Area Gondola by Morten Lund pg.88
Leysin: For the Young and Frugal by Abby Rand-Travel pg.96
Michigan: Tops in Mid-America Camping by Rus Arnold pg.122
Skiing Cum Gambling: Part II-Reno pg.129
Nub's Nob:The Free Spirit by Pat Begrow pg.139
How to Avoid Goggle Fogging by Janet Nelson pg.46
Accessories Aweigh by Pat Doran pg.61
Starting Gate-Coach picks the all-time Greatest Racers
by Bob Beattie pg.39
Pro Racing Tour Grows for '71 pg.51
"The Purist" Photo pg.90
February 1971 [DUPE]
Beautiful Objects High on the Walls of Heaven-Reaching Snow
Photos shot in Zermatt pg.46
Amateurism is Dead; Long Live Amateurism by Serge Lang
and Morten Lund-Ski Racing pg.52
Drugs at Ski Areas: What Can Be Done? by Lee Fowler pg.64
Ramrodding the US Ski Team-Willy Schaeffler by Peter Miller pg.70
St. Patrick Wins a Gold pg.94
Uproot That Stem by Dixi Nohl pg.55
All That Glitters is Not Avalement by Georges Joubert pg.60
Hands Forward Like Headlights pg.72
Ski The "J" Turn pg.74
Develop Knee Action pg.76
Unweighting in Bumps pg.78
How to Hold on Ice pg.80
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand:
Brochure Reading (Advanced) pg.20
I Feel a Ski Trip Coming On pg.23
Indianhead by Janet Nelson-Travel pg.98
Sugarbush's Castlerock by Claire Walter pg.104
In the Starting Gate-Why N. American girls do better than men
in world Ski Racing by Nancy Greene pg.24
NASTAR Schedule '71 pg.97
March 1971 [DUPE]
The NASTAR Finals pg.32
The Most Exotic Ski Holiday Ever-New Zealand and Fiji
by Del Mulkey pg.54
It Happened this Year-SKI 1970-71 pg.66
My Secret of Boot Canting by Billy Kidd pg.68
Summer Racing Camps by Barbara Wicks pg.70
Into the Air by Tom LeRoy-Acrobatic pg.64
Outrigger Turn pg.73
Keep a Level Head pg.74
Rocket Starts pg.76
Side by Side the Knees Shall Ride pg.81
Traveler's Check by Abby Rand-Activities for Non-Skiers
at Resorts pg.42
SKI's Guide to the Second Ski Season pg.60
New York: Two Hours North by Janet Nelson pg.109
Starting Gate-Willy Schaeffler and International Ski Politics
by Serge Lang pg.20
August 1971 [DUPE]
Travel: Ski Areas
Alta, Snowbird: Atop the World's Best Snow pg.22
Squaw Valley: Sierras, Skis, Casinos and the Big Snow pg.26
Killington pg.30
Sugarbush, Mad River, Glen Ellen pg.32
Mt. Snow: In the Valley of the Jolly White Giant pg.38
Boyne County: On Top of Michigan pg.42
Democracy Comes to Sun Valley pg.46
Steamboat Springs: Champagne Skiing on a Great Natural Mountain pg.48
Breckenridge, Arapahoe, Keystone; Colorado pg.50
Park City: A Swinging town in Utah's Snow Belt pg.54
Aspen: When Biggest is Best pg.64
And Snowmass Too pg.67
Vail: The Most Nearly Perfect Ski Resort pg.70
Jackson Hole: Worth Every Adventurous Minute pg.74
Taos: Above the Desert, Autoless Seclusion pg.78
Winter Park: Denver's Big Secret pg.83
Stowe: You Can Go Back Again pg.100
Beech Mountain, Sugar Mountain: The South, Leave It or Ski It pg.104
Waterville Valley: New Hampshire's 93 pg.106
How To Ski America:
What the Words and Prices Mean pg.19
Ten Great Lodges You Can Stay At pg.25
Smart Strategy for Ski America Vacations pg.36
Bunks, Bargains and Burgers: Ski America Cheap pg.41
Important Holidays 1971-72 pg.82
Special Places for Special Reasons pg.85
SKI Maps the Way to Ski America pg.86
Air Fares '71 pg.111
Last Run Humor pg.112
September 1971 [DUPE]
Never Look Back-Foamed Boots, Custom Fit, Equipment pg.50
What Your Old Skis Are Worth-Guide to Buying and Selling
Used Skis by Janet Nelson pg.60
"Sonnet on Snow"-Photo pg.58
Super Jobe-Jeff Jobe by John Fry pg.66
Anatomy of a Ski Home-Architecture pg.69
Fashion Tips by Pat Doran pg.76
Instruction: Up-Down is Dead by Morten Lund pg.19
Death Throes of the Dragon: GLM by Morten Lund pg.63
Interski Taylor Kruckenhauser
Getting Hips pg.85
Ankles Away; Rock 'N Rock pg.86
Resistance Movements; Toe Push-up pg.87
Inner Leg Strength pg.88
Ski Stand-Ups pg.88
One-Sided Build-Up pg.89
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand-Youth Fares pg.17
Fly To the Swiss Sun by Harvey Edwards-Switzerland pg.54
October 1971 missing
Shopping for Car Racks pg.35
Fantastic Helicopter Skiing-Canada's Rockies, Del Mulkey pg.56
Hollywood Stars Go Racing-Bear Valley Celebrity Race pg.80
Jake, Spider and Dunc-Pros Payoff (Fun and Money) pg.78
...And Clint, Natalie and Batman-Pro-Am Celebrity Race pg.80
The Noisy Wonders of Winter Wonderland-Snowmobiles
by Morten Lund pg.104
Racking 'em Up-Ski Racks by Janet Nelson pg.35
Skipp-Ski Evaluation pg.62
Role Playing-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.70
High on Boot Backs by Corky Fowler pg.100
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand pg.52
World's Largest Ski Area by Del Mulkey pg.56
LangkofelScharte-Val Gardena pg.68
Chin Up! You'll Improve pg.117
Step Up to Strength-Endurance Build up pg.118
To Ski or Skid?-Traversing pg.118
The Leaning Tower-Steepness pg.119
Ski Parallel with Feet Apart pg.119
Bend Ze Knees pg.120
Climb the No-slip Track-XC pg.120
Drag an Anchor-Descent pg.120
Up and Down the Staircase-Exercise pg.121
Pegboard Slalom-Memory pg.121
November 1971 [DUPE] missing
Our Alps, Their Alps-French Resorts and Colorado Resorts
by Morten Lund pg.85
Binding Report-Antifriction Binding Release, Dr. Larry Scher
and John Perryman pg.106
Ski Tips-Billy Kidd pg.142
Attack of the Rising Sun-Miura Schusses down Mt. Everest pg.98
"Symphony in White"-Photo pg.104
SKI Goes to an Airlines Week-Bob Cram ,Fly-in Ski-in Humor pg.110
Ski Performance Prediction-Skis pg.92
Please Let Me Out When I Need You-Bindings by Morten Lund pg.106
A Year to Buy New Bindings-Shopper's Guide pg.109
Wearing Their Own Thing-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.116
How To Make Your Skis Run Better pg.142
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand
Price Wars, Busing pg.23
Murren A European Gem-Switzerland pg.102
Coping with Costs-Finance pg.174
Films 1971-72 pg.54
A Cold Look at Photography pg.72
Stamp Out the Pre-Ski Blues pg.114
Man, I Can Hardley Ski on Two Skis How Can I Ski on One?
Surfer Mike Doyle pg. 97
Clever Ski Carry
Pole Safety
Get A Good Grip On Your Pole
Easy One-Two Traverse
Scheme for a Smoother Stride pg.123
Sylvain Saudan's Foolproof Turn-Square Corner Turn
by Morten Lund pg.153
December 1971 [DUPE]
Our Alps, Their Alps Part II-Colorado by Morten Lund pg.80
A Thousand and One Lights-Night Skiing by Janet Nelson pg.90
Freaking Out in Utah- Apres-ski in Wasatch by Morten Lund pg.94
15 Ways To Turn Your Skis by John Fry pg.66
Photo pg.84
The Fight Against Friction-Antifriction Devices pg.86
Christmas Gifts by barbara Wicks pg.103
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand-Price War and Bilingual Vacation pg.58
You've Got Snow, A Great Bowl and $11 Million by Morten Lund
(Snowbird) pg.96
Ready, Set, Go NASTAR-Entering pg.140
January 1972 [DUPE]
Why US Racers Lose by Peter Miller pg.42
Photo pg.46
First Descent-Ski Sauvage by Peter Miller pg.86
How To Have a Successful Broken Leg by Janet Nelson pg.90
How Cold is (Damn) Cold? pg.140
10 Best Pit Stops-Cuisine, Travel by Janet Nelson pg.66
Drive, He Said-Winter Driving Tips by Ed Scott pg.68
Campers Ho! by Morten Lund-Travel pg.70
Geldhof: America's Ski Paradise by Lee Fowler pg.75
Confessions of an Occasional Skier-Skiing and the married man
by Dan Nesbett pg.120
Learn Acrobatics with Short Skis pg.79
How to Feel Your Feet for a Better Ski Technique pg.80
Lower Your NASTAR Handicap pg.82
Climb Better, Stride Better pg.85
Inianhead by Janet Nelson-Ski Area pg.110
Intermont by Robin Young pg.112
Schuss Mountain pg.114
Februaryh 1972
Profile:Peter Miller pg.4
The Racers-Top American and European Racers pg.44
The East Awaits-Haiku, poetry pg.50
Sapporo Panorama-Painting of Olympic Site pg.53
How I'll Cover the Olympics by Billy Kidd pg.57
From the "30,000 Mile Ski Race" by Peter Miller
-Racers and Coaches pg.58
Olympic Results-Past Medal Winners pg.61
The Gap That Never Closes-US Nordic Team by Michael Brady pg.62
Sapporo-The Stay-at-home Olympics by I. William Berry pg.65
At 96 This Rabbit's Still Running-Johannsen by William Lederer pg.70
NASTAR Pacesetter Meet by John Fry-Handicap pg.84
Be a Falling Body pg.75
Ski With Your Legs pg.76 Develop Good Upper Body Action pg.78
Cross-Country Tips pg.80
Second Home-Real Estate and Land Development pg.89
March 1972
Across the Andes-Cordillera del Sur by Tom Spencer pg.34
Hello Mother, Hello Father-Racing Camp Account by Bill Bickle pg.40
Climbing Climbing Camps pg.42
Backpacking Guide by Ruth Rudner pg.44
Four Hikes to Make You Think-Nature Trails pg.46
Racing Camps-Location and Cost by Barbara Wicks pg.48
Report from Sapporo-Results, Analysis and Stories of the 1972
Olympics pg.57
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand-Spring Skiing in the Rockies,
the Andes and the Alps pg.13
Where to Ski Late-Spring and Summer Skiing Guide pg.26
The Racer's Stop pg.73
Down-Unweight For Better Control pg.74
Strategy for Skiing Bumps Tighter Turns pg.75
Wait for the Floating Sensation/How to Ski the Dips pg.76
In Spring Ski by the Clock pg.77
Think of Walking/ Use Wide Track for Touring pg.78
August 1972 [DUPE]
Utah: A Mini Guide to a Maxi Vacation Resorts, Travel pg.38
Whistler Mountain: Ocean Voyage to a Snow-In,Canada,Travel pg.44
Big Mountain: After Ski and Befors Taxes-Travel pg.48
St. Moritz: A Club Med Vacation-Travel pg.52
Maine: Cross-Country Touring Along the Coast-Touring Centers pg.55
Schuss Mountain: A Fly-To Vacation-Travel pg.62
Bromley, Vermont:A Family GLM Ski Week pg.64
Luxury Is An Economy Condominium pg.68
Ski Package Digest Travel pg.85
Ski Equipment Extra-'72-73 Season pg.79
Eastern Resort Roundup pg.19
Western Resort Roundup pg.26
European Resort Roundup Alps pg.35
Skier's Notebook by John Fry-Vacations pg.7
Traveler's Checks by Abby Rand-Vacation Life Styles pg.12
Times Mirror Buys SKI pg.14
September 1972 [MISSING]
He Broke the World's Vertical Record-Sylvain Saudan's
Mt. McKinley Descent pg.40
Fearless Frank-Frank Snyder by Morten Lund pg.52
All Hail Karli-Karl Schranz by Miki Hutter pg.66
A Good Year for NASTAR by John Fry pg.84
SKIPP: Method or Monster? SKI's Performance Prediction Tests pg.46
The New Boots: An Inner/Outer Choice-'72-73 pg.54
New Two-Copper Mountain and Telluride, Colorado by Morten Lund pg.50
Pure Italian-Pure Charm Alps,Alpine by Abby Rand pg.60
A Somersault You'll Flip Over pg.75
Ride the Rollercoaster pg.76
Back Straight Means Tips Up pg.76
Link Your Turns to Keep Going In Powder pg.77
Flex Knees in Rough Track pg.78
Step Tips to Turn pg.78
October 1972 [DUPE]
Bindings by John Fry pg.58
Bet You Cant-Boot Canting by Janet Nelson pg.45
SKIPP Test Reports pg.68
A Day At The Races Fashion by Pat Doran pg.76
There is a Jack Armstrong-NASTAR Winner by Don Dooley pg.52
Skiing and the Environment-Forest Service and "Multiple Use"
by Morten Lund pg.62
Give Yourself a SnowJob-Employment at Ski Areas pg.82
Unemployed in the Mountains-Ski Bums by Patti Rosenfeld pg.83
Resurgence of Rope-Ropetows by Richard Needham pg.136
Remembrance of Things Best-Canadian Rockies Vacation
by Abby Rand pg.64
Arlberg: A Charter Flight Experience-Alps by Abby Rand pg.78
Places To Go-Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.118
The Godmother-Nurseries by Janet Nelson pg.153
A Rebuilt You-Exercises by Janet Nelson pg.72
Pointers-Downhill and Touring pg.122
November 1972 [DUPE]
Boot-Binding Fit by John Perryman pg.34
SKIPP Test Reports pg.72
Concavity:No.1 Ski Gremlin-Afflicted Skis pg.90
The Mountain Towns 1 Manchester,Vermont-Golden Triangle
by Peter Miller-Ski Areas pg.68
Skiing and the Enviroment-Sun Valley, Bill Janss,Environmentalists
by Morten Lund pg.76
Hot Dog-Acrobatics pg.78
I Was a Ski Instructor-Sugarbush by Morten Lund pg.84
I'm Dreaming of a White Thanksgiving by Janet Nelson pg.173
1973 Preview of Fashions at Mayrhofen, Austria pg.97
Places To Go-Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.88
The Gang Will Meet at Tignes-Europe, Resort pg.94
Develop Independent Leg Action pg.125
Learn These Lift Tricks pg.126
Gain Control on Ice pg.128
Pole to Better Touring pg.130
Films pg.60
December 1972 [DUPE]
The End is the Beginning-FIS Winner by Billy Kidd pg.54
Ski Photography pg.60
The Mountain Towns-2 Lake Placid by Kim Massie-Ski Areas pg.62
Is This the School Of the Future?-Racing by Peter Miller pg.64
The Awful Battle of the Ski Sizes-GLM by Morten Lund pg.68
Gear for the Kids-Ski Equipment by Janet Nelson pg.47
Happy-Go-Lucky Colors Fashion by Pat Doran pg.71
SKIPP Test Reports pg.76
The Sophisticated Stride-Touring Equipment by Michael Brady pg.80
Places to go-Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.84
Christmas Ski Camps by Barbara Bush pg.144
It's All Aboard Ski Train-Vermont by Richard Needham pg.149
Tips to do a Tailstand pg.139
Especially for Kids pg.140
For Cross-Country Skiers pg.142
World Cup Formula for 1972-73 pg.25
January 1973 [DUPE]
How to Become Slalom Champion of the World,Jean-Noel Augert
by Patrick Lang pg.40
Five Moves to a Successful Start in Ski Touring by Steve Rieschl pg.44
Super Kangaroo-Avalement by Tom LeRoy pg.52
The Toughest Job in Skiing-Coaching, Alpine Racing
by Peter Miller pg.58
The Mountain Towns-3 North Conway, New Hampshire
by Morten Lund pg.62
Ski Photography pg.66
1972 NASTAR Winners tell How They Did it-by Lee Fowler pg.103
Skiing Prep Schools by Birdie Corcoran pg.120
Cold Weather Starters-Car devices by John Perryman pg.35
Well Designed Tour Togs-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.48
What's Your Bag?-Ski Luggage by Janet Nelson pg.56
High, Stiff Boots: Learn to Love 'em by Georges Joubert pg.68
Places to go-New York by Abby Rand pg.50
Central Vermont Lodging by Richard Derman pg.108
Try the Gorilla Turn pg.75
Using Poles pg.76
Better Mogul Skiing pg.78
February 1973* [MISSING]
Build Your Own Workbench by Janet Nelson pg.26
The Ultimate Leap-El Capitan Jump by Rick Sylvester pg.36
Groom Boom-Ski Machines; Grooming by Janet Nelson pg.46
The Mountain Towns-40St. Sauveur, Quebec Ski Complex
by Peter Miller pg.54
Race of the Aging Jocks-Veterans National by Morten Lund pg.56
The Thoeni Turn-Modern Skiing by Georges Joubert pg.40
Trail Tactics by Morten Lund pg.52
The Mambo, GLM, Sprains and Strains, Crossing Streams
Cross-Country Skiing pg.65
Pique-Nique En Route: The Last Word in Chic-Recipes, Cuisine
by Janet Nelson pg.44
Places To Go-Travel by Abby Rand pg.46
Apres-Ski: 7 Houses of "In"-Travel by Morten Lund pg.60
March/ Spring 1973 [DUPE]
Places To Go:
Saddleback, Maine; Wildcat, New Hampshire; Mt. Shasta,
California; Caberfae, Michigan by Abby Rand pg.34
Two-Faced Andes-Portillo, Bariloche by Abby Rand pg.36
Ski Late and High-Mt. Baker and Mt. Hood by Del Mulkey pg.38
Great Places to Summer Ski by Billy Kidd pg.45
Summer Ski Camps-Billy Kidd, Barbara Bush pg.48
Get Rid of Your Inhibitions-Instructor Jack Heath by Morten Lund pg.24
Hot Dog Tricks: The Kick-Out,The Outrigger, The Slowdog
Noodle, The Worm Turn pg.27
How to Handle Spring Snow pg.30
Cross-Country Pointers pg.32
Parka Pocket Cameras by Janet Nelson pg.19
Pro-Racing-Killy, Sabich by John Fry pg.54
September 1973 [DUPE]
The Short-ing of America-Shorter Ski Lengths,Test Results pg.22
The New Skis; Metal Laminates, Foam Cores, Cracked Edges
by John Perryman and Marc Liebman pg.26
Teamwork Fashion by Pat Doran pg.32
Bindings: Anti Up For Shock and Friction pg.40
How Much Pole Do You Need? by Janet Nelson pg.44
Boots: The Comeback of Comfort-New Boots by Richard Needham pg.48
Bright New Ideas-Accessories by Barbara Bush pg.94
The Many Wiles of Madame Matterhorn: Zermatt-Cervinia
by George Bush pg.56
Condo Shopping the Alps-Europe by Harvey Edwards pg.62
Hello Tunnel, Goodbye Loveland Pass(?)-Colorado by Abby Rand pg.66
Big Sky Opens-Montana Skiing-Photography by Fred Lindholm pg.72
37 More Resorts to Choose From pg.78
October 1973 [DUPE]
Hot Dogging/ Freestyle
An Idea Whose Time Has Come-Otto Schniebs, Lifestyle pg.39
Hot Dog: Grace, Daring, Pizzazz-Freestyle pg.40
Cult, Philosophy, Sport, Artform: Freestyle Skiing is American
Made pg.47
Stunts Hotdoggers Do-14 Most Popular Tricks pg.50
Exercise Musts for Hot Dog Stunts- Bob Theobald pg.53
All In The Family pg.54
Guide to Hot Dog Lingo-Language pg.56
Male Chauvinism on the Hot Dog Circuit?-Suzy Chaffee pg.58
What Do You Think of Hot Dog Skiing?-Opinions of the Famous pg.61
Gearing Up-Hot Doggers pg.62
Caution-Aerials pg.63
SKIPP-Reports on 30 Skis by John Perryman and
Marc Liebman pg.64
Bindings: Questions You Ask-John Perryman pg.83
The Mountain Towns-5 Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Holmenkollen
by Abby Rand-Ski Areas pg.72
The Great Free Lift Ticket Scramble by Morten Lund pg.78
Area Job Roundup-Winter Jobs at Ski Areas pg.79
Pedal Push-Pull pg.95
Hit the Beach pg.96
Pull For X-C Arm Power pg.101
Do the Pillow Hop pg.102
Know Your Ski Terms-Language pg.104
November 1973 [DUPE]
Wear You Are-Fashion/ Travel by Pat Doran pg.56
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.63
The Mountain Towns-6 Sun Valley,Hannagan, Harriman and
Schaffgotsch by William Johnson-Ski areas pg.74
Laurentian Lodges With That Old Time Flavor-Ski Inns pg.78
Discover the Non-American Alps-Europe by Abby Rand, Peter Miller pg.82
Airfare Bargains in the US-Rockies, Colorado pg.133
SKIPP by John Perryman and Marc Liebman-Performance Reports pg.89
Test Reports on 18 Junior Skis pg.95
Ms. Fit-Women's Boots by Judith Greer pg.98
Bindings: Questions You Ask-Adjustment pg.103
Unweighting-Technique by Derek Swinson pg.105
Ski Pointers: Whole Ski, Bump Skiing and X-C Conditioning pg.109
Beware the Bomber-Reckless Skiers by Janet Nelson pg.71
3000 Skiers Win NASTAR Gold Pins pg.146
December 1973 [DUPE]
Where to Ski In Your Region-Travel pg.51
The Mountain Towns-7-Stowe, Vermont by Peter Miller-Ski Areas pg.60
Pure Gold Northstar, Kirkwood, Lassen, Badger, Squaw and Sugar
Bowl-California, by Morten Lund pg.66
La Thuile-Italian Resort by Harvey Edwards pg.70
How Much Rockies Can $125 Buy?-Colorado pg.72
SKI Tests 26 Big Selling Boots pg.76
SKIPP-3 Performance Tests on 29 Skis pg.80
Bindings: Questions You Ask-Friction Pads pg.87
Insulation-Parkas by Pat Doran pg.94
Crossover, Locked Knees and X-C Poling pg.105
Tots: When to Start Them-Children Skiing by Janet Nelson pg.88
Holiday/ January 1974 [DUPE]
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas, Cross-Country,Apres pg.25
The Great Leap Forward-Ski Schools, Teaching Methods-Ski Areas
By Morten Lund pg.34
These Are the Steepest-Steepest Slopes pg.40
The Mountain Towns-8-Vail, Colorado-Ski Areas pg.42
Holiday Gifts by Barbara Bush-Equipment pg.52
Bagging your Skis-Ski Wraps by Janet Nelson-Equipment pg.56
At Your Fingertips-Gloves and Mittens-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.58
The New Cross-Country Gear-Touring Equipment
by Michael Brady and Richard Needham pg.60
Books by Judith Greer pg.67
Bindings:Questions You Ask/ Are Boots Working with Bindings? pg.69
A Guide to Getting Through the New Bumps-Moguls pg.71
Pointers: Break the Stem, Race NASTAR pg.77
February 1974 [DUPE]
Wher To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.25
A Cross-Country Vacation in Norway pg.50
Waxing For Touring-Cross-Country by Michael Brady pg.54
Kids' Skiwear-Children's Clothing, Fashion by Pat Doran pg.61
Project Laterally and Ski Better Now-Championship Skiing pg.33
You Can Ski Deep Powder by Max Lundberg pg.38
Flat-light Medicine, Poling, and Kick-ups for balance pg.67
Is There Life After Ski? by Abby Rand pg.40
World Ski Championships:Can Bobby Do It? Bob Cochran at
St. Moritz by Peter Miller pg.44
Avalanche! by Morten Lund pg.56
Spring/ March 1974 [DUPE]
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.25
How To Ski Year-Round, World Round pg.40
Summer Ski Camp Directory by Barbara Bush pg.42
The Mountain Towns-9-Park City,+ Oil Painting, by Abby Rand pg.44
Ski The Wild Ones-Sauvage, Wilderness Areas by Peter Miller pg.48
Zapped By Your Zipper?-Clothing, Fashion by Pat Doran pg.22
T-Shirts-Clothing, Fashion pg.62
The Better To Ski With-Goggles and Glasses-equipment pg.65
Bindings:Questions You Ask-Ski Injuries pg.68
Uphill Ski For Edging, Downhill Ski for Direction- Austrian
Ski Team Coach Franz Hoppichler pg.34
The Windshield Wiper Turn-Sylvain Saudan pg.38
Parallel Turns, Stance, Climbing Uphill, Getting Forward
Over Your Skis and X-C Touring pg.69
Skiing's Daredevils by Morten Lund pg.54
Skis Across the Sea Jean-Claude Killy pg.60
September 1974 [DUPE]
The Mountain Towns-10-Aspen, Colorado,Ski Resorts
by Morten Lund pg.36
Where In The World to Ski-Vacation Resorts by Abby Rand pg.38
Which is the Right Resort for You? pg.48
SKIPP-I Performance Reports on Skis pg.56
The New Boots-Ski Technique pg.64
SkiWear '74-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.72
Bindings-Old and New by Richard Needham pg.80
Bundings:Questions You Ask-Preparing Bindings for New Season pg.96
35 Years Ago in SKI-History of SKI pg.6
Arnold Lunn in Memoriam by Morten Lund pg.11
Great Hot Dog Stunts as Seen by Great Ski Photographers-
Bob Salerno in a Flying Royal pg.54
Junior NASTAR Takes Off by Judith Greer pg.98
Women Instructors: The Un-Making of Macho-Ski Teachers pg.100
October 1974 [DUPE]
How Good Are the Big Ski Clubs?-Travel by Abby Rand pg.52
A Roof Over Your Head-But What Kind?-Finance by Morten Lund pg.56
Aspen-Part II-Ski Resorts pg.60
Area Jobs: Know the Score Before You Go-Resorts by Lois Barr pg.68
SKI's Third Annual Area Job Roundup-Job Guide pg.98
SKIPP- Part II Performance reports on Skis pg.72
Black and White: A Photo Finish-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.78
How to Adapt to New Boots-Ski Technique by Janet Nelson pg.82
5 To Get Ready Exercises-Conditioning pg.86
Cowboy turn,Treat Ice Like Eggs pg.51
Narrow Trails pg.97
Stepping Up to Edge Control pg.90
Filling Your Grooves for Easier Turns pg.94
Hot Dog 360's and Wheelies pg.106
Tips for Kids pg.93
Great Hot Dog Stunts as Seen by Great Ski Photographers-2
Mike Grazier and Roger Evans in a Gay Gainer-
Fred Lindholm pg.70
SKI NASTARS by Judith Greer pg.110
Bindings: Questions You Ask-Upgrading pg.120
November 1974 [DUPE]
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.55
The Mountain Towns-11-The Mad River Valley, Vermont
Ski areas by Peter Miller pg.64
College Blowout-Steamboat Springs, Colorado by Charlie Meyers pg.68
Seven Secret Rockies-Ski Areas by Abby Rand-Colorado pg.72
In Europe, Do It By Pairs-Alps pg.78
Knockouts To Knockoffs-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.88
SKIPP Part III Performance Reports pg.98
How To Ski Hot-I, Turning It On The Bumps, Freestyler-Hot Dog
Mike King: Sparrow Turn, Foot Swivels, Jamming, Strategy pg.84
Crab Turn, Cut-Stab and Punch, Brake Before Turns, Powder
Sitback, Hip Over Heels pg.84
Hot Dog Stunts/ Great Photographers-Peter Miller-Wayne Wong
in Tip Drop pg.82
The Great Ski Heist-Ski Thieves, Crime pg.93
Here Comes Hi-Star! High School Skiers-Invitational Race pg.120
December 1974 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-What's Wrong with the US Ski Team? pg.4
What's New-Europe for Less-Travel/ Finance pg.19
Ski People: Niobe Larsen,Eric Nesterenko pg.29
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.45
The Mountain Towns-12 Jackson Hole, Wyoming by Peter Miller pg.56
Courchevel: The Land of "Yes, You Can"-ex nihilo Resorts, France
by Abby Rand pg.92
Skis: Try Before You Buy-Demo Deals pg.68
Ski Shops Dress Their Best-Skiwear, Clothing, Fashion by
Pat Doran pg.72
Goodbye Ouch-Boots' Secrets by Janet Nelson pg.80
How To Ski Hot-II: My Secrets of Ballet by Genia Fuller
Planing, 360's,Hurricanes and T-Drags pg.88
Eyes Ahead in Broken Snow, Vertical Pole, Use the Flat of
a Bump to Turn, Step Downhill to Angulate, Waisting in
the Bumps pg.88
A Dramatic Way to Increase Your Skiing Time-3 Day Weekends
by I. William Berry pg.53
Hot Dog Stunts/ Great Photographers-Bruce Barthel Shoots
Aerialist Scott Brooksbank in A Moebius Flip pg.62
Find Your Courage Quotient-Ski Rating by Janet Nelson pg.65
Up At the Winter White House-President Ford
Bindings Questions You Ask-Buying Bindings pg.124
January 1975 [MISSING]
Skier's Notebook-Olympic Amateur Rules Changed pg.4
What's New-Cost-Cutting Deals for Stateside Vacationers-Travel/
Finance pg.24
Ski People: Willy Bogner, Jr. and Bon Burns pg.32
The Beauty of Skiing-Color Portfolio of Mountains, Speed,
Grace, Exhilaration and Friends pg.45
Those NASTAR People-Racing by Peter Miller pg.64
Eight Classics-Skis, Designers and Racers pg.78
5 Mistakes that Keep You From Enjoying Steep Slopes-Skiing
Problems by Morten Lund pg.58
The Right (and Safe) Way to Jumps-Ski Jumps by Corky Fowler pg.72
Reach Sideways to Plant Your Pole pg.84
Use Radar to Avoid the Speed Trap pg.84
Ski the Patience Turn pg.86
Absorb the Mogul not the Trough pg.88
Dive, Get ready, Dive pg.93
Kids' Pointers pg.86
Squash a Bug to Weight the Ski pg.88
BPC: Boot/ Pant Compatibility-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.76
Bindings Questions You Ask-Release in Falls pg.90
Where to Ski in Your Region-Ski Areas pg.35
The Mountain Towns-13 St. Jovite, Quebec-Mt. Tremblant and
Gray Rocks, Painting by Harold Blittersdorf-Ski Areas pg.68
February 1975 [DUPE]
Ski People-Tom Brigham and Mike Barry pg.16
The American Pros-Lifestyle by Peter Miller pg.36
SKI's Environmental Awards-Ski Areas pg.48
Turning on Tots-Rudi Wyrsch by Richard Needham pg.52
Where to Ski in Your Region-Ski Areas pg.25
What is Telluride and Why Are They Saying all Those Things
About It? by Morten Lund-Ski Resort pg.54
Great Gadgets for the Home Ski Care Expert-Accessories and
Maintenance by Barbara Bush pg.64
Talking T-Necks Fashion by Pat Doran pg.66
How Do You Like Your Boots?-Boot Models pg.75
Bindings Questions You Ask-Equipment Checking pg.22
5 Mistakes That Keep You From Enjoying the Moguls-Ski Problems
by Morten Lund pg.44
Master a File to Master Your Skis-Edging Skis and Bottoms by
Hanspeter Rohr pg.60
Break the Top Habit, Switch Poles for Touring Traverses,
X-Out Crossed Tips, Start High, Finish Low pg.60
Spring/ March 1975 [DUPE]
Skier's Notebook-US Ski Team pg.4
Ski People: Lift-Builder Jan Kunczynski pg.21
How I Broke the World Speed Record by Steve McKinney pg.36
45 Days on America's High Route-Colorado's Great Divide by Don
Johnsen pg.44
Hot Dog Stunts/ Great Photographers-5 Michael Manheim, Suzy
Chaffee doing an Outrigger on Mt. Snow, Vermont pg.50
"I Just Concentrate on the Skiing" Jerry Ford, President at Vail,
Colorado by Don Irwin pg.54
5 Mistakes That Keep You From Enjoying Deep Snow
by Morten Lund Ski Problems pg.40
Developing a Carved Turn by Norm Crerar pg.57
Follow the Fall Line in Spring, Ski Your Outer Limits,
Porpoise Turn, Heavy Spring Snow pg.57
Saving Face-Skin Protection by Pat Doran pg.52
Binding Questions You Ask-Adjusting and Storing pg.66
Summer: Skier, Go Back Where You Came From by Abby Rand pg.13
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.25
The Mountain Towns-14 Kingfield, Maine-Sugarloaf, Two Minute
Parade, Ed Kern's Annual Midnight New Year's Ski Jump
by Morten Lund-Ski Areas pg.60
Summer Ski Camps '75 by Barbara Bush pg.67
September 1975 [DUPE]
What's New at Resorts This Year-Ski Resorts by Abby Rand pg.6
Let's Hear It For the East! Ski Areas: Bromley, Vermont; Snowshoe
West Virginia; Bretton Woods, New Hampshire and
Evergreen Valley, Maine by Janet Nelson pg.54
Mighty Mary Jane: More is Better-Winter Park by Charlie Meyers pg.59
The Great 1975 Wind River Ski Touring and Life Experience
Expedition --Wyoming Adventure pg.60
Dollar Wise in Davos-Switzerland, Europe pg.70
Equipment Questions You Ask-Checking and Preparing Skis
by John Perryman pg.33
Skiwear '76-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.66
Equipment '76-Ski Gear by Seth Masia and John Perryman pg.82
"I Intend To Be the Best" Cindy Nelson, US Ski Team
by Peter Miller pg.64
Honk Clears the Course French Connection, Odermatt's Ordeal,
Zandy's Harem, Hank Kashiwa by Charlie Meyers pg.76
Summer Games for Winter Conditioning-Exercise by Rudi Wyrsch pg.98
October 1975 [DUPE]
Dick Bass: Beautiful Dreamer-Snowbird by Morten Lund pg.80
America: Meet Your First Skiing President-Teddy Roosevelt
by Jakob Vaage pg.95
Hahnenkamm: The Toughest Race of All-Downhill Course by
Peter Miller pg.100
The Gold Diggers-1975 SKI NASTAR Finals pg.119
At Your Service-Free Literature pg.120
Pre-Season shapeups for the Inner/ Outer Skier pg.86
Recharge Your Batteries pg.122
Skier's Triangle: Chin Up, Hands Down pg.134
Ski Gentle Slopes to Master Carving pg.138
Wear a Sign to Anticipate pg.140
Pole Plant pg.143
Cut A Narrow Track in Powder pg.147
Play the Drop Hat Slalom Game pg.148
Use Tunnel Vision To Concentrate pg.150
Ski the Summit-Colorado Resorts pg.74
The Mountain Towns-15 Jay Peak-Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.82
So You Want To Be a Ski Bum? by Paul Mitchell pg.98
Ski's Annual Job Roundup pg.99
What Those Package Deals Really Mean-Vacation Planning pg.104
The Entertainers-Celebrities/ Fashion by Pat Doran pg.90
Accessories pg.96
Report on the New 1975-76 Skis pg.110
Skier's Notebook-US SKI Coaching pg.4
Slope Dope-Whither Short Skis? pg.48
Ski People: Max Dercum and Mark Stiegemeier pg.73
November 1975 [DUPE]
Robert Redford-Celebrities by Dick Needham pg.78
Super School-Racing, Stratton Mtn., Vermont pg.84
Ski Area Development: Galloping Toward a Standstill
by I. William Berry pg.88
"If I Can Do This I Can Do Anything" Amputee Tri-Trackers
by Cindy Walker pg.115
New Boots-Boot Models pg.86
Fashion: Take It From Teacher by Pat Doran pg.94
Report on the New Skis:Part III pg.99
Equipment Questions You Ask-Bump Equipment by John Perryman pg.73
Inner Skier: A New Way of Learning-Ski Schools by Morten Lund pg.74
Woman's Way to Ski Power-Exercise by Janet Nelson pg.110
Press Your Toes to Improve Snow Contact pg.118
Flick Wrist Pole Plant to Keep Hands Ahead pg.121
The Where of Your Weight in Powder pg.126
Narrow Stance Promotes Skid pg.138
Torso Tilt for Steep Terrain pg.140
Lick the Heitation Blues pg.142
Use Your Outside Ski to Feel Carving pg.132
Ski Big Foot Turns pg.149
Viva Val Gardena by Abby Rand pg.80
Budget Skiing: How Low Can You Go? Expenses/ Finance,
Vacations pg.92
Ski People: Witney Deschner and Jake Hoeschler pg.26
Personal Adventure-Crevasse pg.51
December 1975 [DUPE]
Why You May Have Trouble Starting Turns-Skiing Mistakes
by Stu Campbell pg.75
Inner Skier: A New Way Of Learning-II-Instruction by Morten Lund pg.90
The Unlearning Of GLM by Janet Nelson-Technique pg.94
Keep In Touch With Your Boot Tongues pg.28
Step Turns-Not For Racers Only pg.113
Use Heel and Toe for Balance pg.114
Be a Mogul Scrambler pg.116
Look for Pressure pg.118
Prevent Skier's Washout pg.119
Serge Lang:"The World Cup is for the Press"-International Racing,
Ski Writer by Peter Miller pg.80
Rebuilding Sun Valley-Development pg.82
Ordeal in the North-Alaska and the Yukon by Ned Gillette pg.84
Where to Ski In Your Region-ski areas pg.61
Nothing Could Be Finer Than To Ski In Carolina-North Carolina,
Blue Ridge Mountains by Morten Lund pg.88
The Mountain Towns-16 Killington, Vermont-Ski Areas
by Morten Lund pg.96
Equipment Questions You Ask-Stiff Skis for Ice? by John Perryman pg.24
Report on the New '75-76 Skis pg.101
Skier's Notebook-Price Controls? pg.4
Ski People-slim Davis and Tippy Huntley pg.30
Slope Dope-Be a Better Powder Skier-Instruction pg.32
January 1976
Can 'Numero Uno' Win Three Gold Medals?-Thoeni by Serge Lang pg.60
The Olympics: How It Looks, Event by Event-Alpine, Nordics,
Scandinavians by Peter Miller and Mike Brady pg.62
Innsbruck '64: The Way It Was-Alpine Events,Olympics
by Harvey Edwards pg.64
US Olympians of the Past by Seth Masia pg.65
After the Games: Everybody's Innsbruck-Patscherkofel
by Abby Rand pg.67
TV Coverage of the XII Winter Olympics-Painting of Innsbruck
and the Olympic runs pg.68
Lake Placid: Looking ahead-Olympics by I. William Berry pg.71
SKI's Viewing Guide to the Games-Psychology,TV pg.73
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.33
Sawtooth High-Sun Valley Heliskiing by Fred Lindholm pg.42
The Mountain Towns-17 Taos, New Mexico-Resorts, Ski Areas
by Peter Miller pg.50
In Search of Boola-Boola Guide to US Ski Colleges
by Abby Rand pg.54
Powder Principles:What It Takes to Ski the Deep-Powder Skiing
by Richard Sanders pg.48
Why You May Be Having Trouble Controlling Your Speed-Skiing
Mistakes, Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.56
How Two Champions Compare-Gustavo Thoeni and Ingemar
Stenmark by Georges Joubert pg.82
Ski a Half-Turn in Changing Terrain pg.86
Get a Little Help From Your Hips pg.87
Learn To Extend-Increase Stability in Moguls pg.88
Three Pressure Points You Should Feel pg.90
The Way Slopes Face pg.92
Start Your Turns With a Sigh pg.94
Lead With Your Pole To Ski the Fall Line pg.97
Feel The Snow with Your Feet pg.99
Stop Turning Your Body-Turn Your Skis pg.103
Personal Adventure-Whiteout pg.14
Slope Dope-Is Ski School For Me? pg.19
Ski People-Buddy Hackett pg.25
February/Spring 1976
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.37
Wonders of Whistler-British Columbia by John Tobin-Ski Areas pg.46
Going for It-Freestyle, Hot Dog Camp by Cortland Freeman pg.58
Guide to Summer Ski Camps-US, Canada, South America and Europe
by Barbara Bush pg.86
Why You May HaveTrouble in the Bumps-Moguls, Ski Problems,
Mistakes by Stu Campbell pg.52
Learn Foot Sensitivity on Skis pg.22
Bend to the Fall Line, Not to Your Tips pg.88
Get a Grip On Your Poles pg.90
Keep a Low Ceiling in Bumps pg.92
Step Before Turning to Break the Static Rut pg.94
Checking Boot Fit
------------- pg.95
A Ski Bicentennial: The Way It Was pg 61
Edited by Morten Lund
Norway Gets It Going by Morten Lund and Jakob Vaage pg 62
California's Gold Schuss by Dick Dorworth pg 65
Colorado Carries On by Jakob Vaage pg 68
Racy Rumblings in the East by Dick Dorworth and John Hitchcock pg 70
The Boom Years By Morten Lund pg 72
Freestyle Turns Five by Peter Miller pg 80
Ski People: The Catamount Three pg.22
Slope Dope-Spring Skiing Savvy pg.32
September 1976 [DUPE]
Skiwear You Couldn't Have Owned Until Now-Fashion
by Pat Doran pg.82
Skis-Buyers Guide, Performance Report by Seth Masia pg.92
Bindings pg.96
Boots pg.100
Getting More For Less When You Ski the US-Travel, Finance by
Abby Rand pg.73
So You Want To Marry a Mountain-Season's Passes
by Eric Johnson pg.90
Comeback of the World Cup-FIS by John Fry pg.76
Dudu Outdoes 'Em All-Henri Duvillard by Charlie Meyers pg.78
Freestyle Dazzles With More New Stunts:Handstands, Walkovers,
Butterflies, Thumpers, The Puppet
and Lincoln's Thing by Barbara Wicks pg.80
NASTAR: Everyone's World Cup pg.87
How Safe are Lifts?-Vail Accident by Janet Nelson pg.88
(Non) Conversations With the President-Vail, Pres. Ford
by Morten Lund pg.110
October 1976 [DUPE]
Inner Skier: Will It Help You? by Morten Lund pg.101
I Got Rhythm, You Got Rhythm-Advanced Turns by Emo Heinrick pg.124
I Skied The World's Highest by Jeff Frees pg.36
The Austrian Experience-Othmar Schneider, Vacations
by Abby Rand pg.104
The Mountain Towns-18 Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
by Morten Lund-Ski Areas pg.110
SKI's Area Job Roundup pg.164
A Helluva Show-Expowinter Ski Show pg.108
Freestyle:Here Come the Gals-Women by Peter Miller pg.120
1976-77 Ski Report-Skis pg.115
New Boots: How They Measure Up pg.118
Breakaway Colors-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.126
Deciphering Those Air-Travel Deals, Vacation, Finance
by Abby Rand pg.131
November 1976 [DUPE]
Play the Trip Game-Travel by Steve Webb pg.74
Tops for Tops-Ski Racks pg.132
Report on the 1976-77 Skis pg.142
Down: Going Up-Parkas-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.148
New Bindings: How They Perform pg.192
Kingdom of Ski-Many Mountain/Single Ticket at Tahoe Ski Areas
by Abby Rand pg.121
Europe: Yes You Can-Alps Travel, Finance by Abby Rand pg.128
Peanut Peak-Where the Pint-Sized Play by Kim Massie, Vail,
Children Skiers pg.134
Sugarbush Gets Centered --Vermont by I. William Berry, Resident
Guru Turns Ski Teacher pg.126
How Top Racers Compare- by Georges Joubert pg.130
Situation Skiing-Diversity by Jean-Claude Killy pg.136
Winning the Inner City-Pro Racer Rudd Pyles by Charlie Meyers pg.140
Future Ski-Fantasy of Skiing in 2195 by Peter Kazakoff pg.172
Making It In Ski Country-Living and Earning in a Ski Town
by Morten Lund pg.184
December 1976 [DUPE]
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.89
When You're Number 2 It's Time People Knew-Snowmass,
Colorado pg.122
10 Questions Intermediate Skiers Ask Most-Technique
by Stu Campbell pg.98
They're Ski Teaching Without Skis At Copper-Colorado
by Charlie Meyers pg.108
Ski Dynamic! Instruction, Technique by Jerry Warren pg.112
Ski Stuff-Ski Gear, Paraphernalia by Barbara Bush pg.106
Big Deals-Lift Tickets by Janet Nelson pg.110
The Price Is Right-Skiwear, Fashion by Pat Doran pg.118
Report on the 1976-77 Skis, Children's skis Also pg.128
How To Take Ski Photos That Make You Look Good-Photography
Tips by Fred Lindholm, Peter Miller, John Russell and
Norm Clasen pg.102
Fritz: Higher...Ever Higher-Fritz Stammberger, Skier/ Climber
lost in the Himalayas by Charlie Meyers pg.116
So You Want To Build A Ski Resort by Rigomar Thurmer pg.141
January 1977
Powder-a Special Supplement-Powder Skiing, Deep snow,
Ski Areas,Technique- Instuction, Equipment. Peter Miller pg.77
This Man Can Change Your Skiing-Self 2 by Tim Gallwey pg.97
Retreading for Freestyle-Ballet Instruction by Scott Brooksbank
and Marion Post pg.104
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.69
The Berkshires: For the Fun of It-Massachusetts
by I. William Berry pg.100
Hands Down For Recovery pg.16
Get Your Head On Straight pg.30
Increase Pole Feel for Better Edging pg.54
Check Your Stance pg.57
Use Knee Action in The Fall Line pg.112
Tackle Loose Snow Head On pg.114
Seeing is Relieving-Ski Goggles, Equipment by Janet Nelson pg.106
Skiingly Yours-Handwriting Analysis of the Pros
by Michael Zimmer pg.49
We Tried It... How About You? Aspen NASTAR Finals, Tips by
Pepi Stiegler by Charlie Meyers pg.109
February 1977
Carnival!-Ski Country Carnivals by Janet Nelson pg.57
Love Affair with Val-France's Val d'Isere by John Tobin pg.68
Skidding or Carving: Which for You?-Ski Turns by Stu Campbell pg.62
Fall Without Fear-Tips on Falling Injury-Free by Janet Nelson pg.72
Tricks for the Slick-Tips for Ice Skiing (Slide and Swivel)
by Dixi Nohl and Morten Lund pg.78
Sideslip Basics for a Better Stance pg.32
Come Up To Edging pg.44
Project Hips on a Line pg.89
Pack the Hole in the Bumps pg.92
Pedal a Bike Through the Bumps pg.96
Games that Teach pg.102
Tuning on the Move-Ski Tuning pg.66
8 Gadgets To Help You Get There-Winter Auto Accessories
Equipment pg.82
Fun Underwear-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.85
Four Volcanoes by Rick Sylvester pg.74
March/ Spring 1977 [DUPE]
The World Cup Comes To America-Competitors, Courses at
Sun Valley and Heavenly, History by John Fry, Georges
Joubert, Robert Lochner, Charlie Meyers and Gerard
Rubaud-Ski Racing pg.43
Pole Stunts-Ski Tricks With Ski Poles by John Mohan, Walt
Hiltner and Bruse Barthel pg.56
Ski Your Comfort Zone-Knowing Your Equipment, Snow
Conditions, Tolerance for Temperature and Terrain. by
Junior Bounous pg.58
Feet: Aches and Pains and Cures by Dr. Morten Walker pg.64
Ride Your Inside Edges in the Deep pg.80
The Where of Your Weight in Powder pg.84
Role Your Pole in the Bumps pg.86
Turn Easy pg.92
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.33
Canadian High-Canada's Northern Selkirks, Little Yoho and the
Mummery Glacier by Peter Arnold pg.60
Mountain Summer-Activities at Ski Resorts by Susan McCoy pg.67
Why They're Blocking New Ski Areas-Preservationists, Government
and Legislation by I. William Berry pg.89
September 1977
The New Skis-New Ski for Ice pg.84
The New Boots pg.96
Poles '78-Ice Gripper Tips, Adjustable Shafts, Shock Absorber
Grips pg.103
Made for Men-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.104
The New Bindings pg.108
Skiing is All In Your Head-Instruction, Improvement by Jean-
Claude Killy pg.100
The Long History of the Short Ski by Morten Lund pg 71
Five Ways to Fitness-Conditioning, Exercises pg.82
Big Alp vs. Little Alp-Switzerland by Abby Rand pg.74
The Year it Didn't Snow in Aspen-Snow Drought by Martie
Sterling pg.78
Photo Portfolio-Ski Photos by Peter Runyon pg.89
Dudu, Post Toastie and the Swede Cleanup-World Cup Racing Gets
an Overhaul, Freestyle Gets Throttled by John Fry, Doug
Pfeiffer and Charlie Meyers pg.93
We Shoot Heroes, Don't We?-Olympian Bill Koch
by Frank Farwell pg.107
October 1977 [DUPE]
Keystone is for Keeps-Colorado Ski Area by Morten Lund pg.114
The Road to Bormio-Italy,Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.132
SKIVAC: Try This Approach to Picking a Vacation Area-
Individual Vacation Index by Abby Rand pg.160
The New Skis-Ballasting and Damping pg.122
Skiwear Goes Skinny-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.127
The New Boots pg.138
The New Bindings pg.150
Tune In To Your Gear-Equipment and Technique by Doug Pfeiffer pg.136
Do It In Two's-Dual Ballet by Janet Nelson pg.118
NASTAR's Wiz Kid Pummels a Pro-World's Best Amateur Skier-
Perry Bryant by Charlie Meyers pg.79
One Borscht, Two Shasliks and a Lenin Poster To Go-Russia's
Caucasus by Rigo Thurmer pg.90
The Man Who Skied Everest- Mt. Fuji and Yuichiro
Miura by Eric Perlman pg.131
The Mighty Mahres-Phil and Steve Mahre-Ski Racing
by Peter Miller pg.142
Portfolio-Ski Photos by Gary Brettnacher pg.145
November 1977 [DUPE]
Getaway Rocky Gateway-Colorado's Pike's Peak Corridor
by George Gladney pg.21
Loose and Happy in Montana-Ski Areas by I. William Berry pg.128
Look, Out on the Plains... It's Superlodge-Wisconsin, Tony Wise,
Ski Resort by Scott Wilson pg.156
Ski My Way and Never Get Tired-Instruction, Tips by Jean-Claude
Killy pg.125
Unscrambling Ski-Teaching's ABC's-Sorting out Ski Lesson Letter
Labels by Morten Lund pg.137
Tune In To Your Gear-Ski Boots by Doug Pfeiffer pg.145
The New Skis-Equipment pg.132
The New Boots-Boot Liners pg.148
Fashions With Flash by Pat Doran pg.152
The Insurance Mess: What It's Costing You-Liability Costs by
I. William Berry pg.66
Portfolio-Ski Photos by Fred Lindholm pg.121
Great Moments in Skiing-California's 1850's Gold Schuss-Painting
by Sherry Wolf pg.140
December 1977 [DUPE]
Inner Skier Meets the Skeptics-'Inner Game' Approach to Skiing
by Morten Lund pg.97
Skiing Your Skis by Doug Pfeiffer cpg.112
Control Your Overturning pg.60
Chairlift Savvy pg.90
Turn Without Traversing pg.140
Show Off Your Skis on Hardpack pg.162
Follow a Good skier pg.172
The New Skis-Equipment pg.100
Small Wonders-Children's Skiwear-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.122
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.69
Mountain Towns- Franconia, New Hampshire-Cannon Mtn.
by I. William Berry-ski Areas pg.106
Portfolio-Ski Photos by Norm Clasen pg.93
Denver Does It Deep-Inspiration/ John Denver song pg.110
The 6,600 Foot Plunge-Sylvain Saudan-Himalayas by Del Mulkey pg.116
Life with Stein, Leon and the Chilean Crazies-Aspen's Heatherbed
Lodge by Martie Sterling pg.120
January 1978
Ski the Surf Technique-Instruction by Georges Joubert pg.82
How to Get More from A Ski Lesson-ski School by Stu Campbell pg.99
Use Edges to Turn Not To Brake pg.12
Learn Through Feedback pg.20
Put the Pressure on in Turns pg.116
Crossover pg.124
The New Skis-Equipment pg.94
Best Vests-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.104
Where to Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.49
The Northwest is Best-Seattle-Portland by Abby Rand pg.74
Private Areas: New Deal for Skiers? Ski Areas by I. William Berry pg.46
The Barnstormers B-Circuit Pros by Peter Miller pg.80
NASTAR Makes it 10! by Charlie Meyers pg.87
Portfolio-Ski Photos by John Russell pg.89
Super Swede-Ingemar Stenmark, Slalom Racer by Heinz Pruller pg.102
February 1978 [DUPE]
Speed:A Special Section Profile of Franz Klammer, Flying
Kilometer Speed Trail and speed Chart by Peter Miller pg.53
Dr. Feelgood and His Bottom Fiddle-Ski Tuning by Janet Nelson pg.63
Your Skis: Friend or Foe?-Equipment and Technique by Doug
Pfeiffer pg.78
Swallow Those Bumps-Moguls by Rudd Pyles pg.81
Get Your Feet Out From Under pg.18
Ski Like an Animal pg.28
Exhale to Hold on Ice pg.46
Edging:The Three Basic Ingredients pg.99
Learn the Reverse Crossover pg.106
Making It-Do It Yourself Clothing Kits-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.72
The New Skis-Equipment,Demo Deals pg.84
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.33
Mountain town: Alta, Utah-Wasatch by Jeff Frees-Ski Areas pg.68
The Bests and Worsts of 1977-SKI Magazine's Awards pg.66
Garmisch: The Games Return-1936 and 1978 Olympic Site pg.74
Great Moments in Skiing-Sapporo 1972 and Barbara Ann Cochran
Painting by Sherry Wolf pg.85
Speak Out-Outside Inner Skiing pg.6
The Way It Was-Our First Alpine Team pg.16
Letter From Washington County: Sugarbush, Glen Ellen, Mad River
Vermont-Ski Areas pg.46
March 1978 [DUPE] [Missing]
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic-Binding Release (Equipment), Skier
Foods (Cuisine) pg.12
Ski Life-Hollywood Buys Aspen pg.14
Letter From the Front Range-Colorado's Best Kept Secret pg.30
Ski Week-Skiing the "Woman's Way" in California pg.35
Letter From Portillo-Summering in the Andes ski Mecca
By Dick Needham pg.36
Ski Scratches:What They Tell You-Scratches on Ski Bottoms tell
How You Ski by Steve Webb pg.41
Bindings:They Can Change The Way You Ski-Equipment and
Technique by Doug Pfeiffer pg.54
Do It On The Downhill Ski-Instruction and Technique pg.57
Ski With Motion pg.106
Don't Sit Back, Bounce ahead pg.114
Use Your Whole Leg to Edge pg.112
Spring Things-Sunny and Wet Day stuff Fashion by Pat Doran pg.50
The New Skis-Equipment pg.66
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.17
Fun Fling: Skiing the Second Season-Ski areas by Peter Miller and
Abby Rand pg.44
Mountain Towns-Mammoth, California by Dick Dorworth-Ski Areas pg.62
Summer Ski Camps by Helen Ceglia pg.29
Update: Ski Area Development at the Crossroads-Plans, Programs
and Promises by I. William Berry pg.11
I Doubled for James Bond-Daredevil's Account of Ski Leap for the
Movie 'The Spy Who Loved Me' by Rick Sylvester pg.52
How to Mingle as a Single-Dating by Peter Miller and
Catherine Breslin pg.60
The World Cup-Stratton and Waterville Events,Courses,Stars, Home
Team and Resorts pg.73
September 1978 [DUPE]
Ski Cross-Country Selecting the Right Gear pg.26
What's New at Stowe-Ski Areas pg.28
What's New in France-Ski Areas pg.32
Ski People-Margaux Hemingway and Beaver O'Brian pg.44
Ski Week-USSA Ski Week at Sun Valley pg.55
Looking Good-Updating Your Ski Outfit-Fashion pg.56
Competition-1977-78 Results pg.58
The Way it Was-Hall of Fame Quiz pg.63
What's New in Aspen-ski areas pg.68
The New Skis:Goodbye Shorts-Ski length Trend Reverses pg.90
Bones, Blues and Brights-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.94
The New Bindings-Friction Loses the Fight by Seth Masia pg.102
Boots Go Lean-Ski Sneakers pg.106
The Buck Makes Better-Vermont's Stratton Mtn. by Morten Lund pg.78
A New Way to Ski Europe Cheap-Bargain Ski Trips by Abby Rand pg.88
Swing Like a Butterfly, Ski like a Bee-Inner Game Exercises/
Technique by Morten Lund pg.100
Phil Fantastic-Phil Mahre, European Opinion by Patrick Lang pg.76
11 Hours in Hell-Squaw Valley Tram Accident/ Jim Mott by
Dick Dorworth pg.84
NASTAR Hits 220,000-Statistics on Skiing by Peter Miller pg.86
Downhill Comes to the Pros-Pro Skiing's New Craze
by Charlie Meyers pg.104
Freestyle '78:New Tricks and Twists by Doug Pfeiffer pg.114
October 1978 [DUPE]
Ski Cross-Country/Waxless vs. Waxable Skis pg.24
Rx and the Skier-Pyramid Power pg.28
What's New at Taos-Ski Areas pg.44
What's New in Austria-Ski Areas pg.58
Ski People-Robin Kneivel and Archer Winsten pg.88
What's New at Steamboat-Ski Areas pg.90
Ski Against the ski, Not On It by Stu Campbell-Technique pg.114
What To Do When the Light Goes Flat by Stu Campbell pg.136
Know the ropes-Be a Rope-A-Doper by A. E. Moyer pg.145
The Basics of Balance-Technique by Jerry Warren pg.150
De-burr Those Edges pg.44
Be A Crowd Pleaser pg.86
Enjoy Your Mistakes pg.92
Going Up pg.96
How to Shop For a Shop-Finance by Janet Nelson pg.54
The New Skis: What The Numbers Mean-Specifications pg.108
Suit Yourself-Fashion by Pat Doran pg.120
The New Boots-Fit Systems by Seth Masia pg.130
The New Bindings pg.138
The Gals Go For It-Woman's Way Ski Seminars, New Ski-Learning
Program pg.76
Lodging Rates:It's Not How Much, But When-Trick to Dodging Lift
Lines, Getting a room is in the Timing pg.94
We Five-Family Account of France's Chamonix by Cherney Berg pg.118
The Great Wilderness Grab-Ski Area Development by
I. William Berry pg.99
I Was the Irish Ski Team-Stowe Realtor, Skier Bob McKee pg.116
Care and Feeding of the Anklebiter-How Not to Spoil Skiing for
Kids by I. William Berry pg.126
November 1978 [DUPE]
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic-Racing Skis, Buying Boots for Kids pg.16
Ski People-Kake Jakespeare pg.34
What's New in Tahoe-Ski Areas pg.36
What's New in Switzerland-Ski Areas pg.56
What's New at Sugarbush-Ski Areas pg.108
The Way It Was- Skiing Comes to Aspen pg.124
What's New in Utah-Ski Areas pg.176
Roots-Skiing Origins/History of Technique, Interview with Jean
Claude Killy by John Fry pg.144
Steep Stuff Ahead?- Special Conditions by Stu Campbell pg.148
So You're Gonna Ski the Big Ones-Pointers by Seth Masia pg.161
Edge Control-Instruction by Jerry Warren pg.162
The Head Benders Learn to Ski Programs by Morten Lund pg.164
Tune Into Your Feet pg.134
Yield to the Forces pg.187
Beat Your Feet to the Bump pg.190
The Changing Face of Vail by Abby Rand pg.139
McKinley from the Top-Climb and Ski Descent by Rick Sylvester pg.168
Skis:What Goes In-Specifications by Seth Masia pg.150
Boots-Combine Fit with Function-Specs pg.156
Parka Power-Fashion/Equipment by Pat Doran pg.170
Ski Brakes:Why They're Better-Equipment by Seth Masia pg.180
December 1978 [DUPE]
Ski People Edna Dercum and Bob Hewitt pg.20
What's New in Italy-Ski Areas pg.24
Thrifty Skier-Making the Most of a Day Ticket pg.32
Ski Cross-Country Technique Mistakes Alpine skiers Make pg.34
Ski Week-Instructor Training at Bromley pg.42
Rx and the Skier-Orthotics:New Relief for the Skier's Feet pg.60
What's New at Mount Snow-Ski Areas pg.70
The Way It Was-The Man Who Became Woman's World Champion pg.88
Trees!-Tree Skiing, Ski Areas: SquawValley, Mad River, Taos and
Steamboat pg.101
Mr. Boyne Gives a Blast-Ski Areas, Resorts, Founder Everett
Kircher Profile pg.78
What's All this Timing Stuff?-Technique Pointers by Doug Pfeiffer pg.122
Survival for the Four Eyed Skier-Skiing with Glasses
by Peter Miller pg.126
Steering:How Much, When? Instruction by Jerry Warren pg.133
Do It Easy In the Deep-Powder Instruction for Special Conditions
by Stu Campbell pg.142
Check Your Pole Plant in the Steep pg.40
Keep an Open Mind pg.150
Tread Softly pg.156
Save Your Energy pg.158
The Way They Were-Europe/Ski Areas off the beaten Track
by Del Mulkey pg.110
Do They Yodel In Moracco?-Atlas Mountains-Ski Areas pg.137
Smart Seperates-Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.116
Skis:The Name Game-Specifications by Seth Masia pg.128
January 1979
Speak Out-Racer Development pg.6
Ski People-Georges and Pepe Salomon/ Hazie Werner pg.41
What's New at Jackson Hole-Ski Areas pg.42
Ski Week-NASTAR Camp at Waterville pg.56
The Way It Was-The Birth of Pro Skiing pg.63
Ski Cross-Country Waxing Made Simple pg.121
Practice Makes Imperfect by Morten Lund pg.46
Ice:The Greatest Teacher of All-Technique/Special Conditions
by Stu Campbell pg.72
Cheat Your Turns-Artful Recovery: Sneaky Knee, Dragger,Hip Flip
by Doug Pfeiffer pg.82
Carving:Let the Ski Do It- Technique by Stu Campbell pg.104
Take the Pressure Off-Turns by Jerry Warren pg.110
Shift Your Weight Early pg.56
Try Thigh Power pg.63
Find the Sweet Spot pg.64
Use the Whole Ski pg.70
Use Three Part Breathing to Relax pg.116
The Butte:It's a Beaut!-Crested Buute, Colorado by Charlie Meyers pg.76
Hail, Hail Old Ski Prep-Ski Racing Schools Directory pg.88
Big Apple High-Hunter Mountain, New York-Catskills by
I. William Berry pg.90
Understanding Ski Lingo-Glossary of Ski Terms and Ski
Specifications by Seth Masia pg.96
A Family Affair-"My Dad vs. Your Dad' pg.68
Anyone For a Bargain-Basement Ski Resort? by Charlie Meyers pg.86
Avalanche!-Tales from Survivors by Morten Lund pg.102
February 1979 [DUPE]
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic Boots and Shins, Racing Gear, Left/
Right Skis pg.7
Ski People-Leon Uris, Anne Mausolff pg.14
Letter From India pg.20
What's New at Killington-Ski Areas pg.30
Bumps Spectacular-Mogul Skiing with Photos pg.47
Bumps: They Make You Better-Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.52
What's YourLine? Descents by Stu Campbell pg.54
Gear For Bumps by Seth Masia pg.55
They Build the Trails You Ski On-Area Designer Jim Branch, Non-
Ski Environment and Ski Resorts by I. William Berry pg.56
Avoid Winter Camera Foul-Ups-Instruction by Peter Miller pg.74
Waxing Is Good For You pg.34
Put The Pressure On -Skiing Skills, Instruction by Jerry Warren pg.60
Ways to Warmth-Coping With Cold by Doug Pfeiffer pg.68
Pole Plants are The Beginning and the End pg.85
Step Early to Improve Weight Transfer pg.86
"Bend Zee Knees" Not Enough pg.92
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.33
Haute Route in the Wasatch-Utah Ski Area by Scott Nelson pg.62
Lights, Lifts.. Action!-Aspen Night Skiing by Janet Nelson pg.72
Should Skis Match Boots?-Specifications on Skis by Seth Masia pg.76
March 1979 [DUPE]
Ski Cross-Country Telemark Turns pg.7
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic-Binding Matchups, Adjusting Boot Flex,
Tuning Edges pg.19
The Way It Was-The Greatest Woman Racer Of All pg.23
Letter From Whistler-Ski Areas pg.100
Ski People Warren Hellman, Ri Armstrong pg.102
Racing Betters the Breed-Ski Designers by Seth Masia pg.45
The New Skis-Reports and Specs, Equipment pg.46
Spruce Ups with Patch Ups Appliqued Skiwear-Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.62
Where To Ski In Your Region-Ski Areas pg.17
Summer Ski Camps '79-Directory for Year Round Skiers pg.26
Taking On Tuck-New Hampshire's Tuckerman Ravine pg.42
Ski Town Living:For You?-Resort Towns by Peter Miller pg.56
Spring For a Deal-Late Season Skiing pg.58
Getting Two-Speed Barrier, Steve McKinney pg.33
Stig Albertsson and His Amazing Blue Sliding Machine-Alpine Slide
by I. William Berry pg.40
The Vatican Skier-Pope John Paul II by Ron Howard pg.54
Mountain-Buster Jackson Hole's Bill Briggs by Morten Lund pg.60
NASTAR '79:Upsets and Upstarts pg.97
World Cup Races 1980 Winter Olympics Preview-Lake Placid,
Whiteface Mtn. NY pg.65
Try a Bowling Ball Turn pg.108
Vary Your Pole Length pg.112
Your Need More than Knees To Turn pg.114
Corn Prone-Spring Skiing by Stu Campbell pg.38
Work On Half a Turn at a Time-Instruction pg.50
September 1979 [DUPE]
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic Protecting Ski Edges, the New Pole
Grips, Shortening Long Skis pg.20
Ski People-Dirk Benedict, Larry Mahan pg.42
What's New In Seattle pg.46
What's New In Vermont pg.54
What's New At Vail pg.66
The New Skis: Cruising A Long-Slalom Skis pg.72
Clean and Classic-Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.94
Gear 1980: An Equipment Special pg.101
The Town That Boots Built-Montebelluna, Italy by Janet Nelson pg.102
The New Bindings: Inflation Fighters-Equipment pg.104
The New Boots:Battle of the Bulge-Flex Distortion pg.112
We're No. 1-Interski at Zao, Japan by Stu Campbell pg.69
How Well Do Celebrities Ski? John Denver Pro-Am
by Dick Dorworth pg.76
Competition '79 World Cup, NASTAR, Freestyle pg.92
A Heavenly Backside-Heavenly Valley by Peter Miller pg.79
Swiss High-The Tour Soleil by George Bush Andermatt to Zermatt pg.88
Pre-Season Shape-Ups Exercise pg.84
October 1979 [DUPE]
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic-Keeping Pole Baskets Secure,
Storing Boots pg.14
What's New In the Alps pg.40
Ski People-Elaine Naismith, Mike Beckley pg.42
Ski Cross-Country Waxless Skis pg.52
What's New in Sun Valley pg.74
The Racers Edge-Olympic Inspired Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.92
The New Boots: Get Fit-Equipment pg.100
The New Skis: Kicks For the Quick-Racing Skis-Report and Specs pg.110
Pressure Distribution: The Key to Performance by Seth Masia pg.113
The New Bindings:What's All the Din About?-Weight/ Ability
Standard for Selection pg.116
Getting Started in the Deep pg.44
Boost Your Speed To Slow Down pg.76
Total Motion Tames the Steep pg.131
Get Aggressive, Turn That Foot pg.134
Ski The Corridor pg.136
Let Your Eyes Set the Line pg.139
Ski Moguls High, Ski Powder Low pg.146
The Way You Are-Improvement, People Types by Stu Campbell pg.88
Scooter Lacouter: 'Turn the Mothers'- Aspen Instructor
by Peter Miller pg.104
Skier-Benders Conditioning pg.106
Racing: It Can Help You Ski Better by World Pro Skier
Otto Tschudi pg.124
Super Ski Drinks..And The Bartenders Who Make Them (Mike Baz)
Sam Rupert's at Sugarbush, Vermont by Peter Miller pg.78
Invasion Of the Flatlanders-US Ski Clubs Meet by James Farley pg.86
The Early Birds-1979 Opening Dates for Early Skiing in the US
by Abby Rand pg.68
Jackson Hole: Paradise Lost? Wyoming Ski Area by Jeff Frees pg.80
Fast Pass at Fassa-Super Ski Safari Tour through Val di Fassa in the
Italian Dolomites by Janet Nelson pg.96
November 1979 [DUPE]
Speak Out Old Snow-Reporting System pg.16
Doug Pfeiffer's Ski Clinic-Fitting Funny Feet, Tuning for Ballet,
Adding Ski Camber pg.20
Ski People: Moose Barrows, George Macaulay, Dave Farny pg.40
What's New in Maine pg.42
Ski Cross-Country Cutting Cost on Kids' Gear pg.48
The All-Arounders Ski Designs by Seth Masia pg.122
A Revolution Underfoot-Footbeds, Orthotics, Foot Supports by
Janet Nelson pg.132
Ski Race at the Steamboat Corral-Western Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.138
Chart Your Choice-Buying Boots by Seth Masia pg.145
Bindings By the Numbers-Shopper's Guide pg.150
Do You Know? 24 Most Important Considerations in Buying Boots
and Bindings by Seth Masia pg.152
Should You Change Ski Length? Improvement, Recognizing
Symptoms of Incorrect Ski Size by Doug Pfeiffer pg.113
Curing Your Ills-Skiing Maladies by Stu Campbell pg.129
See Yourself ski Technique by Otto Tschudi pg.155
Make Love to the Mountain-Technique from Taos' Jean Mayer
by Peter Miller pg.157
Pointers:Three Little Words pg.37
Ski Like an Animal pg.38
Build an A-Frame with Your Legs pg.78
Hands On Knees for a Wedge pg.110
Quiet the Upper Body to Feel Your Edges pg.168
Citizens' Racing-What It Is and How to Get Involved
by Frank Farwell pg.82
Mogul Mama-Pregnant Skier's Dilemma by Joann L. Dettmann pg.92
What Is It? Visual Game for Gear Familiarity by Joan Loss pg.104
How Safe Are Lifts? Investigative Report by I. William Berry pg.126
Ski Bum, RIP Ski Town Inflation, Dying Frontier and a Shift in
Philosophy and Lifestyle by Scott Bowie and Stacy Standley pg.142
Hungry Like a Wolf-US Alpine Ski Team Director Bill Moralt by
Charlie Meyers pg.160
Super Ski Drinks... And The Bartenders Who Make Them
(Tom Feldy) Aspen's Little Nell's by Peter Miller pg.198
The Revival of Stowe-Mt. Mansfield, Vermont Ski Area
by Peter Miller pg.117
Steamboat:The Rush Is On-Ski Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.134
December 1979 [DUPE]
Dollar Wise-Skiwear Shopping by Susan McCoy pg.110
The New Skis:The Mighty Mids-Midlength Skis by Seth Masia pg.114
Ski Tuning by Touch by Doug Sheffer and Morten Lund pg.117
Power Tuning-Ski Mechanic by Seth Masia pg.120
The New Boots:Boots for Moving Up-Top Performing Boots pg.125
Start With a Stem pg.22
Weight Transfer:How Much Is Needed? pg.70
Ski With a Mirror Image pg.76
For Kids:Unbuckle Boots to Increase Ski/Snow Feel pg.72
Be a Follower pg.138
Weak Side Cure-Improvement by Doug Pfeiffer pg.85
The Feet-Together Myth by Stu Campbell pg.98
Skate the Gates-Skating, step turn by Otto Tschudi pg.130
Winter Driver's Guide-Driving Tips by I. William Berry and
Janet Nelson pg.42
How's The Weather? Why Forecasts Can Be Different by
Janet Nelson pg.62
The Longest Runs-The Alps by George Bush pg.92
Will Stenmark Ruin the World Cup?-Ski Racing by Jean-Claude
Killy pg.102
State of the Art:Is It Good Enough? Ski Lift Inspection Codes,Ski
Lift Safety by I. William Berry pg.112
Born-Again High Colorado's Arapahoe Basin by Morten Lund pg.88
Mount Snow Gets Serious-Comeback of Mt. Snow by Abby Rand pg.106
January 1980
SKI's Predictions for the Next Ten Years-Beginning on pg.67
Inner Meets Outer-Ski Instructors Use Hard and Soft Methods
by Morten Lund pg.16
The Eyes Have It-Instructor Cal Cantrell
at Stowe, Vermont by Peter Miller pg.36
The Start-Instruction by Otto Tschudi pg.52
You Can Ski 50% Faster-Instruction by Morten Lund pg.78
Faster Turns:Inside or Outside Ski? Using the Outside ski,
Instruction by Georges Joubert pg.82
Rubber Band Turn pg.14
See With Your Poles pg.42
Feel The Force pg.58
Speed Up Your Footwork In Cat Tracks pg.126
Future Fashions For Now-Skiwear for the 1980's by Susan McCoy pg.88
Skis Come Of Age-Improved Skis by Abby Marshall pg.99
Performance Boots For Women by Seth Masia pg.103
Super SKi Drinks...and the Bartenders Who Make Them (Ernie
Blake) Taos, New Mexico by Peter Miller pg.32
Skiwee Arrives-Ski Teaching Program for Kids by I. William Berry pg.76
The Outrageous Bunch-Daredevil Ski Adventurers at California's
Squw Valley by Peter Miller pg.80
Wasatch on the Run-Utah Resorts Itinerary by Dick Needham pg.71
Pearl of a Pass-Crested Butte to Aspen Tour by Charlie Meyers pg.92
February 1980 [DUPE]
In Pursuit of Gold-Franz Klammer, US Ski Team by Hank Tauber pg.43
Lake Placid/Whiteface-
Map of the Alpine Events and Olympic Courses pg.52
The Olympic Downhill:How the Racers See It-Play by Play on the
Whiteface Courses by Cindy Nelson and Ken Read pg.54
How to Watch the TV Events-Recognizing Medal-Winning
Performances by Bob Beattie pg.58
Olympics Lookback:1932, America's 1st Olympics at Lake Placid
by Morten Lund pg.66
Olympics Lookback:1960, America's 2nd Olympics at Squaw Valley
by Morten Lund pg.70
New York:The Skiingest State of them All by Abby Rand pg.78
Whiteface After the Olympics-$11.3 Million Facelift Promises
Greater Pleasures by Abby Rand pg.82
Lake Placid: A Visitor's Guide-Bobsled Run pg.86
How the Racers Choose Their Gear-What They Will Be Using
and Why by Seth Masia pg.88
The Nordics-How to Watch the Winners on the Mt.Van Hoevenberg
Cross-Country Courses by Bob Woodward pg.104
Winter Olympics Champions-Gold and Silver Medalists
1948 to Present pg.110
Let Terrain Teach Your Turns-Radius Control by Doug Pfeiffer pg.118
Short vs. Tall-Physical Height and Skiing by Stu Campbell pg.126
To Learn Powder, Master the Pack-snowplow on hardpack,
Technique from Tom Jacobson of Vail by Peter Miller pg.138
Use Hands for balance pg.16
Try Inside Ski Turns to Master Carving pg.32
Finger Your Way to Good Hands pg.134
Ride the Heel to the Finish pg.142
The Transmogrification of Aspen,Colorado-Changing Times,
Ski Areas by Morten Lund pg.113
The US of Canada-Migration of Both Countries to Ski Areas
by Doug Pfeiffer pg.124
In The Stretch-Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.122
Late Winter (March) 1980 [DUPE]
Late Winter Bargains-Equipment by Seth Masia pg.77
Eight For Spring-Skis pg.78
Future Boots-What's To Come In seasons Ahead pg.80
Seven Steps for Summer-Preparation of Equipment before Storing
by Janet Nelson pg.83
Home Ski Storage by Seth Masia pg.84
What's Your Line? Out Of The Starting Gate by Otto Tschudi pg.45
Looking Good (Even Though You're Not) Technique
by Doug Pfeiffer pg.52
Getting Down Skinny-Nordic and Alpine with Ultra-Light Gear by
Bob Woodward pg.61
Ski With Both Feet-Ballet Maneuvers,Stratton's Stefan Schernthaner
Instruction by Peter Miller pg.74
The Indomitable Snowmen-Ski Patrollers by Peter Miller pg.58
California Dreamin' Ski Development, Legal Hassles
by Doug Pfeiffer pg.70
A Woman's Special-Selecting Gear, Technique Tips etc. pg.33
Everywoman's Guide To Ski Equipment by Janet Nelson pg.34
Elissa's World-Where Women Learn Faster-Woman's Way Ski
Seminars and the Woman Who Began It By Morten Lund pg.36
Making It in the Ski World- Women's Ski Careers (Advice) pg.38
Saving Your Skin-Skin Protection pg.40
You've Come the Long Way, Lady-From Snowbunnies to the
Women of Today by Catherine Williams pg.43
Summer Ski Camps-Directory, are They Worth It? by Coach Hank
Tauber pg.22
We Skied South America's Highest by Eric Perlman pg.46
Non-Stop to Summer-Oregon's Mt. Hood and its Palmer Chairlift
by Bonnie Henderson pg.66
September 1980 [DUPE]
High Tech and Hot-Report on New Skis pg.80
Boom At The Top-New Knee High Boots, Report pg.86
Together Seperates-Fashion, Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.98
The Tough Bunch-New Bindings pg.104
Why Your Bindings May Be Obsolete by Seth Masia pg.108
Does Your Gear Need Replacement? by Doug Pfeiffer pg.110
Munchkins, Pi and Captain Friendship-Trip to China by John Fry pg.74
The Affordable Alps-Austria, Switzerland, Vacation Spots by Abby
Rand and George Bush pg.90
Call It Wunderwenzel-Tiny Lichtenstein, World Cup and Olympic
Champion by George Bush pg.78
Competition 1980-Who Won What pg.84
The Amateur Hours-Olympic Events at Lake Placid by Seth Masia pg.94
The Trashing of Lake Placid by Dick Needham pg.97
The Skiwear Designers by Susan McCoy Fashion pg.102
Ski People: Hub Zemke pg.48
Hot Spots-Vail pg.52
Hot Spots-Stratton/ Bromley pg.60
Ski People: Ned Gilette pg.66
Hot Spots-Crested Butte pg.68
October 1980 [DUPE]
The Supersports-New, Softer Skis pg.102
Fits For the Fleet-Expert Boots pg.110
Kid's Stuff by Susan McCoy pg.114
Mighty Lights-Lighter Bindings pg.118
How To Shop For a Ski Shop by Janet Nelson pg.123
The Manchurian Fabricate-Ski Making in China by John Fry pg.104
A Bear Unleashed-Killington's Bear Mountain by Peter Bodo pg.112
Aspen's Greatest Day by Peter Miller pg.54
Perils of the Flying Skier by Catherine Williams pg.68
Steeps-Technique by Peter Miller pg.90
A Connoisseur's Capricious Catalogue of ski Terms by Abby Rand pg.184
Bottom Up! Improvement, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.98
'Tomorrow I'm Going for Blood' by Michael Madigan pg.108
Are Your Feet in Focus? by Janet Nelson pg.148
Hot Spots-Mt. Snow, Vermont pg.42
Hot Spots-Aspen, Colorado pg.48
Hot Spots-Snowbasin, Utah pg.74
Ski People: Jude Kravitz pg.79
Hot Spots- NewMexico pg.81
November 1980 [DUPE]
Cover: Powder Skier, Arapahoe Basin
by Clyde Smith
The Quality of the Ski Experience by Rigo Thurmer pg.105
The Kingdom of Beaver by Doug Pfeiffer pg.108
Blackcomb: Giant on a Fast Track by Janet Nelson pg 112
Overoad: Is Better Worse by I. William Berry pg.116
The Meaniing of Midlength by Seth Masia pg.122
12 for the Pack: Boots, by Seth Masia pg.128
Street Smart, Fashion by Suzy McCoy pg 130
Poles with Pizzazz by Seth Masia pg.138
Boot Specs, What the Numbers Mean by Seth Masia pg.142
Elelction 1980: How You Vote Can Affect Sk\iers by William Berry pg. 125
Picking Ski Pad: House Hunting by Jeff Blumenfeld pg. 162
The Obscurantism of Skiing, Technique Terms by Abby Rand pg.198
May the Forces Be With You by Doug Pfeiffer pg. 118
Get Hip: Technique by Stu Campbell pg. 134
Warm up Before Skiing Down: Fitness by Thea Dee Slusky pg. 190
In This Issue, Editorial by Dick Needham Changes in the Sport pg.12
Starting Gate pg.16
Ask the Ski Team pg. 24
Rx and the Skier pg .26
A Skier’s Journal pg 40
Ski Life pg. 43
Hot Spots: Park City, Utah pg. 48
Turning Point pg.52
Hot Spots: Sun Valley, Idaho pg.60
Hot Spots: Loon, Cannon, New Hampshire pg..64
Hot Spot: Steamboat, Colorado pg.100
Looking Good pg. 178
Reader Service pg. 235
Last Run pg. 236
December 1980
Cover; Air! Extreme Skiing pg 0
Mt. Bachelor, by Mike Epstein
Mini But Mighty-Parka Pocket Cameras by Peter Miller pg.80
Wanted-Western Skiwear by Susan McCoy, Fashion pg.109
Eight For the Gates-Racing Skis by Seth Masia pg.118
Be Your Own Ski Tester pg.122
The Preening of Winter Park-Denver, Colorado by Charlie Meyers pg.89
One to Get Ready, Four to Know-Big Snow Country by Jeff Frees pg.114
Air!-Visions of Flying High by Peter Miller pg.92
Skiwee Ups the Challenge by I. William Berry pg.102
PCF, GCF, CFM...What They Mean To Skiing-Machine Made Snow
by Janet Nelson pg.106
Head Start-Technique by Stu Campbell pg.58
Easy Air by Doug Pfeiffer pg.99
The Anatomy of a Carved Turn by John Howe pg.104
Hot Spots: Montana pg.52
Okemo, Vermont pg.56
Summit County, Colorado pg.68
Waterville Valley, New Hampshire pg.72
January 1981
Is Your Gear Holding You Back?-Equipment by Doug Pfeiffer pg.70
Overcome Those Dead Ends-Skiing Blocks by Stu Campbell pg.72
Longing For a Real Ski?-Go Longer
by Jean-Claude Killy and Seth Masia pg.78
Start With a Carve-Technique by Dick Needham pg.80
Advanced Skiing Workshops-Are They For You?
by I. William Berry pg.86
8 Easy Carvers-Report on New Skis pg.84
Superlearning-Is It? Stratton's Superlearning Week by Janet Nelson
and Morten Lund pg.46
Artful Grumbling-Voicing Ski Area Complaints by Janet Nelson pg.56
Getting In: A Guide to Last Minute Ski Vacations by Abby Rand pg.93
Colorado Deep-Powder Skiing by Jeff Frees pg.65
46 Greatest Trails pg.88
Hot Spots:
Stowe, Vermont pg.34
Wyoming pg.38
Mt. Washington, New Hampshire pg.54
Northstar/Kirkwood, California pg.58
January 1981
Is Your Gear Holding You Back?-Equipment by Doug Pfeiffer pg.70
Overcome Those Dead Ends-Skiing Blocks by Stu Campbell pg.72
Longing For a Real Ski?-Go Longer
by Jean-Claude Killy and Seth Masia pg.78
Start With a Carve-Technique by Dick Needham pg.80
Advanced Skiing Workshops-Are They For You?
by I. William Berry pg.86
8 Easy Carvers-Report on New Skis pg.84
Superlearning-Is It? Stratton's Superlearning Week by Janet Nelson
and Mort Lund pg.46
Artful Grumbling-Voicing Ski Area Complaints by Janet Nelson pg.56
Getting In: A Guide to Last Minute Ski Vacations by Abby Rand pg.93
Colorado Deep-Powder Skiing by Jeff Frees pg.65
46 Greatest Trails pg.88
Hot Spots: (Ski Areas)
Stowe, Vermont pg.34
Wyoming pg.38
Mt. Washington, New Hampshire pg.54
Northstar/Kirkwood, California pg.58
February 1981
Gear For Going-Backcountry Equipment by Seth Masia pg.68
How To Take A Ski Lesson-Instruction, Tips by Stu Campbell pg.70
Your Instructor: How Does He Rate? Tips On Choosing the Right
Instructor by Phil Byrne pg.71
The Pole Plant: Why, Where, When, How—Technique
by Doug Pfeiffer pg.78
The Right Stuff-alpine, Backcountry Equipment pg.64
Red, White and Bright-Fashion, Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.72
Backcountry—Travel pg.51
Truman Capote (Holds Forth On Skiing) by Dick Needham
Celebrities pg.82
Ah, Wilderness-SKI's Editors' Best Backcountry Bets:
Chasing Late Season Corn in Jackson Hole, Wyoming by
Seth Masia
Rx For The Deprived Urbanite in Gulf Hagas, Maine by
Mort Lund
Three-Pinning Colorado in the Ten Mile Range by
Charlie Meyers pg.60
Hot Spots: (Ski Areas) Alpine Meadows, California pg.28
Hot Spots: Sugarbush, Vermont pg.38
Hot Spots: Poland pg.100
Late Winter 1981
Six Minutes in the Fire Track-Skiing a Lava Flow by Motteo Thun pg.50
'Because of the Risk, I Live' —Extreme Ski Pro Tells Why He
Challenges the steeps by Peter Miller pg.52
Close Capers on Half Dome-Skiing Yosemite's Half Dome by
Eric Perlman pg.56
Crevasse! Tales of Skiers Misfortunes by Mort Lund pg.62
'May Day. May Day. We're Having Trouble—This Is Cessna 6-7-9er.
We're Going Down.' Hazards of Mountain Flying
by Peter Miller pg.65
Snow Dancing-Adapting Classical Dance to Freestyle Skiing
by Suzy Chaffee ??
Aspen International 1981-Program to the Subaru World Cup Races
and Events, Colorado pg.81
Ski, Inc.—Corporate Investments in Ski Resorts and the Skiers'
Payoff by I. William Berry pg.36
Spring Splendors-Travel, Ski Areas by Amy Lipton pg.30
Ski Camps 1981: Try It Your Way-Specialized Ski Camps
by Catherine Williams pg.42
Mad About Mammoth-California Skiing by Doug Pfeiffer pg.68
7 Powder Mistakes Hardpack Skiers Make—Technique
by Stu Campbell pg.24
Spring-Boards—Versatile Skis, Equipment by Seth Masia pg.60
Single Skis pg.22
Hot Spots: Heavenly Valley, California-Ski Areas pg.26
September 1981
Equipment 1981-82 What's New by Seth Masia pg.87
Boots That Break the Mold-New Designs by Doug Pfeiffer pg.88
Skis: Into the Stretch-Racing Length Skis by Seth Masia pg.92
Bindings: New Ways Out-New Designs by Seth Masia pg.96
Fashion: Investment Dressing by Susan McCoy pg.104
The White Pass Kid—Phil Mahre, Alpine World Cup Winner
(First American) by John Fry pg.76
Pros Against the Wall—Will Differences Be Settled and the
Pro-Tour Catch On? by Charlie Meyers pg.101
Gambling on Grit-Women's Pro Racing by Gay Porter pg.103
First Flake-Why there's a Rush on Opening Day by I. William Berry pg.52
Sun Valley: The Legendary Era-Tales From The Glitter Era by
Dorice Taylor and Otto Lang pg.82
Fitness Is a State of Mind-Conditioning by Stu Campbell pg.85
Hot Spots: Ski Areas
Killington, Vermont pg.44
Summit County, Colorado pg.56
Mount Tremblant, Quebec pg.74
October 1981 [MISSING]
Super Skis-High Tech Hits Ski Design by Seth Masia pg.68
Breakaway Brights-Beaver Creek's Top Ten Outfits
by Susan McCoy pg.80
Hot For the Hill-Boots For Bullish Skiers by Doug Pfeiffer pg.84
7 Quick Connections-Racing and Competition Bindings
by Seth Masia pg.90
The Midweek Con—Ski When the Crowd Doesn't by Abby Rand pg.57
Sun Valley: The Legendary Era, Part II-Count Felix Finds His
Mountain and Ketchum Welcomes Papa by Dorice Taylor pg.74
Deer Valley: A Class Act Arrives—Maximum Fun For
Maximum Bucks by Abby Rand pg.76
Affinity Buys-Finance, Credit Cards by Bob Gillen pg.30
Impressions–Photo Essay pg.60
How To Plan Your Ski Season-Finance by I. William Berry pg.126
Handicap Shavers—NASTAR Tips by Michael Madigan pg.163
Attitude: US Ski Racing's Missing Link? by Stu Campbell and
Phil Mahre pg.70
Body Tuning—pre-ski Exercises by Suzy Chaffee pg.86
Put Your Lift Time To Work-What You Can Learn While Riding
Lifts by Stu Campbell pg.142
Hot Spots: Ski Areas
Jay/ Burke, Vermont pg.24
Crystal Mountain, Washington pg.36
Vail/ Beaver Creek, Colorado pg.112
November 1981 [MISSING]
Pain and Peril in the Pamirs-American Frienship Expedition on
China's Mustagh Ata by Dick Dorworth pg.108
Flight of the Dragon Fly—Helicopter Skiing by Bob Jamieson pg.110
The Speed Seekers-Silverton Speed Skiing Finals by Dick Dorworth pg.30
So Long, Lowell—Lowell Thomas, Journalist-Explorer-Skier
by Mort Lund pg.94
The Spirit of Sugarloaf-Maine, Ski Areas by Peter Bodo pg.130
Undiscovered Austria-Ski Areas by Seth Masia pg.132
The Terrain-Tamers, Reports on Giant Slalom Ski Models pg.122
Heavenly Bodies-Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.126
Easy Treats-New Boots by Doug Pfeiffer pg.136
Training for the Top—A Talk with World Cup Champ Phil Mahre
on Coaching and Winning by Stu Campbell pg.119
What's Your Line? Tamara McKinney tells how to overcome
Skiing Fears by Tom Lippert pg.124
Matching Technique to Terrain by Stu Campbell pg.138
December 1981
The Great Escape-Technique Traps and How To Avoid them
by Mort Lund and John Graf pg.86
Ski To Win-America's World Cup Giant Slalom Champ reveals her
Secrets by Tom Lippert and Tamara McKinney pg.101
The De-Parochializing of Ski Teaching-A Talk with the US
Demonstration Team by Stu Campbell pg.140
Do You Need More Than One Pair of Skis?-Matching Your
Gear to the Conditions You Ski by Doug Pfeiffer pg.48
Sun Valley Suitables-Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.94
Easy Racers-Recreational Racing Skis by Seth Masia pg.124
Ski Spooks-Eerie Tales of Ski Country's Spirits by Peter Miller pg.66
Ski Vacation by Abby Rand Pointers pg.112
Local Apathy Syndrome-Why Ski Country People Don't Ski
by Ted Ross pg.134
Freestyle Flies Again-Freestyle Comeback by Doug Pfeiffer pg.62
Calgary Gets the Nod-1988 Winter Olympics by Seth Masia pg.76
The Red Revolt-Why Russia and East Europeans Have
Become Alpine Powerhouses by Peter Miller pg.105
Copper's Club Med Arrive-How the French are Bringing Europe
to Colorado by Jeff Frees pg.81
Stowe: Taming the Wild Side, Vermont, Ski Areas by
Catherine Williams pg.98
How the Swiss are Reinventing France-Redesigned Ski Resorts by
Abby Rand pg.108
January 1982
Powder-Photo Essay by Peter Miller pg.65
Super G. Arrives-Hybrid Race for World Cuppers by John Fry pg.99
NASTAR Gets Tough-Subaru Super NASTAR by Michael Madigan pg.100
The Italian Connection-Why All Ski Boots Look Alike
by Seth Masia pg.122
Leap in the Deep-Powder Skiing Technique by John Cunningham pg.72
Double the Pleasure-Powder covered Moguls by Doug Pfeiffer pg.76
Go Bold in Bumps-Ease It On the Steeps—US Demonstration Team
by Stu Campbell pg.126
10 For The Deep-Soft Powder Skis Report by Seth Masia pg.80
Rugged and Ready-Deer Valley Fashion, Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.92
Holiday Exotics-Ultimate Gifts pg.104
Always Alta-Ski Areas by George Bush pg.86
Voyages A La Vanoise-France's Vanoise National Park, Alpine
Ski Tour by Seth Masia pg.106
The Deserted Dozen-12 Best Kept Secrets in Skiing by Abby Rand pg.116
Hot Spots-Ski Areas:
Berkshire Mts., Massachusetts pg.26
The Other Utah pg.44
February 1982
Dream on Thin Ice-Lake Placid's Trouble After the Olympics
by I. William Berry pg.28
The Day They Threw Slurpees in LA-Skiing's PT Barnums
by Jeff Blumenfeld pg.44
Downhill!-Photo Essay with Text by Peter Miller pg.60
Last Season for a Downhiller-Andy Mill Calls It Quits
by Peter Miller pg.68
The Thrill Is Gone-Memories of a Downhiller by Andy Mill pg.68
World's Toughest Downhill-The Hahnenkamm at Kitzbuhel
by Andy Mill pg.74
a Downhiller's Gear by Doug Pfeiffer pg.76
Skiwee Comes of Age-Children Skiers by I. William Berry pg.90
Stress Test-Five Day Trial for the Certified Ski Instructor
by Mort Lund pg.102
Survival Driving-Winterizing the Car by Bob Gillen pg.105
Ski The A-Frame—Technique, sports stance by Peter Miller and
Jean Mayer pg.56
Hot Stuff-Top Skiers' Favorite Gear by Seth Masia pg.38
Class Acts-Aspen Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.86
Skis for the Quick-21 Slalom Skis, Report by Seth Masia pg.96
Snowmass for all Ages-Colorado Vacation, Ski Area by
Dick Needham pg.48
Schladming:The World Watches-1982 World Alpine Ski
Championships' Site by Mort Lund pg.80
March 1982
The Secret Season-Spring Skiing, Photo Essay and Text by
Peter Miller pg.33
Skiing: Off the Hit List? Truce Between the Sierra Club and the Ski
Industry by Abby Rand pg.60
Aspen Winternational 1982 and Subaru World Cup Races program pg.65
Setting Up In Sarajevo-Yugoslavia's 1984 Winter Olympics Site by
Otto Lang pg.100
Weird Wars-Odd Lot Gladiators, Wacky Ski Race by
Michael Madigan pg.113
Summer Ski Camps 1981 by Catherine Williams pg.116
Five Ski Unwinders-After Ski Tips to Keep Your Muscles in Tune
by Thea Slusky Chassin pg.52
Coping with Ice, Crud and Powder-US Demonstration Team Tips pg.91
The Lightweights-Report on 10 Lightweight Ski Models by
Seth Masia pg.40
Getting Loose in B.C.-British Columbia Ski areas by Bob Jamieson pg.44
Steamboat: You Can Go Home Again-A 10 Year Look Back
by Seth Masia pg.54
Assault on Big Daddy-Mt. McKinley, Ski Mountaineers
by Scott Nelson pg.94
Solo En La Sierra by Dick Dorworth pg.104
Meetings In Ski Country-Planning Meetings Guide, 50 Ski Areas'
Facilities pg.125
September 1982 1983 BUYERS' GUIDE
High Tech for Less-Skis by Seth Masia pg.23
The Adaptables-Boots by Seth Masia pg.61
Mating Game-Boot/ Binding Systems pg.99
Multi Direction Protection- Binding Developments by Seth Masia pg.100
Poles Apart-Improved Ski Poles by Seth Masia pg.108
The Look-Betters–Goggles by Catherine Williams pg.114
Color It Magic-Skiwear, Fashion for '83 by Susan McCoy pg.122
Getting There-Ski Rack pg.134
The Right Skis: How to Select Them
Racing by Otto Tschudi pg.42
Cruisers by Stu Campbell pg.48
Powder by Bob Smith pg.56
Bumps by Frank Beddor pg.56
Those Strange Name Skis-Report on Odd Labled Skis
by Seth Masia pg.54
The Early Bird Shopper-Guide to Gear by Janet Nelson pg.162
23 Great Vacation Deals-Finance, Travel by Abby Rand pg.146
A Ski Junkie's Lament by Dick Dorworth pg.16
Salute to the US Ski Team-Tribute pg.75
Love Story-Old Skis by Rigomar Thurmer pg.143
October 1982
First Tracks—Resort Expansion, New-Terrain Report on Favorite
Areas and Still Virgin Peaks by Seth Masia pg.44
The Utah Connection-Ski Areas, Resorts by Seth Masia pg.54
Convenience Skiing for the Incubator Set- California's Boreal
by Dick Dorworth pg.74
Twin Delights- Sugarbush, Ski Areas by Peter Bodo pg.96
Double Wasatch Dip—Alta and Snowbird Ski Areas by Janet Nelson pg.132
Quick 'N' Gentle—Slalom Skis by Seth Masia pg.62
Fit For Your Feet—Racing Boots by Seth Masia pg.88
When It Counts- Racing Bindings by Seth Masia pg.128
Strong Suits- Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.136
Gate Crazy- Report on Recreational Racing by Steve Cohen pg.76
Phil Mahre: Downhill Should Be A Must for World Cup Win
Interview by John Fry pg.113
Pro Racing: Bucks and Brinkmanship by Charlie Meyers pg.158
What World Cup Racers Learn from Kids- Comparing kids to the
champs by Stu Cambell pg.102
Terror in the Sierra- Alpine Meadows' Avalanche
by Dick Dorworth pg.147
November 1982
Hot Shots- Best in Ski Photography by Peter Miller pg.52
Better Ski Photos- The Pros' Way by Peter Miller pg.64
Hot Spot: Fat City Fights Back—Aspen by Charlie Meyers pg.28
Uh, Are These the Alps? The Catskill Kid's 1st Trip to Europe
by I. William Berry pg.88
Telluride Treasure-Ski Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.137
Steeps, Sweat and Tears—5 Steepest Slopes in Vermont
by James Tabor pg.150
Hot Spot: Bustling Times in Bethel- Sunday River, Maine
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.178
The Great Don't- Make- Plans- Without- It Whole Ski Vacation
Catalog—Bargains, Deals, Addresses etc. by Abby Rand pg.197
Hot Spot: A Smorgasboard of Sierra Delights- Lake Tahoe's
Big Five by Catherine Williams pg.214
The Versatile Giants- Ski Report on 18 Cruisers by Seth Masia pg.76
A Cut Above- Recreational Bindings by Seth Masia pg.133
Easy Precision- Recreational Boots by Seth Masia pg.158
Parka Power-Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.186
Kids Have More Fun-Skiwee Program by I. William Berry pg.24
What Those Racing Terms Mean by Bill Reed pg.149
Ski Your Rear Right-For More Speed In Turns by Stu Campbell pg.181
These Are the Best—Salute to Recreational Racers: Lite, Junior and
Super NASTAR Skiers pg.218
December 1982
Mathias Zdarsky- Father of Alpine Skiing by Morten Lund pg.49
Ski Care for People Who Would Rather Not Bother With Ski Care
Guide to Repairing Skis by Seth Masia pg.126
Bum Raps- Ski Bums by Peter Miller and Jeannie Ramseier Patton pg.132
Making It: A Ski Bum's Survival Guide by Mark Pyle pg.144
Park City: Easy Cruisin' Anxiety Free- Utah, Ski Areas
by Abby Rand pg.37
Is It 'La Via Lattea' Or 'Le Voie Lactee'? Sansicario, the Milky
Way's Shining Star by Abby Rand pg.90
You Gotta Have Heart—Vermont's Smugglers' Notch
by Peter Miller pg.172
The Fun Bunch-New Sport Skis by Seth Masia pg.66
Package Man-Seven Key Strategies for Getting the Most From
Package Ski Vacations by Abby Rand pg.150
Seven For Starters-Report on Reliable Bindings by Seth Masia pg.157
Thick n' Thin- Parkas, skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.168
Fear of Flying-Steeps Intimidation, a How To for All Skiers
by Stu Campbell pg.52
Cruising in Control-Here's How by Stu Campbell pg.74
Take a Station Vacation-Killington, Vermont's Teaching Station
Approach to Instruction by I. William Berry pg.159
The Best Teach the Rest-What Recreational Skiers Can Learn From
Watching World Cup Racers by Stu Campbell pg.180
Freestyle Follies-Freestyle Struggles to Find Its Niche
by Mike Madigan pg.115
Hot Spot-Ski Areas:
Whistler/ Blackcomb pg.60
Vail, Colorado pg.152
New Hampshire pg.163
January 1983
The Greatest Pick the Greatest-6 of the World's Top Skiers pick
Their Favorite Trails by Janet Nelson pg.50
Skiwee: A Program for Kids and Moms and Dads Who Ski-
Guide to the Instruction Program, Tips on How to Buy Kids'
Gear, Taking Family Trips, and Children's Skiwear pg.103
Where Kids and Kidd are King- Steamboat Springs by Abby Rand pg.26
A Cornucopia of Delights- Southern Vermont Profile: Magic,
Okemo, Pico and Ascutney by I. William Berry pg.90
Ketchum Catches Up- Sun Valley, Idaho by Abby Rand pg.96
The Catskills Get Cagey-New York, Ski Areas by I. William Berry pg.122
Where To Ski In Your Region—Ski Areas pg.115
Agony of a Ski Racer-Perspective on John Buxman by Peter Miller pg.32
The Fearless Over 40s-Older Skiers by Charlie Meyers pg.72
Winning Women-America's Leading Ladies by Patrick Lang pg.92
TV Guide to World Cup Racing pg.128
Gold Medal Skis-18 Brands by Seth Masia pg.58
Are You a Terminal Intermediate? How To Overcome the Pitfalls
of 'Intermediateness' by Stu Campbell pg.80
February 1983
Brecking Away- Colorado's Breckenridge, Ski Areas by
Charlie Meyers pg.24
Which Is Better: US or Europe?- Those Who Have Skied Both
Rate the Best and Worst by Peter Miller pg.44
Extreme Supreme- Steeps on the Auguille Rouge of Les Arcs,
France by Seth Masia pg.47
Cruisin' In The Lap of Luxury- Snowmass by Steve Cohen pg.58
Mount Snow at Five- When Sherburne Corp. Bought Mt. Snow
it was Kierkegaard vs. Goldie Hawn, This Time Goldie Won.
by I. William Berry pg.81
For the Soft and Sensuous- Skis Designed for the Deep
by Seth Masia pg.34
How Hot is Your Piece of the Pie? Condo Timesharing
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.55
A Vacation Sampler-Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.64
Boot It-Footwear for After Skiing by Susan McCoy pg.92
Fundamentals First in Powder- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.40
Ski Stronger on the Steeps- Technique by Jerry Warren pg.67
March 1983
The Over the Hill Gangs- Aging Skiers by Mike Madigan pg.44
A World Apart- Photos by Peter Miller pg.49
Rate-a-Fall by Mark Pyle pg.64
Aspen Winternational World Cup Guide- a Preview pg.77
Minnie Musters the Mob-The Tenth Mountain Troops
by Gretchen Besser pg.101
The Best Race the Best- Lite/ NASTAR Championships pg.117
Les Arc High- Arc 2000, Travel, Ski Areas by Peter Miller pg.37
Damn Yankee in Dixie- Southeast, Travel by I. William Berry pg.68
Skiing the Kiwi Time Machine- New Zealand, Travel, Ski Areas
by Stu Campbell pg.105
Austria’s Artful Firngleiters by Morten Lund pg.120
News of Ski Areas pg.117
Great Gear for Backcountry- Wilderness Equipment by Seth Masia pg.57
Disarm Yourself for Better Leg Action- Technique, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.60
Coping with bumps- Technique and Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.113
September 1983 (1984 Buyers Guide)
The Super G Arrives- New Ski Design pg.21
Options Aplenty- Boots to Fit Your Needs by Seth Masia pg.68
New Help at the Heel? by Seth Masia pg.92
Get The Shaft- Ski Poles by Steve Cohen pg.106
Goggles that Give- Fog Free, Glare Free and Hassle Free
by Steve Cohen and Jamie Marshall pg.115
12 For The Road- Auto Racks by Steve Cohen pg.143
'84 Fantastics- Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.148
How A Ski Behaves- Nontechnical Guide to Ski Design and
Performance by Seth Masia pg.52
Return Of Custom Fit- Boots by Seth Masia pg.88
Stubai Tuneup- Early Bird Schuss in the Alps by L. Dana Gatlin pg.103
23 Reasons Not to Stay at Home This Winter- Ski Vacations
by Abby Rand pg.164
Beeftec Tour of Bariloche- Spring skiing in Fall by Steve Cohen pg.175
Where to Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.143
Who Are The US Ski Makers? a Business Primer on Competing
in the Fast Lane by Seth Masia pg.56
Salute to the US Ski Team-1982-83 Season pg.119
October 1983
Trips for the Tough- 10 Ski Vacations to test the Timid
by Abby Rand pg.30
Strudelfinger- The Secret of Innsbruck? by James Tabor pg.64
Matterhorn High- Cervinia, Italy- Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.96
Future Vail- Colorado Ski Areas by Dick Needham pg.112
Killington and the Colorado Kid- Irreverent impressions of a Rocky
Mountain Ski Maven at Skiing's "Supermarket of the East"
by Mike Madigan pg.126
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.139
Eclectic Cruisers- Guide to season's Fastest Skis by Seth Masia pg.42
Breakaway Boots- Unconventional Styles by Seth Masia pg.78
Affordable Performers- Bindings by Seth Masia pg.106
The Aspen Blues- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.118
Wingding at Sesto- Interski- More Hype than Help? by Stu Campbell pg.56
Is Your Ski Equipment Sexist? Quick Fix Program for better
Women's Ski Performance by Janet Nelson pg.90
Olympics Countdown '84- Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, Vucko
by Abby Rand pg.134
The Velocity Jockeys- Franz Weber by Charlie Meyers pg.84
Ski People- Patrick Tambay pg.123
November 1983
The Glacier Express- Swiss Rails, St. Moritz and Zermatt
by I. William Berry pg.58
Boom at the Butte- New Jet Service at Crested Butte, Colorado
by Mike Madigan pg.72
The Tiger Breeds a Tabby- Utah's Snowbird, Ski Areas
by Abby Rand pg.91
La Dolce Lombardy- Northern Italy Report by Mort Lund pg.104
Half a Loaf is Just the Start- Sugarloaf, Maine, Ski Areas
by Mort Lund pg.123
Number One and Trying Harder- Aspen, Colorado by Mort Lund pg.175
A Spirited Day at Stratton by James Tabor pg.193
Bucking for the Big Time- Pete Seibert and Snowbasin, Utah-
Ski Areas by I. William Berry pg.228
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.255
Hard Snow Performers- New Ski Report by Seth Masia pg.76
Ride Like the Wind- Lightweight Wind Gear, Skiwear
by Susan McCoy pg.108
Unwrapping the Packagers- Ski Vacations by Abby Rand pg.128
Racers For Non-Racers- Report on Performance Boots
by Seth Masia pg.180
Top of the Crop- Bindings by Seth Masia pg.208
Exercises for the Desk Bound- Conditioning by Thea Slusky pg.84
Take the Pressure Off- Instruction, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.220
The Leading Edge- Ski Racing by Stu Campbell pg.45
Grim Pickin's for the Pros- A Fiscal Short Circuit hits the Men's
Pro Racing by Charlie Meyers pg.66
1984 NASTAR Guide- Tips and News pg.135
Requiem for the Pre- Condo Ski Bum— Kill-For-A-Ski-Pass kids
Have Given Way to a Me Generation With Monogrammed
BMWs by Martie Sterling pg.100
Take the Heat Off Your Feet- Ski Boot Woes and How to Cure
Them by Fred Schwacke pg.190
Class Comes to Ski Country- High Class, High Ticket Hostelries
by Abby Rand pg.201
How to Con a Free Ski Vacation by Abby Rand pg.214
"Hold the Mold"- SKI Editor Determined to Make Own Skis
by Seth Masia pg.234
The Ultimate Ski Brochure by Mike Madigan pg.250
Are We Killing Ourselves? Serious Injuries On the Rise
by I. William Berry pg.262
Ski People:
Marris Kramer pg.98
Dave Jacobs pg.112
Bob Mathias pg.258
December 1983
The Racing Rage- Photo Essay of Racers and Where to Join them pg.37
Hello Sonny, Hello Daughtah- Adult Race Camp
by I. William Berry pg.50
Run for Hell- Swiss Inferno, Racing by Andy Slough pg.150
Tremblant: Au Revoir Et Bienvenue, Quebec, Canada Ski Areas
by John Fry pg.58
The Mannerly Magic of Waterville by James Tabor pg.113
Savoir Fare... and Skiing Too- Keystone, Colorado, Ski Areas
by Charlie Meyers pg.140
The Allure of Chamonix- Ski Areas, by Peter Miller pg.178
The Legend Lives On- Sun Valley, Ski Areas by Janet Nelson pg.198
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.193
The Gold Diggers- Racing Skis by Seth Masia pg.74
The Precision Machines- Racing Boots by Seth Masia pg.120
The Load Handlers- racing Bindings by Seth Masia pg.134
High Tech... and Hot- Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.168
Choosing the Right Parka-Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.172
Float and Steer- Steering, Instruction, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.90
How the Mahres Compare by Bob Beattie pg.162
Ski Your Way to College- Skiing Scholarships by Ray Cohen pg.132
Lift Ticket No. 001 by Jamie Marshall pg.194
January 1984
Yankee Heli-Dandy—Heliskiing Photo Essay, Tale of a Powder
Dash Through Nevada's Ruby Mountains, Heli-Ski Directory
by Peter Miller pg.99
The Metamorphosis of Stowe- Ski Areas, Vermont
by I. William Berry pg.46
French Sisters- Sister Resorts of Les Deux Alpes and Alpe d'Huez
Ski Areas, France by Peter Miller pg.70
First Step for Interconnect-Brighton and Solitude, Utah's
Interconnect Scheme, Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.124
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.139
The Little Racer Who Could-Queen of the World Cup,
Tamara McKinney by Peter Miller pg.26
The Rebirth of Junior Racing by I. William Berry pg.115
Toothless Ted, the Twisting Tornado-Recollections of a Junior
Racing Coach by Dan Sterling pg.116
Real Men Don't Miss a Season-13 Ways to Duplicate the Gestalt
of Skiing Without Really Doing It by Jeff Kirbach pg.135
The Powderhunters- Report on new Skis by Seth Masia pg.58
Lightweight Solutions- Lightweight Boot Model Report
by Seth Masia pg.79
Latch-Ins for the Deep- Bindings for Deep Powder by Seth Masia pg.84
Skier's Choice-Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.90
Choosing the Right Ski Pant- Skiwear,Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.95
Winning Hands- Hand Movements and Positions for success,
Instruction, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.36
February 1984
TV Program to the Olympic Ski Events- ABC Broadcast Schedule
Dates and Times pg.35
Phil and Tamara: Can They Do It? A Bio Box Score on the 1983
World Cup Champs pg.38
Gold Medal Picks- Racers Records pg.40
Sarajevo: An Olympic Portrait- Aerial Panorama of the City and
Sites of Olympic Events pg.42
The Olympic Downhills- Dissecting the Men's and Women's
Downhills pg.44
The Man Who Won't Be There-Ingemar Stenmark pg.46
Yugoslavia: First Alpine Nation on Skis pg.48
Coming In Strong- Bill Koch and Kerry Lynch, US Nordic pg.50
What a Gold Medal Is Worth-Toni Sailer and Film Career, Jean-
Claude Killy- Product Spokesman, What Happened To
The Others? pg.58
Winning Combinations- Olympic Equipment pg.64
Olympic Wraps- What the US Olympic Ski Team Will Be Wearing,
from Start to Finish pg.66
Hell in Paradise- Women of the US Ski Team in Hawaii pg.68
Klammer: The Other Side—Self-Portrait of a Comeback Champ pg.72
The Rock and the Hard Place- Skiing in the Granite State
by I. William Berry pg.24
The Wild White Yonder-Western Skiing by Jeannie Patton pg.84
Babylon on the Beaver- Colorado's Beaver Creek, Ski Areas
by John Fry pg.105
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.97
The Case for Contemporary-Ski Like a Racer and Watch the Over-
Instruction Glitches Take Flight, Instruction
by Dick Needham pg.81
Tippage: Good or Bad? How You Tilt Your Upper Body affects
How Clean You Make Your Turns, Technique
by Stu Campbell pg.98
March 1984
The Wild Side-Photos Of Skiing Insanity pg.22
Where Have All the Small Areas Gone? Ski Areas
by I. William Berry pg.58
Aspen Winternational Subaru World Cup Guide- Preview of
America's Downhill and Activities pg.69
Powder City Hits Its Prime by Charlie Meyers pg.33
360 for 365- Mount Bachelor, Oregon, Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.44
The Magnificent Seven- Santa Fe, New Mexico, Southwest Ski Areas
by Mike Madigan pg.61
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.69
Soft Touches- Soft Flexing Racing Ski Models Report
by Seth Masia pg.54
5 Steps to Expert Skiing—On- Hill Drills, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.37
April 1984 (1st April Issue)
Gold In From the Cold- US Alpine Skiing by Dick Needham pg.37
Debbie's 'Fun Run' Wins Gold by John Fry pg.40
Second Fiddle Plays the Lead- Max Julen by John Fry pg.41
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee- Bill Johnson by Seth Masia pg.44
Scraping By- Michela Figini by Seth Masia pg.45
Wish You Were Here (And I Was There)- Armchair View of ABC's
Olympics by Steve Cohen pg.48
The Sarajevo Raiders- Phil Mahre at the Top by Dick Needham pg.50
Arrivederci Gold- Armstrong, Figini and Paoletta Magoni
by Dick Needham pg.56
Crystal Balling Cross- Country's Future, and Lord of the Flies-
US XC Team by John Fry pg.57
My Honky Tonk Heroes- Big Sky Skiing, Montana, Ski Areas
by Bob Jamieson pg.24
Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite- Val d'Isere, France, Ski Areas
by Jamie Marshall pg.10
The Wrong Stuff- New Hampshire's Tuckerman Ravine, Ski Areas
by Jeff Blumenfeld pg.58
Seeking a Middle Age Bulge- Monarch, Colorado Preps For Its
Golden Age, Ski Areas by Jeff Frees pg.68
The Mighty Mammoth- Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.80
First Glance- New Boots and Ski Bases For Faster Glide
by Seth Masia pg.18
Inside Story- How World Cup stars Work the Inside Ski to Winning
Advantage, Technique, Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.62
The Bracey Bunch- The Editor of SKI With His Offspring at
Summer Ski-Racing Camp In Montana by Dick Needham pg.72
SKI's 1984 Guide to Summer Ski Camps by Amy Lipton pg.75
September 1984—1985 Buyer's Guide
Skis: Faster Bases, Vibration-Absorption Systems and High
Tech Materials; From Racers to Learners by Seth Masia pg.31
Boots- Directory by Seth Masia pg.135
Bindings- Right Release are Lighter and More Reliable and Graced
With Cosmetic Elan by Seth Masia pg.165
Poles by Steve Cohen pg.176
Skiwear- New Space Age Fabrics and Insulations, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.188
Goggles- More Pliable Frames and Durable Lenses by Steve Cohen pg.201
A Champ Who Builds For Champs- K2 Builder Al Davignon
by Seth Masia pg.87
How a Ski Comes to Market- Ski Building by Committee
by Seth Masia pg.98
Founding Son- Binding Founder Georges Salomon by Seth Masia pg.162
The Man Who Gave Skiing the Shaft- Aluminum Ski Pole Developer
Ed Scott by Seth Masia pg.184
The Sweet Yodel of Success- Skiwear Patriarch Klaus Obermeyer
by Susan McCoy pg.196
C.B.: 'It's The Superbowl Every Year' Skiwear's C.B. Vaughan
by Susan McCoy pg.198
Salute to the US Ski Team- Last Year's Glories and Prospects for
1985 by Eds pg.111
Understanding the Words You Wear- Quick Reference Guide to the
Most Common Design Features, Insulations and Fabrics in
Today's Ski Apparel by Susan McCoy pg.199
Picking the Right Package- Ski Vacations by Abby Rand pg.210
Which Is Best: East, Alps or West? Opinions on Where Skiing Is
The Best by Charlie Meyers, Peter Miller and
I. William Berry pg.222
October 1984
Your Year for Europe? Select-a-Resort Guide to Your Perfect Alp
by Abby Rand pg.41
First Flake Fever by James Tabor and Charlie Meyers pg.105
Caution: Sun Valley May Be Habit Forming- Baldy, Ski Areas, Idaho
by Jamie Marshall pg.130
Renaissance in the Park-Lake Placid and the Adirondack Revival
by Mort Lund pg.165
Mount Jekyll and North Peak Hyde- Keystone, Ski Areas
by Charlie Meyers pg.190
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.199
The First Day Back- 7 Steps to a Safe, Successful Season Start
by Stu Campbell pg.86
Are Bigger Muscles the Way to Better Skiing? Building Skiing
Strength through Weight Training by Janet Nelson pg.149
Ski Pointers:
Use Poles to Quiet Your Upper Body pg.78
Pick Up the Beat pg.84
Carve Turns Like Slicing Bread pg.134
Aim Your Knee Like a Beam pg.142
Stetch Before You Ski pg.146
In Bumps, Keep the Pole Plants Coming pg.194
A Slalom to Remember- The Strange, Final Race at Sarajevo
by Phil and Steve Mahre pg.68
Ready For a Racer? Recreational Racing Skis by Dick Dorworth pg.112
Easy Riders- Racing Boots by Seth Masia pg.138
7 at the Top- Bindings by Seth Masia pg.160
Men at Work- Heavy Duty Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.174
Understanding the Words You Wear, Part II- Quick Reference
Guide to Ski Apparel by Susan McCoy pg.180
If the Boot Fits...You Probably Have a Custom Insole- Footbeds
by Dr. Jeffrey Ross and Steve Cohen pg.184
Going Mobile- Cars (Hatchbacks and Sedans) for the High Country
by Mike Knepper pg.200
November 1984
Being Bill- Bill Johnson Profile by Peter Miller pg.46
Phil's Place- Phil Mahre by John Fry pg.98
Mountain Storms- A Photo Essay by Bruce Barthel pg.150
The Lives and Times of Vermont's Route 100 by Peter Miller pg.164
You Can Do It! How About a Winter Triathalon, Speed Skiing or
a Week Of High Mountain Steeps? by Slough, Biz Kellam
and Peter Miller pg.213
The Hellions- Tribute to the All-Time, All American
Non- Conformists of the Ski World by Mort Lund pg.267
Mount Immersion—Mt. Saint Anne/ Quebec City, Canada
Ski Areas by John Fry pg.66
Aspen Strikes Back by Charlie Meyers pg.106
As You Like It- New Intermediate Tree Skiing and Steamboat
by Steve Cohen pg.204
The Big One Softens Its Bite- A Bit—Jackson Hole, Wyoming
by Mike Madigan pg.229
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.265
The Go Anywhere Bunch- Skis by Stu Campbell and Seth Masia pg.86
Artwear- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.178
Different Strokes- Cutting Edge Boots by Seth Masia pg.194
The Recreationals- Bindings by Seth Masia pg.202
Tax Deductible Ski Trips? How-To by Abby Rand pg.250
The Cargo Snatchers- Cars (Wagons) Equipped For Skiers
by Mike Knepper pg.257
Ski Your Body Type- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.74
Mind Over Matter-Technique by Mort Lund pg.185
Beat the Clock- Turning (Racing), Instruction/ Technique
by Stu Campbell pg.241
Calgary 1988: Will the Thrill Be Gone? Uphill Battle for the
Olympic Site by John Fry pg.32
More Fun, Less Bucks-NCSA, College Skiing by Mike Madigan pg.159
December 1984
The White Circus-World Cup Photo Essay by Peter Miller and
Sandy Caligiore pg.41
Growing Up Killy- Val d'Isere and Jean Claude Killy
by Seth Masia pg.72
Phi Beta Skia- Ski College Educations and Resort Jobs
by Janet Nelson pg.80
Sun Valley Skimeister- Sawtooth Ski Expert Bob Jonas makes
Masters of Skiing in 10 Days by Seth Masia pg.162
Allais- A Portrait of a Ski Pioneer by John Fry pg.181
The Invulnerables- 4x4s (Trucks) by Mike Knepper pg.201
Two Up On the Gondola- Sugarbush's New Chair by James Tabor pg.50
An Italian Treat Times Two- Italy's Cortina d'Ampezzo and Alpe
di Siusi by Abby Rand and John Fry pg.106
Recluse Reborn- Okemo, Vermont, owner Tim Muller, Ski Areas
by I. William Berry pg.188
Fat Cats- Diary of a Deep Powder Discovery by Harold Castin pg.194
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.209
Ski the Rapids- Racing Skis by Dick Dorworth and Seth Masia pg.88
Power On- Racing Boots that Deliver Maximum Precision
by Seth Masia pg.122
6 for the Quick- Racing Bindings with Retention by Seth Masia pg.146
The Year of the Sweater- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.172
Do You Know Your Edges? Instruction, Technique
by Stu Campbell pg.61
The Best Coaching Tips We Ever Had- by Steve and Phil Mahre
Instruction and Technique pg.154
Future Teach,Ski Instruction- Evolution or Revolution? by John Fry pg.209
Turn Up Before Your Turn Down pg.101
Pivot On Top, Skid in the Trough pg.119
Red Turns, Green Turns pg.148
Cross- Country; How to Where To pg.84
January 1985
Cross- Country; How To, Where To pg.83
Welcome to Ski Country! An Invitation to the sport and How to Get
Started the Right Way pg.57
Anatomy of a Ski Mountain- Color Portrait of Mount Anywhere,
USA by Bob Cram pg.60
Gear To Get You Going- The Rental Game Equipment
by Seth Masia pg.62
Beg, Borrow, Buy...Or Improvise- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.65
Getting Started in the Big Time- Skipping the Minors and Heading
for the Big Resorts by Morten Lund pg.66
The Great Beginner Trails- How to Spot the Trails Most Likely to
Make Your Introduction to Skiing a Winner
by I. William Berry pg.68
On Teaching Friends (and Lovers) To Ski- Head to Ski School
by James Tabor pg.71
The French Connection- Courchevel, Ski Areas, Resorts
by Abby Rand pg.30
Park Cite Fanstasie- A Wasatch Tale of Utah Powder
by Jamie Marshall - Ski Areas pg.33
Taos- Ski Areas by Dick Needham pg.75
A Snowmass Christmas- Ski Areas by Dick Needham pg.95
Hunter Mines Silver- Hunter Mountain, New York, Ski Areas
by James Tabor pg.108
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.115
What Skis To Buy? Buying Your First Pair by Seth Masia pg.84
Buyer's Guide to Beginner Skis pg.88
Easy Entries- Beginner Bindings by Seth Masia pg.99
Do the 10- Step— 10 Step Program for Trying and Buying Boots
by Seth Masia pg.102
Buyer's Guide to Beginner Boots pg.103
What's Wrong Here? Basic Errors in Technique, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.46
February 1985
Behind the Biennial FIS World Ski Championships at Bormio,
Italy- Competing and Winning, Steve Mahre, Christin
Cooper and Steve Podborski pg.77
The World Championship Difference- What It Takes to Win,
Recollections of Schladming 1982 pg.78
Class of '85's Most Likely to Succeed- Can Bill Johnson Repeat?
Will Pirmin Zurbriggen's World Cup Success Translate
to Gold for Switzerland? Can Erika Hess Repeat her Double
Medal Domination? pg.80
US Medal Mights- Tamara McKinney and Bill Johnson pg.82
Picks of the Pack- Mahre, Cooper and Podborski List Their
Medal Choices pg.83
Bowls- Cirques and Basins of the US pg.19
The Odd Couple- Loon and Cannon, New Hampshire Ski
Production by I. William Berrypg.43
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.91
The Airborne Advantage- 6 Situations Where Taking to the Air
Will Benefit, Instruction, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.31
Super Suits- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.72
March 1985
The Crazies-Some Skiers Will Do Anything For the Photographer,
The Crud Brothers, Vermont Bill and Jay Bird Fly Through
the Air, by Peter Miller pg.22
Nick's Knack- Nick Badami and Alpine Meadows, California
by Abby Rand pg.81
Synergy at Squaw- 25 Years After the Olympics by Dick Dorworth pg.40
Flight Time for First Timers- Heliskiing by Steve Cohen pg.67
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.81
Rites of Spring- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.34
Playing the Right Angles- Angulation, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.74
On Traverses, Ski the Good Snow pg.73
Downhill Business- The Corporate Ski Challenge by Seth Masia pg.50
Aspen Winternational Subaru World Cup Guide- America's
Downhill Preview and Activities pg.51
April/ Spring 1985
Sneak Peek- Angled Sidewalls, Damping Systems, Self- Sharpening
Edges, Super Fast Bases. What's New in Equipment for 1986
by Seth Masia pg.38
Personal Best- Winning Photos from SKI's Reader Photo Contest pg.42
Redford-Robert, Celebrities by Dick Needham pg.64
SKI's 1985 Guide to Summer Ski Camps by Joana Jebsen
and Judy Geller pg.75
Small Towns, Big Mountains by Maxine Sevack pg.25
The Jolly White Giant- Tito Lowenstein's Andean Skiing Mastodon
by John Hitchcock pg.49
Cheeseburgers In Paradise? Luxury Service at Deer Valley
by Jeannie Patton pg.71
World Championships 1985- Report on the Alpine World
Championships at Bormio, Italy. by Eds. pg.53
What Seperates the Great From the Greatest...and You— Stop
Action Photos Reveal Technique Errors by Stu Campbell pg.17
1986 Buyer's Guide
Skis—Radical Changes: Shock-Dampers, Air-Spoilers, Ridgetops,
Angled Sidewalls, Forked Tails pg.43
Vibration Control: Hard Snow Savior pg.54
Do You Know Your Base-ics? pg.63
Edge Pressure: May the Right Force Be With You pg.66
Key Questions to Ask in the Shop pg.72
Selecting the Right Ski pg.78
Ski Terms Glossary pg.90
Behind Equipment Warranties pg.100
Sunglasses- High Tech Protection to Fashion pg.123
Goggles-Improved Venting Systems, New Lenses pg.124
Boots- by Seth Masia pg.159
Tips for Buying, Trying Boots pg.170
Footbeds: Fit For Your Feet? pg.172
Boot Terms Glossary pg.174
Boot Construction Basics pg.178
Gray Market Bargains: What Are the Risks? pg.190
Bindings pg.197
Binding Terms Glossary pg.203
What to Buy When Bindings Die pg.206
Poles- Bends, Brights, Beef pg.208
Kid's Gear- Three Step Plan to Buying Children's Equipment and
Equipment Report by Christi Northrop pg.211
And Now, Skiing's Real Mogul- Ski Companies' Owner Laurent
Boix Vives by Seth Masia pg.102
The Boot that Bob Built- Bob Lange by Morten Lund
and Seth Masia pg.193
Skiwear— High-Tech Fabrics and Insulation by Susan McCoy pg.110
The Words You Wear- Quick Reference Guide to Common
Skiwear Features by Susan McCoy pg.118
Skiwear Inside and Out- There's More to Ski Apparel Than Meets
the Eye by Susan McCoy pg.139
Dressing For Your Body Type by Susan McCoy pg.142
Gloves- New Breakthroughs in Waterproofing and Insulation
by Susan McCoy pg.217
Vacation Catastrophes and How To Avoid Them- Travel
by Abby Rand pg.219
Protecting Your Package- Tips For Early Vacation Buyers When
Fares Go Down or Dollars Go Up- Travel by Abby Rand pg.231
8 Travel Questions by Abby Rand pg.237
What Resort Associations Can Do For You by Abby Rand pg.238
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.229
October 1985
Ski America's Best- Directory to North America's Top Vacation
Spots, Ski Areas, Resorts by Steve Cohen pg.33
No Meek Peak- Breckenridge, Colorado- Ski Areas
by Charlie Meyers pg.107
North Conway Comes of Age- Again, Ski Areas by Bob Gillen pg.134
Heavenly Nevada-Ski Areas, Resorts by John Fry pg.179
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.175
A Forward Look Back- Ski Makers Have Found New Ways to
Use Traditional Construction Materials by Seth Masia pg.78
Movers and Shakers- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.100
Radical Chic— Cable and Pulley Systems and Double Shell
Constructions in Boots by Seth Masia pg.120
Bindings For The Rest of Us- Why Pay More? by Seth Masia pg.162
Midnight on the Heuga Express- 10 of the World's Greatest Skiers
Embark on a Mission of Hope for a Friend by Dick Dorworth pg.65
It's A Dog's Life- Mutley Alba Proves That You Can Teach a Ski
Dog New Tricks by April Jewell pg.169
Be A Glider- Learn To Edge Less and Flatten Your Skis More
and Your Turns Will Improve, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.73
The White Pass Turn- The Never Before Told Story of the
Technique Accidently Discovered by Steve Mahre that Helped
Phil Mahre to Win Three World Cups by Steve and Phil
Mahre with John Fry pg.113
Get Fit the Ski Team Way—US Ski Team Program for Conditioning
by Janet Nelson pg.182
Aim Your Upper Body in Deep Snow pg.70
Weight Your Downhill Ski pg.111
Do A Gliding Pole Plant pg.166
Turn with the Tongue pg.191
November 1985
Above Treeline- Photos by Peter Miller pg.41
It's Civil War...Again- Do Right vs. Development in Vermont
by I. William Berry pg.71
Ski America's Best- Part II Directory of North America's
Top Ski Vacation Spots, Ski Areas, Resorts by Steve Cohen pg.89
Yearning for Yosemite- A Tale of Grandeur in John Muir's
"Noble Park" by Laurel Hilde pg.144
Pico Puffs Its Chest- Vermont, Ski Areas, Resorts
by I. William Berry pg.201
A Hundred Years at Siding 29- The Fast Track to Canada's Banff
National Park by Andy Slough pg.213
The Quad Squad- Vail, Colorado's Four Person Chairlifts
by Abby Rand pg.229
Copper Adds a Topper- Spaulding Bowl Sports Center, Colorado,
Ski Areas by Jamie Marshall pg.237
Keystone Courts the Insomniac- The World's Largest Night
Skiing Facility by Charlie Meyers pg.239
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.233
More Ways to Go Fast- Recreational Racing Skis by Seth Masia pg.47
Easy outs- Bindings with Heavyweight Retention and Smooth
Release by Seth Masia pg.83
Head Trips- Ski Hangups Are In Your Head, But Not the Way You
Think, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.137
Be A One-Ski Skier- Committing Weight Totally to the Outside
Ski On Turns Technique, Instruction by Phil and
Steve Mahre with John Fry pg.223
MTC: A Way That Works- The Mahre Training Center
by Dick Needham pg.228
Lean Forward for Better Control pg.65
Use the Edge of the Hill pg.84
Feet Apart on Ice pg.151
Flex By the Clock pg.207
Don't Pinch the Gates pg.211
NASTAR Guide 1985-86 Tells How to Get Involved, Where,
Giveaway Dates, New Programs, Special Events pg.101
I Was A World Cup Warden by Stu Campbell pg.185
December 1985
Official Report: The State of College Skiing, The Art of
Ski-Scamming by James Petersen pg.41
Campus Crazies Clobber Colorado- Can an Ex-Hippie Find Skiing
Happiness Among 1,200 College Ski Nuts? by James Tabor pg.44
More Than Just a Party- NCSA's Options for College Ski Racers
by Andy Slough pg.50
The Scandinavian Connection- Half of Our Collegiate All-American
Skiers aren't American by Dick Dorworth pg.56
Bonus: College Skier Discounts, Ski Weeks, Club Action and News
In Regional Settings pg.193
A Ski Country Christmas- Resorts by Peter Miller pg.31
Richman, Poorman, Aspenman- When Aspen is the Goal, Price
Is No Object by Abby Rand and Peter Shelton pg.83
Steamboat Doffs Its Hat- Ski Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.129
The Ultimate Utah- A Powder Starved Easterner Sets Out for an
Idol Encounter, Ski Areas by James Tabor pg.147
Coming Back- Stratton, Vermont, Ski Areas by Jamie Marshall pg.182
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.193
Racer Ready- Radical construction on Slalom Skis
by Dick Dorworth pg.61
Soft 'N' Swift- Racing Boots by Seth Masia pg.134
Ski Haute- A wild Look at this Year's Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.176
A New Way To Ski Gates-Technique by Phil and Steve Mahre with
John Fry pg.97
Push the Uphill Ski In Powder pg.109
Weight the Downhill Ski in Racing pg.142
Does Harald Have It?- US Ski Team Boss by Charlie Meyers pg.103
World Cup: Turmoil at the Top- Can the Sport of Big-Time Ski
Racing Be Saved? by John Fry pg.159
It's Miller Time- Film-Maker Warren Miller's "Steep and Deep"
by Dick Needham pg.157
January 1986 50th Anniversary Issue
Origin of a Species- The Life and Times of SKI Magazine
by Dick Dorworth pg.12
Tricky Trivia by Jamie Marshall pg.16
Sun Valley- The Count and the Railroad Man Conspire to Build
America's First Winter Sports Mecca, Ski Areas
by Dorice Taylor and Jamie Marshall pg.22
The Evolution of Modern Ski Technique- The Skiers and the
Techniques they Pioneered by Stu Campbell pg.46
Alec's Valley- 1960 Winter Olympics, Turning Point in American
Skiing by John Fry pg.57
50 Years of Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.73
50 Years in Pictures- American Skiing's Memory Lane pg.90
Eight Classics- These Skis made History and Heroes by Morten Lund
with Seth Masia pg.115
Laurels and Lemons- SKI's picks of the Sport's Crowning and
Dubious Achievements by Eds., Compiled by Joana Jebsen pg.136
North Americans Who Made the World Take Notice—Us and
Canadians Who Were the Best in their Era by Seth Masia pg.163
50 Years of Who Won What, When- A Recordbook of Olympic,
World Championship and World Cup Triumphs pg.198
Visit the Past- A Visit to One of the Nation's Ski Museums
by Jamie Marshall pg.204
My Bonbon for an Alpenhorn- Musings on Ski Lodging Today and
Then by Martie Sterling pg.220
The Ultimate Leap- 3000 foot Plunge, by Rick Sylvester pg.35
Heatherbedlam- The Strenuous Pleasures of Living in a Ski Town
by Leon Uris pg.67
The Oldest Continuous Floating Ski Racer of Them All—
Christian Pravda by Burton Hersh pg.82
I Was the Irish Ski Team- 39 Year Old Vermont Realtor Wins a
Bronze Medal by Robert McKee pg.105
My Life With the Mountain- A World Famous Writer Encounters
the Vermont Ski Invasion and Calls It a Draw by Pearl Buck pg.127
I Skied the World's Highest by Jeff Frees pg.153
Schuss, Comrade- SKI's First Trip to Russia by John Fry pg.182
The Way It Was: Decade by Decade Diaries from the Annals of SKI
1936-45 pg.33
1946-55 pg.89
1956-65 pg.162
1966-75 pg.178
1976-85 pg.194
The Visionaries:
Howard Head pg.42
Emile Allais pg.64
Bob Beattie pg.70
Bob Lange pg.86
Fred Pabst pg.108
Hjalmar Hvam pg.114
Hannes Schneider pg.132
Ed Scott pg.148
Hans Gmoser pg.156
Minnie Dole pg.160
Steve Bradley pg.170
Bill Danner pg.172
Maria Bogner pg.186
February 1986
The Stowe Crossover by James Tabor pg.79
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.93
Academy Rewards- Ski Academies, Tutorial Programs, Skiing
Prep Schools- What They Offer and Where You'll Find
Them by Christi Northrop pg.41
The Fun Bunch- Skis That Made the Testers Laugh by Seth Masia pg.65
But Can They Dance? Men's Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.86
Fast Ladies- Women Skiers by Peter Miller pg.54
Technique and Tactics: Bringing them Together, Instruction
by Phil and Steve Mahre with John Fry pg.74
Slowing and Going: For the Novice- Instruction- Accelerating
and Checking Your Speed by Stu Campbell pg.90
Telemark in the Dips pg.84
March 1986
The Chalet Girls' Guide to Verbier- Britain's Residents In-The-Know
Give Tips on Switzerland's Hottest Alp by Abby Rand pg.19
A Tale of Two Cities- Telluride and Purgatory, Colorado
by Charlie Meyers Ski Areas pg.42
Timeless Tremblant- Ski Areas by I. William Berry pg.71
On the Wild Side- Montana Skiing, Ski Areas by Ken Castle pg.93
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.83
Personal Best- Winning Photos from SKI's 2nd Annual Reader
Photo Contest pg.26
Just a Wild, Crazy (And Really Rich) Guy- World Cup Skier who
has the Most Fun by Peter Miller pg.76
When Price Is No Object- Top Dollar Cruising Skis
by Stu Campbell pg.33
Going and Slowing- Part II for Intermediate Skiers; Gravity
Technique, Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.68
Jamming and Chattering- Cutting Down on Upsetting Errors on
Turns, Instruction and Technique by Stu Campbell pg.88
Exit Chairs with Poles Aside pg.24
Seperate Your Body for More Effective Pole Plants pg.48
Unleash Pole Straps In Glades pg.67
Pole Plant With a Flick of the Wrist pg.80
North America's World Cup by Seth Masia pg.86
Spring 1986
SKI's 200— The Best, Brightest, Hottest and Oddest in Skiing
by Eds. pg.33
Exposures of Flims- Flims, Switzerland, Ski Areas by Andy Slough pg.18
Quest 10,000- Alaska's Mount Sanford and its 10,000 vertical foot
Plunge and the Trip to the Summit by James Tabor pg.76
Sneak Peek- Next Season's Gear by Seth Masia pg.28
SKI's 1986 Select-A-Camp Guide—Ski Camps' Guide
by Christi Northrop and Kathy Kronick pg.91
If You're A... Learn How Your Favorite Summer Sports Can Help
Improve Yourt Skiiing Next Season by Stu Campbell pg.69
Going and Slowing: For the Expert- Technique by Stu Campbell pg.88
In Spring, Stay Ahead of the Sun pg.17
Be A Live-Wire Skier pg.24
Buyer's Guide 1987
Skis: Versatility At the Top- Work Better Construction
by Seth Masia pg.34
Boots: Invasion of the Foot Snatchers- Convenience Entry
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.122
Bindings: A Double Sawbuck Below- Price by Seth Masia pg.230
Kid's Stuff No More- Junior Gear: Racing Skis, Preschooler Step-In
Bindings, Boots by Christi Northrop pg.236
New for Nordic- New Developments in Cross-Country Gear
by James Tabor pg.246
Product Review Index pg.253
Fashion: High Tech Meets High Style, Skiwear Revolution
by Susan McCoy pg.86
The Words You Wear- Guide to the Newest Advances in Ski
Apparel by Susan McCoy pg.96
Skiwear Is Techwear—Inside and Out- "Equipment for the Body"
by Susan McCoy pg.100
How Much Is Better than How Fast- Skiing Is Not So Much A Sport
As It Is A Vehicle for Accumulating Accessories
by Jack Millea pg.209
Gadgets and Gimmicks- The Most Practical and Pointless
by Lauren Bernstein pg.210
Pretty In Pink ( and Fuchsia and Turquoise...) Cosmetic Poles
by Kathy Kronick pg.214
Made For Shade- Sunglasses by Susan McCoy pg.218
Mitt Hits- Gloves by Susan McCoy pg.221
Upper Mobility- Chameleon Car Toppers, Ski Racks
by Lauren Bernstein pg.223
Eyes Right! Goggles by Lauren Bernstein pg.226
SKI's 50th Birthday Party- Sun Valley, Golden Anniversary pg.105
'It's Like Beirut Out There' Learn How to Get the Best Deals On
Ski Gear and Apparel by I. William Berry pg.114
November 1986
Excess Express- Journey on the Concorde and Orient Express to
St. Moritz by Jamie Marshall pg.36
Tall Timber: Heavenly Helicoptering to Purgatory- Ski Areas,
Resorts, Colorado by Abby Rand pg.50
World-Class Class at the World Championships by John Fry pg.54
Stein Eriksen Lodge: Life as a Regal Peasant by Abby Rand pg.57
The World's 12 Poshest Ski Hotels by Abby Rand pg.58
Sourcebook for Spendthrifts- How to Flaunt It When You Have It
by Abby Rand pg.73
Sugarloaf Bounces Back- Building and Running a
"Wicked Good" Mountain by Morten Lund pg.116
The Sky's the Limit- Accessible Steamboat, Colorado with New
Direct Jet Service by Jeannie Patton pg.144
The Grander View- Whistler, British Columbia, Ski Areas
by Bob Jamieson pg.198
Mount Snow Snags a Beau- Annexing Neighboring Carinthia Brings
Some Neat Changes to Mount Snow by Abby Rand pg.215
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.35
Wallet Busters- Deluxe Skis by Seth Masia pg.90
A Splash of Panache- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.110
Head of the Family Revisited- Updated Flex Tests of Boots
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.143
More Protection, Less Cost- Safe Mid-Priced Bindings
by Seth Masia pg.147
A Tinkerer Builds a Team- Josef Fischer, Ski Maker by Seth Masia pg.139
What Price Skiing? Lift Ticket Barriers Shattered by Skiers
by I. William Berry pg.159
Snow! Camera! Action! Ski Vacations by Bruce Barthel pg.168
The Snow-Goers—Report on 10 Sedans and Wagons Tailor Made
for Ski Country Travel (Cars) by John Lamm pg.188
Four Steps to Parallel- Mastering Parallel Turns Can Be Easy,
If You Approach it Backwards, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.183
Keeping Control on Steep Terrain- Instruction, Technique
by Seth Masia pg.211
December 1986
How Couples Ski- Suggestions From Dr. Ruth Westheimer on
Keeping Your On-Slope Relationships Intact
by Christi Northrop pg.74
Where Adults Don't Dare- Kids Guard This Ski World From the
Grownups by John Alderson pg.93
Family Ties- Skiwear for the Whole Family by Susan McCoy pg.100
The Insider- A Parent's Planner for the Perfect Ski Vacation
by I. William Berry, Dorothy Jordan and Christi Northrop pg.104
Family Finds- Checklist of US Ski Areas with Family Programs and
Freebies for Kids pg.112
Fast Track Families- Racing the Equitable Family Challenge Can
Be the Ticket to an All Expense Paid Vacation
by Lois Fredland pg.115
Bonus: Gearing Up Kids. SKIWEE Sponsor Section
150,000 Feat- Jackson Hole Vertical by Peter Shelton pg.46
Powder and Pasta on Mont Blanc- Courmayeur Resort, Ski Areas
by Abby Rand pg.167
Aspen Turns 40- Birthday Bash and Facelift by Charlie Meyers pg.217
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.35
Split Personalities- Racing Ski Options by Seth Masia pg.119
Racer Ready- Overlap Racing Boots by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.188
Attention to Retention- Bindings That Keep You In and On Course
by Seth Masia pg.229
Making Tracks With: Alan Ross Boss of the US Ski Team
by Charlie Meyers pg.36
America's World Cup Openers- Guide to the Women's Season Races
at Park City and Waterville Valley, Look Back at the Men's
Turbulent South American Summer by Dick Needham
and Seth Masia pg.58
Marvelous Mark- Mark Girardelli by John Fry and Patrick Lang pg.208
Sure Way to Shortswing- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.219
Pump in Powder pg.40
Lazy Man's Tuck pg.55
Roller skate to Faster Technique pg.79
Fall Into the Turn pg.172
January 1987
The Seasoned Skier- Proof that the Years in Your Life are Less
Important than the Life In Your Years by Abby Rand pg.66
The Fruits of Aging- Where To Find Senior Savings on Ski Trips
by Jamie Marshall pg.77
Ageless Tips- Advice from Older Skiers on How To Ski Better With
Less Effort, by Stu Campbell pg.93
Sunday Best- Maine Mountain with Skier Perks by Dick Needham pg.44
The Way They Were- Wildcat, Mad River Glen and Cannon,
New Hampshire by James Tabor pg.78
Shoot Out at the Summit- As Breckenridge, Keystone and Copper
Fire Marketing Salvos, Skiers Reap the Fallout
by Charlie Meyers pg.102
Split Personalities PartII- Racing Ski Options by Seth Masia pg.52
Beating the Cold Rush- Arctic Gear by Susan McCoy pg.98
Heat for Your Feet by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.124
Skiwear Pointer:
Cleaning Waterproof/ Breathable Skiwear pg.120
Speed Control In Moguls by Seth Masia pg.40
On Ice, Sting Like A Bee pg.64
Think Of Your Boot as a Computer pg.72
Making Tracks With George Gillett- Owner of America's
Largest Ski Resort by I. William Berry pg.117
February 1987
Divinely Davos- Remedy for American Skiers, Switzerland Ski
Areas by Morten Lund pg.41
Week Thinking- Killington, Vermont Ski Areas, Attractive Lures
by James Tabor pg.65
'Thank You, So Many'- American Adventurers Travel to China
and Find a New Meaning for 'Chinese Fire Drill'
by Rigo Thurmer pg.85
Meet Mt. Allen- Alberta's Alpine Olympic Site, Canada Ski Areas
by Seth Masia pg.115
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.29
Viva La Difference- The Difference of What Men and Women
Want In A Ski by Vicki Woodworth pg.46
Peak Experience- Lightweight Gear for the Spring by Susan McCoy pg.98
Step Lively- Get Your Legs Going In Different Directions
Technique by Stu Campbell pg.91
Think of Your Skis As Long Feet pg.44
See Bumps As Friendly Steps pg.62
US Freestyle: Upside Down and Out? Has Flipping-As-Fashion
Become Risky Business? by Charlie Meyers pg.29
1987 World Alpine Ski Championships: Schedule of Events
Crans-Montana, Switzerland pg.68
March 1987
Snow Place Like Snoqualmie- Home to Seattle Skiers For Half
A Century by Janet Nelson pg.30
24 Hours In Bitterroot- Montana Skiing by I. William Berry pg.84
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.19
Joints That Jump- Knee Braces by Jay Stuller pg.46
Spring Things- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.48
Ms. Fits- Women's Equipment by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.79
Ski It Hard or Ski It Easy? Here's How In Bumps, Steeps and Deep
Technique, Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.87
Belly Your Skis pg.32
Yank 'em and Crank 'em In Crud pg.40
Unmasking Willy- Skiwear Leader Willy Bogner Profile
by Peter Miller pg.29
Fear and Driving on the Autobahn by Rigo Thurmer pg.43
Personal Best- Photos From SKI's Third Annual Reader Photo
Contest pg.52
Frozen Moments- A Pro's Photography Advice by Bruce Barthel pg.59
Spring 1987
Competition Bonus/ World Championship Wrap-Up pg.27
The Performers- Show-Biz and Athletic Stars Tell Why Skiing
Turns Them on- Celebrities pg.39
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times- Spring Skiing
by Vincent Steckline pg.35
After the Bullwheel Stops- The Season's Over? Guide to Keeping
the Magic Going by Peter Shelton pg.49
Hotels of Champions- Ski Racers/ Hotel Owners by Peter Miller pg.60
Moving Through Kashmir- Adventure for One Perfect Run
by Gordon Whiltsie pg.74
The Shape of Things to Come- Materials Technology, Ceramics
by Seth Masia pg.70
Steer Your Turns With Your Big Toe pg.38
Do the Hoola-Hoop Slalom pg.58
September 1987
Equipment Preview
Skis- Wild Colors and Wilder Designs, Rules for Ski Length,
Critical Look at Women's Skis, Ski Construction Terms
by Seth Masia pg.39
Boots- Hybrids Hint at the Future, Rules for Boot Selection,
Myth of the 30 Second Fit, How Adjustment Features Affect
Your Skiing, Boot Terms by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.145
Bindings- New Generation of Knee Protection? How Bindings
Work, When to Retire The Bindings You Own by Seth Masia pg.233
Small Wonders- High Tech Kid's Gear by Christi Northrop pg.295
Fashion Passions- Looks for '88, Euro/ US Size Conversion Chart,
Try On Tips, Why Skiwear Is Expensive, Skiwear Terms
by Susan McCoy pg.93
Shelter From the Storm- improvements in Skiwear Technology
Have Raised Performance Levels by Susan McCoy pg.116
Dressing for Your Body Type- Selecting Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.128
Accessories pg.202
Come to Grips- Gloves pg.204
Good Lookers for Good Looking- Goggles pg.207
The Magnificent 7- Great Tuning Gadgets, Ski Repair by Seth Masia pg.209
Hang- Ups for the Home- Ski Storage Units by Kathy Kronick pg.216
Sights to Behold- 'Performance' Sunglasses pg.220
Wild Things- Artistic Ski Poles by Lauren Bernstein pg.224
Rack in the Box- Ski Racks, Car Storage Units by Jamie Marshall pg.228
Getting Your Gear Ready- Quick Fixes by Seth Masia pg.32
Are Forgiving Skis Good for You? pg.86
October 1987
Slalom Mania- Report on 70+ Slalom Skis by Seth Masia pg.57
Printed Matter- Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.142
For the Road- 4WD Utility Vehicles, Cars by John Lamm pg.156
New At the Top- Boot Report by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.182
The Miracle Workers- Bindings by Seth Masia pg.215
The Wonders of Snow- Photo Essay and Text by Alan Tivol pg.43
Tremulous Times at Crested Butte- How One Little Poma Can Push
a Mountain and Town Apart by Charlie Meyers pg.148
Best Bets for a Great '88- Vacation Hot Spots by Jamie Marshall pg.70
Finding a Helpful Hand- Info on Hassle-Free Ski Vacations
by Jamie Marshall pg.78
Getting There- Hometown to Ski Mountain is Only a Non-Stop
Flight Away by Abby Rand pg.82
Skiing Solo- Beats Staying at Home by Abby Rand pg.88
...And Baby Makes Three- Have Toddler Will Travel
by Gordon Whiltsie pg.89
The Business Traveler's Tack-On Vacation Planner- Key Numbers
and Names for A Quickie Ski Trip by Christi Northrop pg.97
Vacation Almanac- Ski Holiday Ideas by Abby Rand pg.106
Once Upon a Time and Today- St. Anton's "Gang of Five" Reunites
by Otto Lang pg.179
Sugarbush Seeks Its Roots- Ski Areas by James Tabor pg.197
Marvelous Day for a Sundance- Robert Redford's Utah Resort,
Celebrities, Resorts, Ski Areas pg.218
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.39
Airplane Your Turns pg.14
Open the Door to Better Turns pg.166
Breathe Your Way to Easier Turns pg.181
For Better Leg Action Do the Crab Walk pg.194
In Bumps Get In the Captain's Chair pg.203
Plant Your Pole With an Open Wrist pg.217
Uphill Ski Forward to Prepare a Turn pg.220
November 1987
Easy Riders- Report on 50 Cruising Skis by Seth Masia pg.56
A Question of Style- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.164
Road Warriors- Skierized Sedans, Vans, Wagons; Cars
by John Lamm, Also: Radar Detectors by Janet Nelson pg.172
Moving Up- Your Second Pair of Boots May be the Most Important
You Ever Buy by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.194
Style- Who Has It, Who Doesn't and How to Put Some In Your
Skiing pg.40
Tales of the Superski-Natural—Spirits and Ghosts in Ski Country
by Ken Castle pg.106
Calendar- What's Going On In Skiing in Oct. and Nov. pg.117
SKIWEE:Kid Power- How It Works, Where To Find It and
Equipment Tips pg.129
A Little Slice of Paradise- Residents of Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Tell of Its Pleasures and What Brought Them There,
Ski Areas by Jeannie Patton pg.208
The Shrinking World of Skiing-Effects of Manufacturers and
Retailers on Skiers by I. William Berry pg.221
What's In A Name? Stowe, Vermont, Ski Areas by I. William Berry pg.74
Ou Est Le Funival? Val d'Isere, Ski Areas by Lauren Bernstein pg.102
Courting the Club Set- Copper Mountain's Club Med, Colorado Ski
Areas by Jamie Marshall pg.226
It's Mighty, It's Matchless, It's Mammoth- Biggest US Ski Resort
by John Fry pg.140
'Gol Dango, What's A Parafango?' Snowbird's New Spa Facilities
by Jamie Marshall pg.187
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.35
One-Ski Revolution- Olympic Champs Reveal a Revolutionary
Technique to Faster, More Powerful Turns by Phil and Steve
Mahre with Stu Campbell pg.80
Pressure Your Foot From Toe to Heel pg.116
"Swink" to Link pg.146
Intensify Your Pole Action pg.184
Make C Turns Not Z Turns pg.192
Press Against the Force of the Turn pg.228
How to Memorize a Slalom pg.239
December 1987 College Special
Bump Stumpers-Report on Mogul Skis by Seth Masia pg.102
For Juniors Elite and Ladies Petite- Boots Designed for Young
Hotshots Can Also Be Bargains for Women With Small Feet
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.178
After Hours- Ski Sweaters by Susan McCoy pg.200
The Do-It-Alls— Bindings by Seth Masia pg.211
The Shrinking World of Skiing: Part II, The Vanishing Mountains—
What Happens to Your Ski Experience When Mega-Resorts
End Their Feeding Frenzy by Charlie Meyers pg.192
Making Tracks With Warren Miller- Movie Maker by Peter Rose pg.215
Getting High on Gunstock- New England's Gem on the Banks of
Lake Winnepesaukee by James Tabor pg.90
What Your Kids Are Doing on Spring Break by Martie Sterling pg.36
School Daze- Student Guide to Deep Snow, High Times and
Low Prices by Abby Rand pg.43
15 Great Ski Colleges by Lois Friedland pg.50
Team Extreme! Styles for Student Budgets, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.60
Sourcebook for Students (and Other Skinflints) Finance, Cheap
Skiing by Abby Rand pg.65
A Winter's Work- Ski Country Jobs by Janet Nelson pg.80
Mrs. Fields Meets Mt. Rodney- Park City, Utah- Ski Areas
by Abby Rand pg.170
Savoring Snowmass- Colorado Resorts by Dick Needham pg.204
Revolution Through Convolution- Breckenridge, Colorado Ski
Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.219
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.35
10 Reasons Why the US Ski Team Doesn't Win- And What Must
Be Done To Change This by Stu Campbell pg.157
Stop the Tour, I Want to Get Off- Can a SKI Editor Fly With the
Eagles When She Lives With the Pigeons?
by Lauren Bernstein pg.224
January 1988
A Blooming Booming Village- Stratton Mtn., Vermont Resort,
Ski Areas by Abby Rand pg.40
Dream Weaver- Grand Targhee, Wyoming Ski Areas
by Peter Shelton pg.68
The Great Lake Debate- Tahoe's Skiers in North vs. South
by Ken Castle and Seth Masia pg.116
More Bang for the Buck- Aspen, Colorado by Charlie Meyers pg.146
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.35
Hot Tips From A Hot Junior pg.134
I Was a Yankee Stammlehrern- Instructor Training in the Austrian
Tyrol by Dennis Campbell pg.46
Breakthrough! 10 Steps to Skiing Black Diamonds with Confidence
Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.57
Winning the Race: The Start- Olympic Champs Tell the Correct
Way to Break from the Start by Phil and Steve Mahre
with Stu Campbell pg.138
Spread Your Toes for Better Turns pg.42
Turn Your Poles Into Legs pg.115
Use Your High Beams pg.124
Push, Don't Step Off the Ski's Edge pg.129
Watch Your Shadow pg.142
Grab the Handles pg.154
Wonders For Women- Women's Skis Report pg.103
Alpine Legends- Skiwear that Reflects the Past, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.130
The State of Ski Country Real Estate- Tax Reform pg.140
The Shrinking World of Skiing III: What's Going On In the Not-As-
Friendly Skies? Consolidation by Abby Rand pg.150
March 1988
Loon in Full Flight- Loon Mountain by James Tabor pg.22
Stop Pickin' on the Beav- Resort Sitcom: Vail Mtn. as Wally,
Vail Valley Locals as Eddie Haskell and Beaver Creek Resort
as The Beav by Steve Cohen pg.79
Readers' Best- Results From SKI's 4th Annual Reader Photo Contest pg.26
Making Tracks With Jim Branch- Ski Resort Industry's Leading
Area Designer by I. William Berry pg.41
A Great Start- Test Yourself Against America's Best
by Ed Pitoniak pg.50
Jungle Warfare? Speed Skiers Franz Weber and Steve McKinney
and others Warred In the Chilean Andes, New World Record
by Hank McKee and Steve Cohen pg.61
Blazing Boots- World Class Racing Boots by Jeff Rich and
Steve Cohen pg.66
Winning the Race III: The Finish- How You Can Get the Edge
Where It Counts on Slalom Races by Phil and Steve Mahre
with Stu Campbell pg.88
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.33
Investment Dressing- Portfolio of Ski Suits, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.82
Shift Your Baggage pg.56
September 1988 Buyer's Guide 1989
High-Strength/ Low-Weight Construction Materials with
Base Performance by Seth Masia pg.37
GS Skis: Lovable at Last? Racing Skis Stepchildren pg.46
SKI's Golden Rule to Ski Length pg.52
Packaging Performance- Ski/ Binding Packages are No Longer
Just For Beginners pg.90
What the Terms Mean pg.96
Designers Team the Best of Overlap and Rear Entry
Technology to Create Radical New Hybrids with Versions
of Yesteryear by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.147
Myth of the 30 Second Fit pg.157
Mondopoint Sizing- Boot Sizing Confusion pg.176
In Search of Big (Narrow/ Wide) Foot pg.169
What the Terms Mean- Jargon Translations pg.180
Lighter and Brighter, Better? by Seth Masia pg.215
Upward Toe-The Way To Go?— Will Upward Toe Release
Reduce Skiing Injuries? pg.223
Tyrolia Recalled- What To Do If You Own Them pg.231
What the Terms Mean- Binding Jargon Translations pg.239
Kid's Stuff- High Tech, High Prices and Hot Looks pg.241
October 1988 Vacation Planner
Wish You Were Here? Pictorial on Great Moments in Ski
Vacationing by Lauren Bernstein pg.42
Hot 33- What's Making a Hit at the Most Popular Resorts
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.51
Tagging Along With Teens- A Parent's Primer for Avoiding
"Lame" Behavior by Lois Friedland pg.60
Ski America's Top Guns- Industry Insiders Rank N. America's
Top Ski Resorts by I. William Berry pg.66
Comeback Resorts- Where Skiers Check in Over and Over Again
Also: 5 Resorts Coming On Strong by Ken Castle pg.71
Flying High—Ski Air Travel, Lost Luggage, Airline Terms
by Abby Rand pg.78
Airport Survival Guide- Travel, Coping With Flight Delays,
Cancellations and Closures. Plus: Concourse Resources:
Survival Techniques for Major Ski Airports
by Randy Johnson pg.84
Continental Two-Step- Team Skiing with One of Europe's
Grand Capitals. Also: Charting Travel Time from Ski Resort
to City: War Games in the Lift Queues by Lauren Bernstein pg.106
Get- Around Guide to Europe- Everything You Need To Know
To See and Ski with Ease on the Continent. Plus: France is Still
A Bargain, Ski Rack Rental Rates, the Toll of Euro Driving
by Lauren Bernstein pg.127
Something to Write Home About- A Postal Peek at SKI's Most
Memorable Ski Days of 1988 pg.136
The Toughest Reps in the West by Charlie Meyers pg.170
How Accommodating! Sound Advice on Getting the Right Home
Away From Home. Plus: Lodging Lingo, Inside Info on
Condo Living. by Abby Rand pg.176
Holidays on Skis- by Ken and Cathy Castle with Andrew Slough pg.212
Ski Vacation Sampler- Selection of Travel by Ken Castle pg.221
Ski the Exotics- by Abby Rand pg.238
20 Ways to Ski Like a King (On a Tramp's Budget)
by Lois Friedland pg.253
In the Bag- Ski Bags by Susan McCoy pg.28
Rack Facts- A Directory of Ski Rack Suppliers by Tonya Dakin pg.32
Ranking Ski America- How Well US and Canadian Resorts Rate
by I. William Berry pg.181
Where To Pick a Package- Complete List of Ski Tour Operators
and the Destinations They Serve Worldwide Plus: Planning
Your Vacation on Your Home Computer pg.203
by Susan Rosenthal pg.250
November 1988 Missing
December 1988
Around the World on Skis- Photo Essay and Text by Ned Gillette pg.38
India Jones and the Srinagar Shortswing- Heliskiing the Himalayas
with Sylvain Saudan by Peter Shelton pg.46
Ten Hut! Blazing the Tele-Warpath from Aspen to Vail on the
10th Mountain Trail by Seth Masia pg.62
Seven Days, Nine Valleys- Alpine Touring in France's Nine
Valleys by Ilse Prevot and Miles Jaffe pg.77
Monashee Madness- Tree Skiing in the British Columbia Rockies
by Seth Masia pg.87
A Year of Skiing Adventurously- Month by Month Catalog of
Exotic Ski Trips by Gordon Whiltsie pg.95
Child's Play- Father and Son Expedition through Vail's Fantasyland
on Skis, Colorado Ski Areas by Gordon Whiltsie pg.123
Anything But Placid- Lake Placid, New York by Brian Gleeson pg.141
Loving Louise- Canadian Lake Louise, Ski Areas
by Dick Needham pg.163
How Sweet It Was- Diary of a Killington Weekend Diehard
by Bob Rudolph pg.236
January 1989
The Fear Factor- (How to Overcome It) by Stu Campbell Plus:
Fear Forum: How Skiers Cope by Katy Koontz pg.97
Keep Your Knee On A Leash pg.65
Chase Those Boots pg.115
Stand Tall in Gates pg.119
Shape Up In Your Bathroom Mirror pg.152
Pop Those Beach Balls pg.160
Chute-Out In Chamonix- Mt. Blanc, French Alps by Seth Masia,
Plus: Europe's Longest Run by Lauren Bernstein pg.58
Swiss Family Sterling- Can SKI's Last Run First Lady Leave
Hometown Aspen and Find Happiness in the Swiss Alps?
by Martie Sterling pg.122
The Aspen Chronicles- A Tale of so Much More than a Ski Resort
by I. William Berry Plus: Aspen's Christmas of the Stars
by Jay Cowan pg.154
Cruisers and Bruisers- Cruising and Shredding, Where Do Your
Loyalties Lie? by Seth Masia pg.109
Hi, Brid- The Future of Boot Design Plus: The Fitting Shop:
Eliminating Heel Lift, Foot Slop by Jeff Rich pg.141
Wearable Art- Art For Your Body, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.170
First to the Finish- NCSA Ski Racing by Ed Pitoniak pg.176
The Great Insurance Fallout- The Real Costs of the "Liability Crisis"
Aftermath Are Being Measured in Loss of Fredom as well as
Dollars by I. William Berry Plus: Dick Penniman, P.I.
by Jim Petersen; Apres- Ski Is Risky Business, Too
by Al Race pg.41
Making Tracks With...Bruno Gouvy- Interview with French
Daredevil Who Snowboarded Switzerland's Three Killer
Peaks-In 10 Hours by Lauren Bernstein pg.148
February 1989
The World Comes to Vail- After 40 Year Absence the World
Championships Come Back to America by Charlie Meyers pg.27
World Championship Notebook- Forecasting the Favorites
Plus: Pat's Picks- Who'll Medal at Vail by Patrick Lang pg.32
Who's Who on the US Ski Team pg.34
Down to Business- Can the US Ski Team Come Back from the
Calgary Debacle? In Depth Look at What's Being Done
by Ed Pitoniak pg.37
Ski Team Stalag- The Most Gruelling Drycamp In History
by Tom Lippert pg.42
The Gold of Old- The Way It Was at America's Last World
Championships in 1950 Aspen by Martie Sterling pg.45
On Course- Dissection of the Downhill Courses. Plus: Foldout
Portrait of the Vail/ Beaver Creek Courses and the Challenges
Facing the Racers by Seth Masia pg.48
La Bomba: Encore Gold? Former Olympic Champ Takes a Candid
look At His Successor Alberto Tomba by Phil Mahre pg.58
A Vail Almanac- Local Minutia by Greg Trinker pg.60
Annie Gets Her Guns- A $70 Million Development Program Arms
the Queen of Quebec Skiing for Regal Times Ahead
by Dick Needham pg.73
Crystal Clear- Crystal Mt. by Michael Kiefer pg.106
Snowsnake Repellent- for All- Mountain, All- Condition Skiers
by Stu Campbell pg.62
Free Skiing pg.41
When It's Steep, Reach Deep pg.90
Save An Edge pg.96
Make a Hand/ Head Triangle in Moguls pg.101
Suction Turns for Mogul Control pg.111
Dear Sirs- Mailbag of Letters to a Ski Company- It Wishes Were
Never Delivered by Fred Clough pg.85
Hannes Schneider Arrives- A Golden Anniversary Remembrance
Plus: Mt. Cranmore 50 Years Later by L. Dana Gatlin pg.88
March 1989
The Kitz' Meow- Alpine Town by Abby Rand pg.24
An Old Fashioned Alta-Tude—Utah Ski Areas by Peter Shelton pg.94
Mini Clinic- Tips To Break Your Bump Slump, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.84
Lock Into A Better Arm Position pg.92
Cap'n Dole of the Ski Patrol- The Man Who Could Have Been Rudy
Vallee by Gretchen Besser pg.36
Bum's Rush- Kirk Westover May Be the Avatar of Every Skier's
Fantasy by Susan McCoy pg.65
Eay Slider- Hazy memories of Flower Power Skiing from a
Woodstock Generation Veteran by James Tabor pg.70
Making Tracks With...Ernie Blake- Tsar of Taos by Dick Needham pg.86
September 1989 Buyer's Guide-1990
New Boards for 'Boomers- High Performance Boards for the
Non-Racers by Seth Masia pg.37
SKI's Golden Rule for Ski Length by Seth Masia pg.38
In-Shop Inspection Checks by Seth Masia pg.58
What the Terms Mean by Seth Masia pg.84
Tried and True Return Like New- Boots by Jeff Rich
and Steve Cohen pg.151
In Search of Bigfoot- Boot Models for Big/ Little/ Wide/ Narrow
Feet by Jeff Rich pg.178
Moving Toward Mondopoint- Boot Sizing System by Jeff Rich pg.193
What the Terms Mean- Boots pg.194
Meet Your Feet- Heel To Toe Guide for Fitting by Jeff Rich pg.198
Fruits of Battle- Bindings by Seth Masia pg.207
What's for Din? Reference Chart to DIN Binding Release Values
for Your Weight and Ability pg.210
IDS: A Systems Approach- Tyrolia by Seth Masia pg.222
What the Terms Mean- Bindings pg.227
Saddle Up! Children's Gear by Christi Northrop pg.269
Buy, Swap, Rent, Lease or Borrow? Options for Kids When they
Outgrow their Gear by Christi Northrop pg.275
SKI's Golden Rule for Kid's Ski Length by Christi Northrop pg.280
Wild Things- New Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.115
Oh, the Shape You're In- What Exercise Won't Fix, the Right
Clothing Will by Susan McCoy pg.135
Get Pole-Arized- Poles by Eric Rothenberg pg.253
Holy Good Sights! Goggles by Eric Rothenberg pg.255
Hands Down Favorites- Gloves by Susan Rosenthal pg.262
Trouble Vision- Lens Protection and Glass vs. Polycarbonate
Lenses by Susan Rosenthal pg.266
Symbol System Gear Guide- For Ski, Boot and Bindings
by Ed Pitoniak pg.32
Big Year for the Board Bunch- Snowboarding Sleds, Shoes and
Slopes by Ed Pitoniak pg.94
The Great Bump and Grind, You Can Go Home Again Strip Trip-
Annual Ski Industry Trade Bash by Fred Clough pg.98
What Skiing Really Needs...Ski Products We'd Love to See, But
Probably Never Will by Jeff Blumenfeld pg.146
Pump You Up- Report on Ski Fitness Machines by Ed Pitoniak pg.228
October 1989
The Survey Says- SKI's Readers Tell Which North American
Resorts Are Tops by Reade Bailey pg.94
Regional Best- Rankings of the Top Weekend and Day Areas
in Your Region pg.107
Opening Daze- Diary of Opening Day at Six Western Ski Resorts
by Jeannie Patton pg.48
What Price Powder? Heliskiing and Directory of Heli-ski Services
by Peter Shelton pg.58
Fly or Drive: Weighing the Options- Time Advantages, Hassles
and Risks? by Gary Stoller pg.80
Best Bashes in Ski Country- Combing the Greatest Snow and Shows
on Earth by Lois Friedland pg.85
Stars and Secrets- European Ski Destinations, Ski Areas
by Lauren Bernstein pg.117
Ski Vacation Quickies- When You Have Only Three or Four Days
to Spare by Ken and Kathy Castle pg.175
Playing the Package Game- Ski Vacations by Sarah Hoff pg.189
Ski Lottery- What Would You Do With 100,000 Ski Dollars? pg.197
The Second Time Around- Mont Tremblant, Canada
by Martie Sterling pg.200
How Good Were the Good Old Days? by Charlie Meyers pg.212
When Your Skis Absolutely, Positively Have to Be There- Mailing
Your Gear by Charlie Meyers pg.82
(Cut Rate) Room at the Inn- Finance Tips by Gary Stoller pg.90
Room at the Top- New Ideas in Auto-top Ski Transportation
by Laura Ann Kamm pg.198
One Call Does It All- Booking Reservations by Susan Rosenthal and
Tonya Dakin pg.219
The Hidden Costs of Car Rental- The Money You Spend on CDW's,
LDW's and Ski Racks May Cover the Cost of a Multi Day
Lift Ticket by Gary Stoller pg.222
11 Easy Pieces- Skier Luggage by Susan McCoy pg.224
Bunk 'N' Biscuit- Bed and Breakfast Lodging by Katy Koontz pg.228
North or South? How Ski and Beach Vacations Compare by Cost
by Randy Johnson pg.230
Putting It All Together- List of Ski Tour Operators and Their
Destinations by Laura Ann Kamm pg.234
November 1989
Ski Across America- Ski Trip From Maine to California
by Andy Slough pg.84
The Ends of America- Hawaii and Alaska by Ken Castle pg.114
Big Sky's the Limit- Montana Resorts by Jeannie Patton pg.188
Busman's Holiday- Where Ski Area Bigwigs Would Ski if Their
Area Closed by Lois Friedland pg.220
Henry Higgins I Ain't- Could Vic Braden be Our Henry Higgins?
by Steve Cohen pg.77
Fear Factor II- How to Overcome Skiing Fears, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.161
Mini Clinic- Three Steps to Making Better Turns in Crud,
Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.218
The Turn Crew- Tests on 21 New Slalom Skis by Seth Masia pg.52
Instant Replay- Transforming Any Ski Outfit Into Many Looks
by Susan McCoy pg.192
The Road Handlers- Four Wheel Drive Vehicles by John Lamm pg.200
Front Comes Center- Front Entry Boots on the Rise
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.230
Bindings Bound to Please- by Seth Masia pg.254
Pros on the Go- Phil, Edvin, Ove by Peter Shelton pg.141
Purple Bangs and Fast Times at Incline High- NCSA Finals
by Laurel Hilde pg.155
SKIWEE: Just for Kids- Guide to SKIWEE Games pg.261
December 1989
The Ultimate Skiing Family- The Bednars by Al Race pg.106
Where Kids Ski Free- Where Kids Ski and Lodge for Free on Family
Vacations by Lois Friedland pg.115
Kids-Eye View- Skiing Sure Looks Different When You're Only
3 1/2 Feet Tall by John Alderson pg.118
Where Kids Are King- SKI's Children's Skiing Experts Rate
Ski Areas From Maine To Alaska by Christi Northrop pg.128
Kids Speak Out- About Skiing by Kathy Castle pg.152
The Hand-Me-Down Blues (and Reds and Neons)- Children's
Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.195
Shopping For a Kids Shop- Best Fit and Best Advice is Crucial to
Your Child's Enjoyment by Susan McCoy pg.195
Ski Adventures in Babysitting by Lois Friedland pg.245
Still Skiing Across America- American Ski Odyssey
by Andy Slough pg.46
Far East Feast- Five New Bowls at Vail, Colorado, Ski Areas
by Charlie Meyers pg.88
Fast Times on Baldy- Sun Valley's Quicker Transport, Earl Holding
by Seth Masia pg.196
The Last Great Unspoiled Resort- Grand Targhee
by Gordon Whiltsie pg.238
Light 'N' Lively- 20 Cruisers, Ski Report by Seth Masia pg.72
Where Have All the Buckles Gone? Boots, Plus:Ins and Outs of Boot
Canting by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.92
Small Wonders- Children's Clothing by Susan McCoy pg.146
The Road Handlers II- Four Wheel Drive Vehicles, Cars
by John Lamm pg.246
The Teenage Skiwolf- Technique, Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.156
Rearing a Ski Racer- Parenting a Young Ski Racer by Chip Woods pg.202
Move Up and Out, Not Just Up pg.59
Pour a Cool One pg.62
The Sierra Sombrero pg.80
Search for the Inside Edge pg.200
Twist on Trays pg.234
Cut the Humpback Down to Size pg.236
Great Women of the Great West- Roma, Edna and Rhoda-
Grandes Dames of Western Skiing by Susan Vreeland pg.219
Making Tracks With Stump and Company- Skiing's Hot New
Filmmaker and His Extreme Skiing Crew by James Tabor pg.228
January 1990 FutureSki
The Sprawl-American Ski Resort (In the Next Decade Expect
Expansion of Current Ski Areas, Not the Development of
New Resorts by Charlie Meyers pg.50
At Your Service- High-Tech Hospitality at Resorts
by Lois Friedland pg.54
You Can Get There From Here- in Some Miraculous Ways
Plus: The Comfort Zone by Ken Castle pg.62
Systems Approach- Look for Lighter Skis, Custom Molded Boots,
and Electronic Bindings all Designed to Work Together
Plus: Snowboarding: Brakes, Training Wheels and Charles
Lindbergh by Seth Masia pg.72
Wear and Dare- Ski Apparel, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.73
Yen and the Art of Ski Racing- Future Ski Competition May
Revolve Around the Dollar by Ed Pitoniak pg.78
Class Acts- Ski Instruction of the Future May Be Made to Order
by Stu Campbell pg.80
Into the Looking Glass- We Have Seen the Future and It Wears a
Familiar Face by Jeannie Patton Also: Ski Windham: Base
Lodge of the Future—Today? by Reade Bailey pg.84
The Heat Is On- Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect
Plus: Putting Out the Fire by Seth Masia pg.90
Those Hazy, Crazy Eighties- The Good, the Bad and the Rad from
the Decade Past by Steve Cohen pg.94
Eine Kleine Skimusik- Austria's Salzburg, Ski Areas
by Andrew Slough pg.104
The Park City Oscars- The US Film Festival by Robert Seidenberg pg.114
Four Faces of Summit County- Denver's Front Range Resorts,
Colorado Ski Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.186
Terrain and Technique- Become an All- Terrain Skier, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.172
All-Terrain All Stars- Report on All- Terrain Skis by Seth Masia pg.133
Home for the Holidays- Holiday Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.180
Doctor Shred- Father of Snowboarding Jake Burton by James Tabor pg.98
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.101
February 1990
To Russia With Skis- Soviet Skiing by Andrew Slough pg.34
Single in Sun Valley- Romance and Skiing by Jay Cowan pg.60
The Other Colorado- Ski Areas, Resorts, Travel by James Tabor pg.98
Bump Like the Big Boys- Mogul Skiing, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.93
Wonders For Women- Report on Women's Boots Plus: Cuff Fix-Its
for Narrow and Wide Calves by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.108
Take the Money and Race...Or Bump- The US Pro Ski Tour Surges
With a Million Dollar Bonus, European Races and...
Ingemar? by Reade Bailey pg.54
The Conductor- Boss of US Ski Racing Howard Peterson
by Ed Pitoniak pg.73
The Heroes of Winter Park- The US Disabled Ski Team World
Championships by Martie Sterling Plus: Winter Park
Turns 50 by Christi Northrop and Eric Rothenberg pg.78
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.65
March 1990
24 Hours on the Come- Reno Apres-Ski by James R. Petersen pg.43
Going Easy at Jackson Hole- It's Now Black and Blue, Ski Areas
by Charlie Meyers pg.77
A Wizened Warrior and His Wampum Transform Squaw- Once
a Victim of Alexander Cushing's Neglect, Squaw Valley May
Soon Be the Benefactors of His Greatest Visions, California
Ski Areas by Gordon Wiltsie pg.88
Tough Enough- Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.80
Ice Station Odyssey- In Search of a Seven Continent Ski Record
in Antarctica by Tom Hayes pg.28
Fiftysomething- All About "Seasoned" Skiers by Dick Needham pg.60
Where To Ski In Your Region- Ski Areas pg.57
September 1990 Buyer's Guide
And Now for Something Completely Different- Not Since the
Sixties Have Skis Yielded So Much That's Truly New
by Seth Masia pg.57
Skis: F.Y.I.-
Symbol System Gear Guide pg.52
The Big Carve pg.92
Who's Playing Your Tune? pg.100
Ski Tech pg.116
What the Terms Mean pg.125
A Refined Old Time- Boot Comfort, Fit and Performance
Get Renewed Emphasis by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.139
Boots: F.Y.I.-
Making the Size Switch pg.153
The Heat is On pg.159
Boot Tech pg.162
Retro-Flow pg.170
What the Terms Mean pg.183
Hues as News- Colorful Bindings by Seth Masia pg.197
Bindings: F.Y.I.-
What's For Din? pg.198
What the Terms Mean pg.207
A Time for Style- New Skiwear Looks for the Nineties, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.223
Skiwear: F.Y.I.-
Questions Asked Most About Skiwear pg.238
Flick Your Stick- How to Select Proper Length and Fit in Ski Poles
by Eric Rothenberg pg.242
Visible Means of Support- Ski Goggle Technology by Reade Bailey pg.248
Through the Looking Glasses- New Use Categories for Sunglass
Selection by Susan Rosenthal pg.252
Helping Hand- Questions Asked Most About Sizing and Selecting
Ski Gloves by Susan Rosenthal pg.256
When Kids Talk- New Children's Ski Gear by Christi Northrop pg.214
Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On- What Industry Consolidation Means
to You and Your Wallet by Ken Castle, Finance pg.45
SKI's Yellow Pages- Who, What, Where to Call For Your Ski
Questions by Eric Rothenberg pg.264
October 1990
Top of the Charts- SKI's Readers Choices for America's Best
Ski Resorts by Reade Bailey pg.56
Regional Best- Rankings of the Top Weekend and Day Areas
in Your Region pg.81
Europe's Stars and Secrets:
Italy: Cortina- On the Trail of Hemingway by Andrew Slough
Val Gardena- Gardena of Eden by Ken Castle pg.84
Venice: Gateway to the Dolomites pg.100
Austria: Lech by Charlie Meyers
Ischgl by Gordon Wiltsie pg.102
Switzerland: Zermatt- Shadow of the Matterhorn
by Lauren Bernstein
Villars- Bygone Charms Live On Today
by James Tabor pg.116
France: Alpe d'Huez- Island in the Sun by Kathy Kronick
Isola 2000- From Ski to Shining Sea
by Martie Sterling pg.132
Hot Hotels- A Holiday at the Inn Was Never Like This
by Kathy and Ken Castle, Lois Friedland, Bob Hollingsworth,
Jeannie Patton and Ed Pitoniak pg.144
Great Ski Towns for NonSkiers by Kathy Castle, Lois Friedland
and L. Dana Gatlin pg.161
The Jaded Skier- Dozens of Ski Country Diversions for the Jaded
Skier by Lauren Bernstein pg.178
The Great Ski Country Drives- Photographs of 670 Miles of the
Most Spectacular Parts of Ski Country by Brooks Dodge,
Alec Pytlowany, Rod Walker and Gordon Wiltsie pg.218
High Times, Low Rent- Can Meg Find Luxury at Flinty Cannon, NH?
Can Randy Pinch Pennies at Cushy Stratton, Vt.? Anything is
Possible by Meg Lukens and Randy Johnson pg.234
Travel Service
F.Y.I.- Deals and Discounts, Airline Travel Advice, Time
Saving Tips and Latest news from Ski Country
by Lauren Bernstein pg.41
One Call Does It All- For Skiers Who Want It All But Don't Want to
Arrange It Themselves, Call a One-Stop Shopping Number
by Julie Naughton, Travel, Vacation pg.228
Dream Merchants- Directory of Ski Vacation Packagers
by Julie Naughton pg.242
Poolside Attractions- Swimwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.154
No Net Loss of Wetlands- President Bush Endorses Times Mirror
Magazines' Drive to Preserve the Nation's Wetlands pg.36
Regional Bonus:
New Deals: Eastern Ski Areas are Realizing the Services they
Provide are as Important as the Facilities they Build
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.4E
Class Action: At Killington's Instructors School, Everyone is
Class Conscious by Susan Rosenthal pg.12E
Swap Till You Drop: Ski Swaps by James Tabor pg.19E
November 1990
The Artful Skier- Turn on Your Sensors and Tune in Your Senses
to a New Mountain Experience by Peter Shelton pg.42
10 Steps to a Better Ski Lesson- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.121
Less Edge= More Fun- Gates, Bumps and Easy Terrain
Technique by Stu Campbell pg.202
Salt Lake Smorgasbord- The Best of Utah, Travel, Ski Areas
by Lois Friedland pg.54
Maine Attraction- Sugarloaf Mountain, Ski Areas by L. Dana Gatlin pg.78
Topless to Bottomless- Alpine Meadows Weekend, Ski Areas
by Jeannie Patton pg.105
Skiing Safari- Big Terrain in France's Portes du Soleil
by Gordon Wiltsie, Ski Areas pg.158
Lone Star State Lassos the Lake- Can 660 Texas Ski Clubbers Find
Happiness in Tahoe? by L. Dana Gatlin Plus: Clubs that Ski
Religiously by Martie Sterling, And: A 1990-91 Ski Club Trip
Sampler pg.182
Turn It Up!- Slalom Skis Test, From Classic to Cutting Edge
by Seth Masia pg.86
Double Duty- Skiing's Flip Side, the Part that Makes a Ski Vacation
A Winter Vacation by Susan McCoy pg.110
Top Guns- Report on Boots, Muscle Boots by Jeff Rich
and Steve Cohen pg.136
The Boot Docters- by Jeff Rich pg.152
Ski- Better Bindings- Report by Seth Masia pg.170
Tough Enough- Four Wheel Drive Vehicles, Cars by John Lamm pg.204
Children of Paradise- Aspen's Children of the Sixties by Jay Cowan pg.70
Regional Bonus:
Sweet Dreams- Massachusetts Ski Hill and Inner City Kids
by Eric Rothenberg pg.1E
Lessons in the Fast Lane- Mount Snow Workshops
by Reade Bailey pg.10E
Burke to the Future- Vermont Ski Area by James Tabor pg.16E
Good Eats- Dining Out In Ski Country pg.22E
and pg.35E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.28E
His Business is Fun- Steve Lathrop by Meg Lukens pg.29E
NASTAR Notes- 1989-90 Lite NASTAR Finals pg.36E
December 1990
When Price Is the Object- Expensive Skiwear, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.92
Dressing for Success- A Seven Month Ski Expedition Across
Antarctica Gives New Meaning to the Term "Dress for
Success" by Susan McCoy pg.102
The Wild Bunch- Test Report on 23 Designer Favorite Skis
by Seth Masia pg.104
Ladies' Choice- New Women's Boots by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.176
The Brawlers- Luxury Four Wheel Drive Vehicles, Cars
by John Lamm pg.244
Love At 30- Something- Skier Andy Mill and Tennis Queen
Chris Evert by Charlie Meyers pg.42
The Chill Is Gone- Reliving the Teenage Memories and Encounters
of a First Ski Trip by Andrew Slough pg.64
Ski Country Beer Test- Great New Ski Beers Are Being Brewed
by Ed Pitoniak pg.133
Mastering the Masters- Reporter Attempts Masters Racing
by Seth Masia pg.230
The Ski Town Art Mart- Primer to Buying and Browsing Ski
Country Art by Ed Pitoniak pg.236
Is Skiing for Real?- A Counter- Culturist Complains that Skiing
Isn't From this World by Ray Davis pg.288
Life Is a Carnival! Stowe, Vermont in January by Andrew Slough pg.81
France's 5 Ring Circus- Guide to the 1992 Winter Olympics
by Andrew Slough pg.152
Stellar Attraction- Northstar-at-Tahoe, California Earns Star Status
With Skiing Families by Seth Masia pg.223
The Best Ski Pointers of All Time- Tips from the Past that Can
Work for You Today by Stu Campbell pg.54
The Way Women Ski by Stu Campbell pg.188
Regional Bonus:
News Watch- Ski People, Events pg.1E
Little Big Valley- Holiday Valley, New York, Ski Areas
by Terry Shearn pg.2E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.7E
and pg.27E
Good Eats- Dining out In Ski Country pg.7E & 36E
She Does It Her Way- Betsy Pratt and Mad River Glen
by James Tabor pg.8E
The Night Stuff by Al Race pg.18E
Massanutten Makes Its Move- Virginia Ski Area
by Randy Johnson pg.29E
January 1991
Addiction Deer Valley, Ski Areas by Lauren Berstein pg.46
Bittersweet Sugarbush- Victim of Turnstile Management Rebounds
with Renewed Vision by Al Race pg.64
Idaho's 'Other' Experience- Schweitzer, Ski Areas
by Robert Seidenberg pg.174
A Ski Country Christmas- Holiday Photo Album by Martie Sterling pg.33
Haaaa-Irs Plake!- Cliff Jumping Glen Plake by Andrew Slough pg.54
Skis for the Steep and Deep- Report on Powder Skis by Seth Masia pg.82
Boot Buffet- Beginner and Intermediate Models Report
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.112
Red Alert- Christmas Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.166
Debunking Powder Myths- by Stu Campbell pg.109
Six Days in Alpine Hell- Le Grand Defi and Powder Purgatory
by Andrew Slough pg.141
A Conservation Agenda for the Outdoors- How You Can Make Your
Voice Heard pg.17
Regional Bonus:
89 and Skiing Fine- Lloyd Lambert profile by L. Dana Gatlin pg.1E
Base Hit- Ski Windham, New York Ski Areas
by Eric Rothenberg pg.4E
Meister Madness- Stowe, Vermont's Wintermeister Challenge
by Jan Reynolds pg.10E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.16E
Nightscene- Apres-Ski pg.17E
Newswatch pg.17E
Catskill's Meow- Plattekill Mountain Ski Bowl
by Greg Brown pg.20E
February 1991
A Championship Season- The Nineties Will Be A Decade of Great
Ski Events pg.34
Alpine: A Saalbach Circus- World Class Show by James Tabor pg.36
Freestyle: Bump and Grind in Lake Placid- by Reade Bailey pg.46
The Richest People in Skiing- 23 US Entrepreneurs Who Made
Their Favorite Pastime Pay Off by Dan Rottenberg pg.60
Dream Team- by James Tabor pg.80
Benevolently B.C.- Canada Ski Areas by Gordon Wiltsie pg.72
The Big Ticket- Keystone, Colorado, Ski Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.94
Natural Alternatives- Parkas, Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.88
Snap to Attention Between Turns, Peel the Banana From
the Top pg.56
Building Explosive Power and Angulation Turns pg.84
Regional Bonus:
SKI Magazine's Family Vacation by Steve Cohen pg.1E
Racing for Christa- Waterville Valley Cause
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.11E
March 1991
First Families- Six Famous Families and How they Grew Through
Skiing by Dick Needham pg.35
Gimme a Break! College Students' Ski Trip pg.68
Takeoff at Telluride- Willa Sleepy Colorado Mountain Town
become America's Largest Ski Resort? by Charlie Meyers pg.57
The Powder Hounds- Powder- Proof Wraps, Fashion, Skiwear
by Susan McCoy pg.82
Mini Clinic- How to Ski Like a World Cup Coach, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.64
The Tell-Tale Stick pg.94
April 1991
Beginner's Guide to Bend- Oregon Sports Eden by Steve Cohen pg.18
Making Tracks with Klaus Obermeyer- Skiwear Mogul
by Meg Lukens pg.31
SKI's 1991 Ski Bum of the Year- Killington 'Shredhead'
Linda Seader by Susan McCoy pg.37
Behind the Scenes at Saalbach by Dick Needham pg.42
The Up & Comers- Next Year's Gear by Seth Masia pg.44
Backcountry Boutique- Colorado's Berthoud Pass, Skiing with a
Safety Net by Lois Friedland and Charlie Meyers pg.65
Americanskis Take on Eastern Europe- Ski Resorts, Apres-Ski
by Martie Sterling pg.68
Closing Daze- Late Season Skiing in the Rockies, Colorado Ski
Areas by Jeannie Patton pg.74
Mini Clinic- Gliding on Skis is the Key to Smoother Turns,
Instruction, Technique by Stu Campbell pg.94
Environmental Quality: Your Role- Michael Deland, Chairman
of the Council on Environmental Quality Challenges us to
Become "Nature's Advocates" pg.10
September 1991 (Annual Buyer's Guide)
Brining In the Sheaths- Caps, 'Coques, Sheaths, Internal Damping,
Faster Bases and Budget Performance Skis- New for '92
by Seth Masia pg.55
Skis: F.Y.I.- What the Terms Mean pg.88
Questions You Ask pg.101
The Evolutionary War- A Series of Small Developments Have
Created a Revolution in Ski Boot Fit and Performance
by Jeff Rich with Eric Rothenberg and Steve Cohen pg.104
Boots: F.Y.I.- What the Terms Mean pg.142
Home Rx for Boot Maladies pg.146
Questions You Ask pg.150
Sole Issue- Flexible Bindings by Seth Masia pg.219
Bindings: F.Y.I.- Questions You Ask pg.222
What the Terms Mean pg.226
Mountain Savvy, City Style- Parkas, Skiwear, Fashion
by Susan McCoy pg.188
Hangtag 101- Quick- Reference Quide to Skiwear Technology pg.204
Wheel Life- Inside the World of In-Line Skating pg.228
Mind Goggling- Stylish, No-Fog Goggles by Eric Rothenberg pg.256
Glove Affair- by Eric Rothenberg pg.262
Glass Action- Eyeglasses for All Fun in the Sun
by Eric Rothenberg pg.268
Pole Position- Eight Pairs on Review by Eric Rothenberg pg.272
No Kidding Around- Shopping For Junior's Gear
by Christi Northrop pg.243
Head Master of the Metal Ski- A Remembrance of Howard Head
by Christina L. Wray pg.45
A Rocky Road for Skiing- Bad Skiing Weather and Financial
Doldrums Have Been Harmful to Ski Equipment and Skiwear
Manufacturers but Are Helpful to the Buyer this Season
by Marianne Bhonslay pg.50
The History Boards- The SKI Test Team Test Drives the All-Time
Breakthrough Skis by Seth Masia pg.92
Skiing By the Numbers- Statistical Look at What We Buy and How
We Ski by Steve Cohen pg.152
Lazy Skier's Guide to Home Maintenance- Sqeezing More Mileage
From Your Gear by Seth Masia, Susan McCoy and Jeff Rich pg.157
Is Your Gear a Candidate for Divorce?- Incompatible Skis and Boots
Can Ruin Your Skiingby Seth Masia pg.181
Skiing's 6 Most Common Hangups- and Why they Might Not Be
Your Fault by Doud Buteux pg.218
October 1991 (Ski Vacation Planner)
Chart Toppers- Reader's Picks of Top North American Resorts
by Reade Bailey pg.44
Europe's Fabulous Four: In Every Alpine Country, One Resort
Captures the Essence of the Nation the Best pg.183
Wengen, Switzerland- The Village Where Ski Racing Was
Born by Charlie Meyers pg.184
Courmayeur, Italy- by Andrew Slough pg.192
Val D'Isere, France by Lauren Bernstein pg.200
St. Anton, Austria- by Dick Needham pg.208
America's Best Ski Runs- by Lauren Berstein pg.81
All For the Family- Family Ski Lodges by Peter Shelton pg.90
Jaded Skier- Some Extraordinary Adventures for the Burned Out
Skier by Lauren Berstein pg.101
The Vanishing Lift Ticket- May Become Extinct by L. Dana Gatlin pg.142
Tales of the Trail- How Weirdly Named Trails Got Their Names
by Katy Koontz pg.158
FYI- Deals and Discounts, Airline Travel Advice, and Time-Saving
Tips by Lauren Bernstein pg.69
Dream Merchants- Directory of Ski Vacation Packagers
by Betty Escorcia pg.229
One Call Does It All- Resorts by Betty Escorcia pg.241
Paper Recycling: Fact from Fiction- A Call for Education on a
Potential Environmental Problem pg.41
November 1991
92 Greatest Ski Bargains for '92- by Lois Friedland pg.39
What's the Weather?- How Forecasters Predict and Mis-Predict the
Winter Weather by Elbert Friday, Ph.D. pg.119
The Greatest Lift on Earth- Chamonix's Aiguille du Midi Tram
by Andrew Slough pg.182
Road Warrior- A Traveling Ski Rep's Life by Andrew Slough pg.208
Summit County Toughens Up- Breckenridge, Copper and Keystone
Colorado, Ski Areas by James Tabor pg.94
The Modernization of Mt. Snow- Fountain Mountain and Sky Car
by Meg Lukens pg.124
Sunshine, You Are My Sunshine- Alberta's Sunshine Village,
Canada Ski Areas by Charlie Meyers pg.138
The All-Terrain Gang- Report on Skis by Seth Masia pg.60
The Pricebusters!- Report on 13 Boot Models That are Easy on the
Wallet by Jeff Rich, Eric Rothenberg and Steve Cohen pg.80
Bindings For The Way You Ski by Sth Masia pg.130
4's With More- Report on Skier Friendly Four Wheel Drive
Vehicles by John Lamm pg.154
Holiday in Vermont- Stratton, Vt. Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.200
How the World Turns- Interski, SKi Teaching, Descends on
St. Anton by James Tabor pg.192
Regional Bonus:
Stately Promise- Gore Mountain, New York by Greg Brown pg.1E
Members Only- Ski Areas Where Everyone's Welcome to Join
by Ed Pitoniak pg.10E
Good Eats- Ski Country's Great Restaurants pg.14E
Feeding the Fever- New England's Culinary Institute's on
and off the Slopes by Sandy MacDonald pg.35E
Can Do Lady of Cranmore- Marilyn Miller Who Runs Mt.
Cranmore, New Hampshire by L. Dana Gatlin pg.40E
December 1991
Quick Sticks- Report on 22 New Slalom Skis by Seth Masia pg.84
4's with More:II- Report on Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles
by John Lamm pg.136
Rack Attack- Multi Sport Rack Systems, Car Racks
by Christina L. Wray pg.152
Doubling Up- Expert Boots by Jeff Rich pg.181
Tundra!- Glacier Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.218
Romance in Ski Country- SKI's Recipes for Romance
by Martie Sterling pg.47
Rules of the Road- Rules that Make Skiing Safer and More Fun
for Everyone by Stu Campbell pg.75
Seattle-America's Skiingest City by Gordon Wiltsie pg.58
Yu-Zaw-A!- The Ski Areas of the 21st Century is in Japan
by Ken Castle pg.108
Squaw Without Reservation- Squaw Valley Resort, California Ski
Areas by Andrew Slough pg.126
The Beav Bags Grouse- Grouse Mtn. and Beaver Creek, Ski Areas
by Jay Cowan pg.239
A Season Long Lesson- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.156
NASTAR: A Skier's Guide to Fun '92 pg.197
Regional Bonus:
Sunday Punch- Maine's Sunday River Ski Resort pg.1E
Good Eats- Ski Country's Best Restaurants pg.14E
Family Matters- At Vermont's Jay Peak, Kids Ski for Free
by Jim Tabor pg.16E
T To the J-Bar- Boston's Blue Hills Ski Area
by David Goodman pg.30E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.40E
January 1992
Images- 7 Top Photographers' Fantastic Images pg.37
His Business Is Your Fun- USIA President David Ingemie
by James Tabor pg.93
Where Have All the New Ski Resorts Gone? It's Been More than a
Decade Since a Major US Ski Area Has Been Built. Here's
Why by Seth Masia pg.129
For Those Who Like To Smoke- Test Report on 22 GS Skis
by Seth Masia pg.50
Step Down- All-Terrain Boots and Tips for Cold Feet by Jeff Rich
and Steve Cohen pg.146
High Voltage!- Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.140
Twin Perks- Whistler and Blackcomb, Ski Areas by Jeannie Patton pg.66
Taos is a State of Mind- Ski Areas by Lauren Bernstein pg.98
A Skeptic's Guide to Killington- Vermont Ski Areas by Al Race pg.161
The Season Long Lesson: Part II- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.85
Violating the Public Trust- Uses and Abuses of Public Resources;
Where They Occur and How to Take Action, Conservation,
Environment pg.19
Regional Bonus:
Talk of the Townships- Quebec's Eastern Townships: Bromont,
Owl's Head, Orfordand Sutton by Andrew Slough pg.1E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.11E
Ol' Reliable- Attitash, New Hampshire by Meg Lukens pg.12E
February 1992
Savoie Flair!- Albertville and Alberto Tomba pg.34
And the Winners Will Be... SKI's Picks for Honors at Albertville
by Daniel Green pg.37
Ready to Rumble- The American Women's Racing Team
by Peter Shelton pg.42
The Wild Ones- Albertville's Downhills Will Be the Most Demanding
Olympic Courses Ever by Seth Masia pg.50
Full Medal Jacket- Mogul Skiing's Medal Debut by Reade Bailey pg.56
The Fast Track- Speed Skiing is Now Part of the Olympic
Establishment by Peter Shelton pg.60
King Killy and the Revolution- For France, 1968 was the Best of
Times and the Worst of Times by Seth Masia pg.67
The Video Games- Olympic Television Coverage by Daniel Green pg.76
Big League Prospect- Changes at Solitude, Utah, Ski Areas
by Seth Masia pg.78
Mining Silver- New Ski Area in Idaho's Panhandle by Ken Castle pg.108
The Season Long Lesson- Part III— Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.99
The Breakers- Fun Ski Ties, Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.104
Regional Bonus:
Over the Hump- Camelback, Pennsylvania, Poconos Ski Areas
by Dick Needham pg.1E
The Games Skiers Play- Games of Winter by Eric Rothenberg pg.10E
Good Eats- Top Restaurants in Ski Country pg.15E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.16E
March 1992
High-Tech Snow- Snowmaking and Grooming by Steve Cohen pg.28
Boot Doctors II- Cure for Aching Feet by Jeff Rich pg.48
The Season Long Lesson- Part IV- Get Away from the Hill to Make
Better Turns, Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.60
Urban Cowgirl- A Touch of the Real West by Kathy L. Kronick pg.40
Big is Better in Montana- The Big Mountain by Gordon Wiltsie
Ski Areas pg.52
Big Little Buck- Erich Sailer and Buck Hill, Minnesota, Ski Areas
by Reade Bailey pg.70
April 1992
The Greatest Show on Snow- A Reporter's Diary of the Albertville
Games by Peter Shelton and Daniel Green pg.25
Chewman: 40 and Still Freedogging- Mike Chew, SKI's Ski Bum
of the Year by Susan McCoy pg.55
Life At The Top- Vail Citizens, Colorado by Reade Bailey pg.70
¡Vamonos!- Chile and Argentina Ski Areas by Seth Masia pg.34
7 Countries in 7 Days- European Skiing by Tal Newhart pg.60
Through the Looking Glass- A Preview of Ski Gear for 1993
by Seth Masia and Jeff Rich pg.42
Voting for the Environment- Your Answers to the Opinion Poll Tell
if the Environment will Be An Important Issue at the Polls pg.6
September 1992 (Annual Buyer's Guide)
Less Is More- Ski Factories Take a Technology Breather and Look
Back to the Future for Affordable Ski Designs by Seth Masia pg.61
Reports on 71 Ski Models of 1993 pg.64
Golden Rule for Selecting Ski Length pg.62
Why Some Skis Are Name-Deep Only pg.94
What the Terms Mean- Ski Glossary and Brief Course on How Skis
Are Made pg.96
How Do You Make A Fat Ski Float?- New, Wide Skis by Seth Masia pg.104
Who Cut the G's?- Ski Companies Are Taking the G Out of Giant
Slalom Skis, Now Posing as Recreational Skis. Test Results on
19 Fast, Versatile Skis by Seth Masia pg.118
Front and Center- Rear Entry Boots Give Way to Overlaps and
Hybrids by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.137
Reports on 1993 Boots pg.143
Test Team's Favorite Boots pg.138
Boots For Big and Little Feet pg.142
Making Sense of Boot Sizing pg.148
What the Terms Mean- Boot Glossary and How Boots Are Made pg.169
Custom Fit Innerboots Come of Age pg.172
Step Up to the Plate- Marker's New Selective Control Binding
by Seth Masia pg.225
What the Terms Mean pg.232
Northern Exposure- Back to Basics with Montana Backdrop
by Susan McCoy pg.197
Cold Shoulders- For Women Skiers, Padding Shoulders is the 90's
Equivalent to Bra-Stuffing by Jessica Maxwell pg.216
Perfect Union- Long Underwear by Susan McCoy pg.222
Thin Is In- Ski Poles by Christina L. Wray pg.241
A Far Sight Better- Goggles by Reade Bailey pg.247
Designs on Warmth- Gloves with Heat Packs by Christina L. Wray pg.253
Specs Appeal- Retro Sunglasses by Reade Bailey pg.257
Junior Gear:
Through the Junior Jungle- Buying Kid's Gear by Christi Northrop pg.263
Kid's Skis Test Results and Report on Gear for 1993 pg.263
1993 Buying Report- Gear and Apparel Prices are Enticing
by Maryanne Bhonslay pg.49
How SKIll-ful Are You?- SKI's SKIll Level Rankings Will Help
You Get the Right Gear and Instruction for Your Ability
by Daniel Green and Steve Cohen pg.56
The Color Purple- Ski Equipment Marketers by Daniel Rosenbaum pg.132
Satisfaction Guaranteed- Ski Companies Stand Behind their Products
by Steve Cohen pg.236
October 1992
America's Top 40- Results of the Fourth Annual Reader's Poll
Ski Resorts by Reade Bailey pg.44
Ranking the Resorts- Categorical Results of N. America's Top
Resorts, Ski Areas pg.64
Skiing the Cradle of Civilization- Israel, Greece and Rome
Roman Holiday- Terminillo by Lauren Bernstein pg.116
Life and Times in the Promised Land- Mt. Hermon
by Tal Newhart pg.120
Apollo, On Your Right- Parnassus by Ken Castle pg.124
The Best Runs You Never Heard Of- Ski Areas by Lauren Bernstein pg.144
93 Dirt Cheap Bargains for '93- Travel/ Resort Deals
by Lois Friedland pg.157
Rooms At the Top- Ski Country Hotels by Lois Friedland pg.193
The Jaded Skier- Off-The-Beaten-Track Vacation Experiences
by Andrea Rosengarten pg.222
Jacket Required, Skiing Optional- The Palace Hotel in St. Moritz,
Switzerland by Tal Newhart pg.236
FYI- Advice on:
Using Frequent Flyer Miles, Ski Photos Like a Pro, Renting
Skiwear, Gambling Spots in Ski Country, Beating Hidden
Hotel Charges, Bonus: Gossip by Andrea Rosengarten pg.90
One-Stop Shopping- Directory of Ski Resort Hotlines
by Bernadette Russelman and Betty Escorcia pg.217
Packing It In- New Cargo Bags and Packing Tips by Susan McCoy pg.234
Glen Plake's Honeymoon Across America- To 50 of America's
Smallest Ski Areas by Andrew Slough pg.68
Best of the East- Reader Resort Poll by Reade Bailey pg.2E
Good Eats- Top Restaurants in Ski Country pg.11E
Handling With Care- 62 Year Old Audie Mullings, Ski
Patroller by Charlie Meyers pg.12E
Senior Spirit- Elder Skiing Adventures by David Goodman pg.26E
A Skier's Journal- Me and Dad and a Time Forgotten pg.38
Ski Life- Sex Hits Chairlifts, Aspen Really Turns Hollywood,
Sushi Lures 'em to Hunter pg.31
My Turns- Return to the Slopes After 10 Years pg.42
In Review- Warren Miller's "Steeper and Deeper" pg.220
Last Run- Fitness Plan for Couch Potatoes pg.255
Natural Resources: Can They Be Saved?- Results of Survey Identify
the "Hot Buttons" of Environmental Debate and Americans'
Attitudes Toward Government Spending, Pollution and
Public Resources pg.21
November 1992
Mottster Haunts Stairway to Heavenly!- Heavenly Valley's Mott
Canyon, Ski Areas by Robert Seidenberg pg.52
Aspen Wants Real Skiers Back- Attracting More Bodies and Less
Bodyguards, Colorado by Charlie Meyers pg.185
Foot-Deep and Footlights- Robert Redford, The Great White Way
Comes to Sundance, Utah, Celebrities by Andrew Slough pg.232
Top Secrets: What Really Works in Bumps- Donna Weinbrecht,
Wayne Wong, Nelson Carmichael and others' Tips for
Mastering Moguls by Daniel Green pg.97
SKI's SKIll Level Rankings- Equipment Reviews and Instruction
Tips pg.106
A Dying Breed?- Extreme Skiers' Deaths- Risk Junkies' Faults or
Have High Dollar Sponsorships Turned Extreme skiing into
a Deathtrap? by Andrew Slough pg.128
When America's Skiers Went to War- 50th Anniversary Photo Salute
to the Tenth Mountain Division by Flint Whitlock pg.144
Big White Lies- 29 Untruths About Skiing Edited by Lisa Gosseli pg.154
What's the Big Deal?- Big Value Skis by Seth Masia pg.66
Watch Out Below!- Even the Best Skiers Don't Always Need Top
Model Boots by Jeff Rich pg.166
Get Fleeced- Fleece Skiwear, Fashion by Susan McCoy pg.192
Tough Enough- Four Wheel Drive Utility Vehicles, Also: Winter
Driving's 7 Deadly Sins by Allen St. John pg.208
Racing for the Ceramic Pig- Central New York's College Ski
Clubs by Paul Hochman pg.1E
A Notch Above- New Hampshire's Bretton Woods, Ski Areas
by Bernadette Russelman pg.14E
Choice Lodgings- SKI's Picks pg.22E
Good Eats- Top Restaurants in Ski Country pg.22E
It's Mueller Time- Tim and Diane Mueller, Okemo Mountain
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.24E
Beginner's Luck- Beginner's Can Learn to Ski For Free, or
at Reduced Rates by Bernadette Russelman pg.32E
Talk(er) of the Town- Owner of What Many Think is Ski
Country's Greatest Saloon, Shamus O'Toole
by Randy Wyrick pg.34E
Ski Life- Bad Weather Ravages Ski Country, Prodigy
Launches Computer Ski Network, A Mouse-Ski-Teer
Goes Skiing pg.27
Your Turns- Bad Ski Behavior pg.40
Outside Edge- Killy on Helicopter Skids pg.44
My Town: Sun Valley- A Californian's Flight of Fancy
Turned into a Lifetime of Deep Idaho Roots pg.200
Spotlight: Roy Toma- Creator of Electronic Skiwear, Fashion pg.242
December 1992
Black and Blue Adventures:
On Top of the World- Ski Trek Across the Alps
by Gordon Wiltsie pg.48
Going to Extreme- Four American Brothers Who Ski Off
Cliffs by Reade Bailey pg.62
Sort of Safe at Any Speed- Speed Skiing by Daniel Green pg.73
Back to Basics- California's Alpine Skills Institute
by Seth Masia pg.76
Encore, Tremblant- Under New Stewardship May Be More Glorius
Than Early Days by Al Race pg.110
Why Vail Is No.1- Colorado by Jeannie Patton pg.180
The Roughnecks- Mogul and Extreme Skis by Seth Masia pg.122
Fashion: The Young Riders- The Snowboarder Look
by Susan McCoy pg.174
Get Up, Stand Up- New Hybrid Boots With Stand-Up Cuffs
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.225
Action Traction- All Wheel Drive Vehicles, Four Wheel Drive
by John Lamm pg.238
Snow Reports: Does Truth Take A Powder? Ski Condition Reporting
by L. Dana Gatlin pg.99
A Moveable Feat- Skiing By RV byTom Bezzi pg.140
Foreign Invasion:
The British Are Coming!- English Family's Annual Ski
Vacations in Aspen by by Jay Cowan pg.207
South of the Border By Way of Vail- Mexican Skiers in
Colorado by Randy Wyrick pg.210
Far East Meets West in Tahoe- Japanese at Lake Tahoe
by Ken Castle pg.212
What Really Works on the Steeps- Extreme Skiers, Racers and
Instructors Share Tips Edited by Daniel Green pg.163
Good Skiers Get All the Brakes- Instruction by Stu Campbell pg.262
The New Stowe- New Makeover by David Goodman pg.2E
Ober What?- Tennessee's Only Ski Area by Katy Koontz pg.15E
White Nights in Massachusetts- Night Skiing at Jiminy Peak
by Christina L. Wray pg.23E
Calendar- Guide to Ski Country by Wendi Black and
Lisa Gosselin pg.29E
The Fabulous Slutzky Brothers- Izzy and Orville Slutzky of
Hunter Mountain, New York, Catskills' Ski Areas
by Jon Bowermaster pg.30E
Ski Life- Pay As You Ski Lift Tickets, Ski Country's Top
Radio Stations, Freestyle's Heyday Recaptured,
Snowboarding, Aspen's Ultimate Insult pg.21
Going Places- Telluride's New Winter Music Series, Innsbruck's
Alpine Zoo, Extreme Skiing See and Ski at Crested
Butte pg.40
Outside Edge- The Mountain that Walt Built pg.266
Spotlight: Molly Strong, Footwear Designer pg.272
January 1993
Wild Women- Four Who Live on the Edge pg.37
Queen of Extreme- Kristen Ulmer by Reade Bailey pg.38
Life on the Edge- Jan Reynolds (Skied Mt. Everest)
by Meg Lukens pg.39
Breaking Rank- Helene Steiner, the First Female Austrian
Mountain Guide by Reade Bailey pg.41
Speed Diva- Melissa Dimino-Simons, First Woman to Break
200 KPH on Skis by Laurel Hilde pg.42
The 100 Greatest Things That Ever Happened to Skiing
by Susan McCoy pg.84
Manhattan Transfer- New Yorkers Who Moved to Colorado's
Summit County by Randy Wyrick pg.104
Teton Two Step- Wyoming Ski Areas by Lauren Bernstein pg.48
Missing Link- Parsenn Bowl, Winter Park, Colorado by Jay Cowan pg.129
Bon Appetit!- France's Haute Savoie, Cuisine, Ski Areas
by Charlie Meyers pg.156
Trying Times for New Skis- Step by Step Program for Trying Skis
by Seth Masia pg.77
It's No Small Feat- Finding Good Boots for Little Feet
by Jeff Rich and Steve Cohen pg.132
Getting Adjusted- Marker and Ess Bindings that Can Alter a Ski's
Performance, Breakthrough or Gadget? by Seth Masia pg.153
Top Secrets:What Really Works on Ice- World's Top Racers and
Instructors Tell How Edited by Daniel Green pg.94
Don't Play By the Rules!- Shortcuts to Better Skiing, Instruction
by Stu Campbell pg.124
No Cheating, Just Kidding- Billy Kidd's Steamboat Ski Camps
by Dick Needham pg.126
What's Wrong with Ski Racing?- by Charlie Meyers pg.114
Ski Life- Listening for Avalanches, Tomba Takes Manhattan,
Rocket Scientist Makes Groovy Edges, Massachusetts
Man Builds Own Ski Area pg.17
My Town: Jackson, New Hampshire pg.28
Wildcat Therapy- For Cancer Stricken Kids- A Weekend at
Wildcat, New Hampshire by Martin Basch pg.3E
Mount Eclectic- New Whitetail, Pennsylvania Ski Area
by Allen St. John pg.12E
Allegheny Getaway- Snowshoe and Silver Creek,
West Virginia by Reade Bailey pg.22E
February 1993
Here Come the Worlds- Things We Know About This Year's
World Alpine Championships in Morioka, Japan
by Daniel Green and Bill Scott pg.25
Alberto Tomba, King of the Slopes- Life and Times of "La Bomba"
by Bob Eckstein pg.28
To the Top, the AJ Way- Interview with AJ Kitt, Downhill Dynamo
by Daniel Green pg.32
Norwegian Would- Lillehammer's Can Do Spirit, 1994 Olympic Site
by Andrew Slough pg.38
Jasper, the Friendly Host- Marmot Basin and Jasper, Alberta
by Lois Friedland pg.42
Gliders of the Storm- Photo Essay in the Eye of the Storm
by Peter Shelton pg.50
Stormy Weather- Storm Gear, Skiwear by Susan McCoy pg.60
Here's Looking Through You- First Ever Goggle Test
by Reade Bailey pg.67
Top Secrets: What Really Works In Powder- Top Skiers' Tips
Edited by Daniel Green Also: SKIll Rankings- What pg.73
Equipment and Instruction Tips Are Right For You pg.81
March/ April 1993
Crested Beauty- Colorado's Crested Butte, Ski Areas
by Jeannie Patton pg.32
Mountains With Seoul- Korean Ski Caper by Ken Castle pg.50
Nightmare on Elm Strasse- 7 Tales of Downhill Terror
by Seth Masia pg.42
Snow Junkie- Russ Klein, Ski Bum Classic by Susan McCoy pg.65
Tossing and Turning- March in Arizona by Steve Cohen pg.70
Ski Life- Grueling Alpine Ski Races, A 750 MPH Chairlift? pg.13
Outside Edge- How Parachute shrouds and Koogie Ties Launched
Two Ski Careers pg.28
Last Run- Skiing in a Disney Movie from Hell pg.84
In Search of Balance- Can the Economy and the Environment
Comfortably Coexist? pg.11
This is a test.